The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

This Chimera Ant arc is exactly how I thought HxH was goign to be when I got in to it.
Actually hunting. Hulu stops it right as it's getting good now I gotta find where to watch. I'm usually a Manga guy over anime. but now im invested
They gave me my weakness.
Long white hair character.
I 've loved just about all I've ever seen.
Shin Natsume (tenjo tenge)
squalo (hitman reborn)


But yeah, glad you're liking the Chimera Ant arc. It's long as F$%K and is super dry at times but I'm not sure there has been any other show that has provided a deeper emotional payoff for me than this arc.

Not even mad that you don't like Gon - I personally like his character but I know a ton of people who have other favorites in the show and I completely get it. The thing I like about Gon is his purity - which doesn't necessarily mean good. Zepile (the forgery dude) nails it when he says Gon is dangerous in that he's a pure vessel - when he was learning about forgeries from Zepile, he didn't view Zepile negatively for doing something deceitful or have other misgivings, he was solely curious about how it worked. Gon's morality is actually the subject of a lot of conversation - while he mostly comes off as your boilerplate shounen protagonist, you can see the nuances in his personality throughout the series: his selfishness when he refuses to give up vs. Hanzo but doesn't want Hanzo to give up either, learning how to forge from Zepile, becoming best friends with a former assassin who has killed many innocent people, his forgiveness of Binolt, his willingness to ruin Killua's hands during the volleyball game, etc. He's not a bad person but he's also not strictly a good person, he follows his own (simple and extremely subjective) moral code. That gets more fully-fleshed out throughout the next arc and it's super interesting when you consider it as being a real "revealing" of his personality rather than actual development / growth.

On your point around things just "happening" in HxH, it's one of the reasons I love the story man. Togashi really understands that there are a TON of characters, factions, political regimes etc. in the world and that sometimes all of those things coalesce into really interesting moments / environments. This leads to insane situations like the position the manga is currently in where he has to juggle a ridiculous number of parties, their motivations, intelligence and how cause and effect will play throughout that topography. This results in some of the crazy reading that people have commented on in this thread, but I also think his ability to write under such restrictions solidifies him as a genius.

Anyways, glad you're making your way through and keep us updated on your thoughts!

MHA is dope
i didnt like killua's needke in the brain thing cuz i never seen him hesitate that much to the point that he was crippled. he knew the phantom troupe were stronger and didnt run away from them... but the needle was making him run away from the ants? smh... such an *** pull tbh
MHA is dope

[QUOTE{= when he was learning about forgeries from Zepile, he didn't view Zepile negatively for doing something deceitful or have other misgivings][/QUOTE]
Funny because I just finished this episode before coming g to this thread. I liked that guys explanation of gon as well. Kurapika really surprised me but like damn how did he become such a beast in that short a time span after learning nen to be able to take down the wolverine phantom troupe guy.
Despite his weird sexual desires I think hisoka def one of my fav characters even if he is an antagonist(or is he) but he seems really well written and I’ve liked every scene he’s been in, except where he’s exPlaining to the chick how he beat the guy in the aren fight, that was corny. But Killua def my fav guy my jaw was wide open when he pulled dudes heart out of his chest. And I liked when he pulled up on dude in heavens arena and sent him packing. He wanna be Gons friend so bad, then gon will be like “we’ll be best friends, and travel the world” and he try to act nonchalant and cool but you know he was happy he said that to him.
Before I started Hxh I was watching about 5-6 episodes of one piece a day now it’s like 4-5 hxh and 1-2 eps of one piece. I’m at thriller bark in one piece. Which I like just cuzz all the crazy creatures lol. I wish I would have found out how dope anime was years ago, I had tried watching dragon ball z(word to the macys day parade) but it never caught my attention and I gave up. Then last year I watched attack on Titan on a whim and blew through 3 seasons in a week since then I’ve been hooked I don’t watch nun else but anime lol. I even got my girl on one piece and we watch it before bed now.
Before I started Hxh I was watching about 5-6 episodes of one piece a day now it’s like 4-5 hxh and 1-2 eps of one piece. I’m at thriller bark in one piece. Which I like just cuzz all the crazy creatures lol. I wish I would have found out how dope anime was years ago, I had tried watching dragon ball z(word to the macys day parade) but it never caught my attention and I gave up. Then last year I watched attack on Titan on a whim and blew through 3 seasons in a week since then I’ve been hooked I don’t watch nun else but anime lol. I even got my girl on one piece and we watch it before bed now.
Im one of the few who liked thriller bark. I think zoro vs ryumma is one of the best fights in one piece.
but after thriller it gets lit again (thrilker is after davey jones right)

anyone know where i can buy cool sailor moon toys
I collect q poskets along with pops. I got this a few weeks ago
Cant find the pic
Im one of the few who liked thriller bark. I think zoro vs ryumma is one of the best fights in one piece.
but after thriller it gets lit again (thrilker is after davey jones right)

Thriller Bark is the zombie arc with Moriah right after W7/Enies Lobby, the davy back fight is right before water 7 . But yeah the arc after Thriller bark happens to be my favorite. Thriller Bark I have as a weaker arc, but it has great moments throughout IMO, especially the ending chapters and I agree on that Zoro and Ryuma fight.

Seems like some of the plot elements from Thriller Bark are coming back now in the manga with Moriah's return and eventually Zoro's sword and Ryuma's legacy in Wano.
There was a ton of info and things going on in this chapter. I also heard Oda has this arc completely planned out already, so the writing should be really tight, which I'm excited about. There shouldn't be additional ideas being thrown in and Oda seems really confident about the whole thing. Plus I'm really liking the Kabuki play format, with exterior world building happening at the end of acts, rather than just waiting until the end of the arc.

The Perona/Mihawk interaction was great. I think Mihawk is telling Perona it's a good time to leave because the subject of abolition of the warlord system has finally come up as a topic at the Reverie, which Fujitora was getting support from King Riku and King Cobra to support. I wonder if once the warlords lose their privateer status if Akainu will send the admirals to hunt them down. Also wonder if Oda will ever show the Revolutionary army clash with the admirals.

I guess Moriah hasn't been too active since his bounty is still $320M. I wonder if he'll take up blackbeard on his offer. Also, now that he's been informed of movement at Wano I wonder if he'll go there to get in on the action and settle his grudge with Kaido or if Blackbeard will move to try and steal devil fruits. Though it looks like he has spies in Wano.

Absalom being dead was pretty nice, though it's slightly disappointing he won't be giving us any new news scoops. Shiryu with the clear clear fruit is interesting though. The popular theory was he would get the diamond fruit, but I think this is more interesting, especially if the clear fruit also makes you invisible to observation haki.

Devon with the 9 tailed fox fruit is interesting. Though Kine'mon might have that fruit. Maybe he has a regular fox fruit or something else. Anyway Blackbeard's new design is over the top, but works well for him.

I like how Ashura Doji is testing Momonosuke, I hate momo, so making him actually do something is great. Interested to see if Raizo can lead the jail break for Luffy and Kid or if something else happens since I don't see him being that successful.

It looks like King and Queen will be Zoro and Sanji's opponents. I wonder if King was a former Impel down jailer. His outfit has impel down skull like Shiryu's. Also, I wonder if he's originally from Birka or if the wings are just for show. Blackbeard mentions "all the young folk with angry blood" are gathering in Wano, so I wonder if Urogue will join and if he'll interact with King as a fellow Birkan.

I think the big thing here is that without Doflamingo another underworld broker is filling the void he left, I feel like that might be Crocodile.

There's so much stuff and so many angles to consider. I'm really enjoying Wano so far.

Man, that back story doesn't do anything for me to really make Asashi a sympathetic character nor does it help Jou at all. Makes Asashi even more delusional in my mind. This arc sucks so far, but hoping it can be fixed, cause I do really like this series.

Season 3 of Ace of Diamond was announced if you're a fan of sports series.

I need to catch up on Promised Neverland and Golden Kamuy

It's nice to see Baam using his head a bit to not going all out, but it's still a bit foolish he'd take on a ranker while holding back. Him with black march is a great combination and it'll be fun to see what that does for him.

One of my only complaints with the fights in ToG is I can't understand what some of the moves actually do, like the action of the large distance attacks isn't always clearly drawn. Like I still have no idea of how Jahad's Cosmo attack works or Baam's endless sky attack. On the other hand the hand to hand combat is well drawn and clear.

Yuri and Cheeon? should be good. Cheeon seems to be very jealous of the fact Yuri became a princess when she was above yuri when they were young.

Kallavan is pretty nice. SIU mentioned that he's a bad match up for Ha Jinsung, so i'm excited for this fight, but I'm hoping that Ha Jinsung doesn't die, though I do want some deaths of consequence in this battle, maybe some regulars.

I wonder if Kallavan is thinking about a war with FUG or with the Poe family. Or if there's another war he thinks he's stopping.

If this is really the season 2 finale, it's a great finale since the hell train was a slog at times.
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Evangelion series and films coming to Netflix, in HD, next year. :pimp:

I have the Japanese release Blu-rays downloaded and just did my rewatch last year. Will do another one when it hits netflix.

I know a lot of yall want to experience the pain again :lol:
Tiger Mask W anime | Watch Tiger Mask W anime online in high quality

Two young wrestlers face each other in a recently revived underground wrestling organization, the Tiger's Lair, which destroyed the wrestling dojo they grew up in. One took over the training facilities of Naoto Date at the foot of Mount Fuji, as well as the mask he left behind. The other dared to enter the Tiger's Lair and won a fierce competition, receiving a jet-black tiger mask. One tiger walks the path of light, while the other walks the path of shadows. Neither one knows the other's face. On the ring, they are natural enemies, but they have the same purpose—destroy the Tiger's Lair!

ill look into it this week. been meaning to check it out since you first mentioned it.

Japanese live actions be killing it. Will watch.
Bleach was good and so was gintama. Both funny and action packed
I'm hoping the live action cowboy bebop is good cause the this is the same production studio that's doing the live action One Piece series apparently. Also I believe it's an American studio making this not a Japanese one.
live-action... one piece...? smfh
Yeah a writer was just hired for it in July for it. Next update might come in December. Oda said he approved the live action series cause he thinks they'll respect the fans and because he wanted to do it while he still had the energy to oversee it.
live action cowboy bepop? lmao they didnt learn from death note?

ppl saying keanu reeves would be a good spike but hes too old. and he also look nothing like spike lol
There was a ton of info and things going on in this chapter. I also heard Oda has this arc completely planned out already, so the writing should be really tight, which I'm excited about. There shouldn't be additional ideas being thrown in and Oda seems really confident about the whole thing. Plus I'm really liking the Kabuki play format, with exterior world building happening at the end of acts, rather than just waiting until the end of the arc.

The Perona/Mihawk interaction was great. I think Mihawk is telling Perona it's a good time to leave because the subject of abolition of the warlord system has finally come up as a topic at the Reverie, which Fujitora was getting support from King Riku and King Cobra to support. I wonder if once the warlords lose their privateer status if Akainu will send the admirals to hunt them down. Also wonder if Oda will ever show the Revolutionary army clash with the admirals.

I guess Moriah hasn't been too active since his bounty is still $320M. I wonder if he'll take up blackbeard on his offer. Also, now that he's been informed of movement at Wano I wonder if he'll go there to get in on the action and settle his grudge with Kaido or if Blackbeard will move to try and steal devil fruits. Though it looks like he has spies in Wano.

Absalom being dead was pretty nice, though it's slightly disappointing he won't be giving us any new news scoops. Shiryu with the clear clear fruit is interesting though. The popular theory was he would get the diamond fruit, but I think this is more interesting, especially if the clear fruit also makes you invisible to observation haki.

Devon with the 9 tailed fox fruit is interesting. Though Kine'mon might have that fruit. Maybe he has a regular fox fruit or something else. Anyway Blackbeard's new design is over the top, but works well for him.

I like how Ashura Doji is testing Momonosuke, I hate momo, so making him actually do something is great. Interested to see if Raizo can lead the jail break for Luffy and Kid or if something else happens since I don't see him being that successful.

It looks like King and Queen will be Zoro and Sanji's opponents. I wonder if King was a former Impel down jailer. His outfit has impel down skull like Shiryu's. Also, I wonder if he's originally from Birka or if the wings are just for show. Blackbeard mentions "all the young folk with angry blood" are gathering in Wano, so I wonder if Urogue will join and if he'll interact with King as a fellow Birkan.

I think the big thing here is that without Doflamingo another underworld broker is filling the void he left, I feel like that might be Crocodile.

There's so much stuff and so many angles to consider. I'm really enjoying Wano so far.

Man, that back story doesn't do anything for me to really make Asashi a sympathetic character nor does it help Jou at all. Makes Asashi even more delusional in my mind. This arc sucks so far, but hoping it can be fixed, cause I do really like this series.

Season 3 of Ace of Diamond was announced if you're a fan of sports series.

I need to catch up on Promised Neverland and Golden Kamuy

It's nice to see Baam using his head a bit to not going all out, but it's still a bit foolish he'd take on a ranker while holding back. Him with black march is a great combination and it'll be fun to see what that does for him.

One of my only complaints with the fights in ToG is I can't understand what some of the moves actually do, like the action of the large distance attacks isn't always clearly drawn. Like I still have no idea of how Jahad's Cosmo attack works or Baam's endless sky attack. On the other hand the hand to hand combat is well drawn and clear.

Yuri and Cheeon? should be good. Cheeon seems to be very jealous of the fact Yuri became a princess when she was above yuri when they were young.

Kallavan is pretty nice. SIU mentioned that he's a bad match up for Ha Jinsung, so i'm excited for this fight, but I'm hoping that Ha Jinsung doesn't die, though I do want some deaths of consequence in this battle, maybe some regulars.

I wonder if Kallavan is thinking about a war with FUG or with the Poe family. Or if there's another war he thinks he's stopping.

If this is really the season 2 finale, it's a great finale since the hell train was a slog at times.
DEFINITELY catch up on The Promised's wild right now.
That Sins anime is good man lol
Yo just finished it last night, I thought it was :smokin . I’m looking forward to the next season whenever that is or if they even do another season. Meliodas and Ban are bad ***. I also like Escanor when he’s not a dweeb :lol: . How far is the manga compared to the anime?

Now that I finished 7 Deadly Sins, I don’t know what to watch now. I tried watching HxH but I wasn’t feeling it. I’d like to get into OP because everyone hypes it up in here and irl but damn there’s so many ******* episodes :lol: :smh: .I’m all caught up with MHA, Boruto, and Black Clover. I think I might just continue Bleach. I’m skipping all filler eps. Anything else anyone can recommend?
Yo just finished it last night, I thought it was :smokin . I’m looking forward to the next season whenever that is or if they even do another season. Meliodas and Ban are bad ***. I also like Escanor when he’s not a dweeb :lol: . How far is the manga compared to the anime?

Now that I finished 7 Deadly Sins, I don’t know what to watch now. I tried watching HxH but I wasn’t feeling it. I’d like to get into OP because everyone hypes it up in here and irl but damn there’s so many ****ing episodes :lol: :smh: .I’m all caught up with MHA, Boruto, and Black Clover. I think I might just continue Bleach. I’m skipping all filler eps. Anything else anyone can recommend?
Hxh takes a few episodes to get into dawg after a little bit it’s lit af. Where u at in OP? Attack on Titan is really good
Hxh takes a few episodes to get into dawg after a little bit it’s lit af. Where u at in OP? Attack on Titan is really good
I stopped watching HxH right after they got to the 2nd stage of tests. It was just too slow not too funny and the action was little and boring.
For OP, I barely started and stopped after Luffy got the 3 member of his group the dude who cries during fights and has curly black long hair. I then took a break because I had catch up on Shameless :lol: .
AoT I still have to finish up the current season that also I took a break on :lol: .
Honestly I take lots of breaks in between shows :lol: :smh: .
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