The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

One Piece :pimp:
It feels good seeing the crew fighting together again. :pimp:
Smile really does a number on a person. Kid loves his crew just as much as Luffy does.
And you know, I never thought I would Be happy to see Big Mom again but here I am gettting all excited seeing her about to eat people. :lol:
Next chapter is gonna be crazy.
anyone else find it funny that kid and his crew face consequences of their actions but luffy and co literally have all the luck in the world

I’m not really feeling that tbh....still the chapter was fire
anyone else find it funny that kid and his crew face consequences of their actions but luffy and co literally have all the luck in the world

I’m not really feeling that tbh....still the chapter was fire
I think that's a huge part of why he'll be the pirate king - his absolutely insane amounts of luck. While we truly haven't seen someone from the Strawhats killed or maimed in some way, I'm almost okay with that because it also builds with the mythology of the story. We're reading this knowing he's gonna end up the Pirate King - we're just seeing how Oda connects the dots and what that means for the world at large. I'm alright with everyone from the Strawhats surviving because there are a lot of stakes elsewhere
If it followed Jou post Tootskui or something like that I'd be interested I guess. I just don't have much faith in it.
Yeah I'm totally cool on it. I think there was a wall that was hit in creativity here. Not sure what the stakes would be and even less sure that I'd care.
I have to finish the series i stopped when the former #1 about to face the dude.
Honestly they could just keep it simple. Like leb13 leb13 said. Have him travel.

Or imo go back to basics or prequel it
Yeah I'm totally cool on it. I think there was a wall that was hit in creativity here. Not sure what the stakes would be and even less sure that I'd care.
Yeah, I got more of a feeling he just lost interest or stopped caring. Wonder how that will affect him getting his next series. The word was the chef who consulted on the recipes left to go on maternity leave, but that's a minor problem imo. There's so many options and directions he had for the story post RdC arc and he took the most boring, uninspired, route and phoned it in, even killed a lot of things that made characters good. That's what makes me uninterested in a sequel or prequel.

For a prequel with Jou after tootsuki he could have it learn more toward slice of life and self-discovery, which he should have done with Soma anyway and have things low/no stakes for a while, but I think he's lost the magic for now and should just take a break and get some new ideas and come back with a fresh series.
how you ever been to Japan. tokyo and osaka are pretty colorful like this.

how was the reverie eps
I haven't watched them, but I have not heard good things. Hear they're trying to use it as a point to allow people to jump in or get reintroduced to the series, so it's really dragging things. But that's just one point of view.

Also Oda's been using really bold colors for Wano in for the characters, so not surprised that's happening in the setting as well
on season 2 Chuunin exam of Naruto. anyone notice after orichimaru bit him there were crows that flew away in the sky. i wonder if itachi was watching?
Props for even reading that trash.

I thought Kishimoto was planning a whole new manga but went back to that well.
Kishimoto doesn't write boruto. Some under study does i thought.
Im halfway in season 2. There's no recreating that magic
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