The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I've started reading One Piece & Naruto in 05. That's than I haven't been reading it by 15yrs. I was sad for days when Naruto ended, I can't imagine the grieving process when One Piece ends.
The manga world will be legitimately different when that happens.
I love OP so much. if someone wanted to pick up the mantle like borutos creator I wouldnt br terribly mad.
I love OP so much. if someone wanted to pick up the mantle like borutos creator I wouldnt br terribly mad.
There you go talking crazy again - no one should ever touch that series other than the Goda himself.

I appreciate the fact that they actually let my boy cop a feel though
And somehow it keeps getting better and better lol

Can't believe this week's chapter was even more wild than last week's.

Makima is really on some **** - going toe-to-toe with the Darkness Devil and making it out alive? wtf?
Yeah I tried reading boruto & it just didn't feel right. The artwork (which is actually very nice) didn't help either b/c its too off brand.
Goda going to retire in to the sunset.
I want more flashbacks. because we didn't have haki pre timeskip. so i want to see some of the characters from back then have haki like the 3 admirals. jinbei all that
I feel like after OP Oda will take a break but he'll be back.

He initially wanted to do manga for each of the stories in his Wanted one shot. He already is doing Romance Dawn = One Piece. Then there was one about a monk that slayed demons, a western one, and then a few other genres he played with.

Given the amount of ideas the guy has and the way he can expand stories, I figure anything he didn't fit in OP he'll have for his next story.

I would like for him to outdo Togashi (Yu Yu Hakusho and then Hunter×Hunter) in that regard and have 2 great #1 manga.
Originally Oda wanted to do a mecha series after one piece. But since One Piece has been so long he said he'd probably just do shorts like Toriyama did after Dragonball. Idk if he'll turned Wanted into their own series. Might just work more of it into One Piece like how he carried Ryuma over into One Piece.

But Oda is all over the place so I could see him doing more than that after a few years.
damn im watching one piece anime. i hope they go back to the Kyshiro and Kumaraski thing to show what really happened dueing that orouchi banquet
whats the name of his other series so I can check it out. and is it on shonen jump app?

Oda's? It's called Wanted! It's a collection of one shots and the first thing he ever got published. Link the the spoiler.

whats the name of his other series so I can check it out. and is it on shonen jump app?
What leb13 leb13 said

Stuff like this I tracked down well over 10 years ago just thirsty for more Oda. Pretty good.

Contains a different version of Romance Dawn (dont know which came first) with some slight differences in the story about Luffy becoming a pirate.

Was always clear to me Anne was an early template of Nami while Silk in the other version was a bit more original despite also looking like another version of Nami. Her pet panda bird is actually pretty cool. For a long time I thought that's who Luffy was gonna eventually introduce. Especially after they animated both versions (Romance Dawn Story and episode 907).

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