The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

you know? i've never really read claymore.  clicked around a few chapters to get an idea of the art/what happens, and saw it's a bunch of naked monster chicks wrassling.  and from what you guys say about people dying then coming back to life, getting eaten then pooped out and being even more threatening...




edit- what in the hell :rofl: ill just stick to naruto
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Lol naw broseph
Claymore is actually one of the better story lines out there right now.
Oh my lawd :wow: :smokin :pimp: That game looks crazy. I've never played any of them, but I'm down to get the first 2 asap now
Just threw on Akira doe :D]

the first one was interesting, this one comes out in march, you can probably get generations and get the jist of everything you need.
I think I may be the only Anime/manga watcher reader
who hasn't seen Akira yet...
I tried to watch when I was younger, but just got bored quick.

-cliff notes to why I should give it a chance???

I started watching it not knowing anything about it and I enjoyed it

It's also very difficult to explain this movie but I'll give it a shot.

- Future Tokyo
- Gangs
- Violence
- Fun Adventure
- Great Characters
- Trippy Anime stuff


EDIT: I saw it in Japanese with English Subs (Literally the only way I can watch anime)
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I actually don't mind Dubs at all, Kinda like them honestly. should be fine for this right?
yeah Claymore has been dragging the last 10 chapters or so but the story and art is more interesting than Naruto

and if I remember correctly, characters stay dead
I prefer subs, but tbh dubs on Akira weren't bad at all.
Watched it with dubs when I was younger but since i have dvd, rewatched with subs later once I switched over how I watched.
I prefer subs, but tbh dubs on Akira weren't bad at all.
Watched it with dubs when I was younger but since i have dvd, rewatched with subs later once I switched over how I watched.

for me, I usually prefer what ever I hear first. For example, Naruto's dubs werent the best, but neitehr was the actual japanese voice actors. For Akira, I prefer the dub with Jonny yong bosch
yeah Claymore has been dragging the last 10 chapters or so but the story and art is more interesting than Naruto
and if I remember correctly, characters stay dead
Except when they don't, like Claire, Miria, Priscilla, Rafaela, the old number 1's turned abysmal ones, and now Riful. :lol:

seriously though, It is a very well written story but the one month wait is a bit of a drag. Plus, are half naked women in a manga really that much of a problem? Freezing has more topless scenes that Claymore. :lol:
I think dubs of older anime was better back in the day, or as long as they are older characters..
the only voice on Naruto that I hated for the dub was just Naruto all the rest of the characters were fine to me. but hell even on the OG voice naruto is still annoying to listen to.
Finally started reading Bleach :smokin

Long overdue and this cover of Chapter 4 made me start busting up though :lol:

Just started watching Hunter x Hunter like 2 days ago.

So f****** dope.

Way better than Bleach and i'd give it the slight edge over Naruto.

I forgot why I habwnt gave HxH a chance yet..I think it was slow releases.

how many people read Noblesse I loved it but only git throug h the 2nd season
I read Noblesse, I'm caught up with the chapters. It's pretty good, I'm really liking these Manwas though, just caught up with Tower of God the other day as well, though I don't like how a lot of the characters you can't tell if they're male or female.
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