The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

that ******g thousand hands jutsu....can't wait to see what that does.

but I really like how kishi linked madara using that bijuu bomb reaching the other shore at the beginning to the ending where both of them are kids and madara is skipping stones

one of the comments on mangahere:

.Remember when Naruto fights weren't like Dragon Ball Z?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
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man... OP... looks like another calm before a greater storm
sooo many interesting things
funny how the chapter title goes... this chapter was called "Morning Paper" next is "Phone Ringing"
^ yeah, i get you.  that just feels cheap to me though. if he lost in battle, i wanna see who beat him and how. just don't tell me "oh and yeah then he died. over there."  show me. i want to see how he goes out.

but i also felt cheated when they gave itachi aids so maybe i just feel the real strong characters deserve better

that ******g thousand hands jutsu....can't wait to see what that does.

but I really like how kishi linked madara using that bijuu bomb reaching the other shore at the beginning to the ending where both of them are kids and madara is skipping stones

one of the comments on mangahere:

.Remember when Naruto fights weren't like Dragon Ball Z?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.

the feels
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The 1st catching that tailed beast bomb with that wood warrior and getting ready to thrust it back at Madara = The first rasengan :smokin

Because remember, Rasengan is just a super dulled down, more controllable tailed beast bomb for humans.
Someone refresh me on how the 2nd Hokage died? I forgot.

he and his squad( which consisted of a young danzo and hiruzen) were being pursued by the kinkaku force ( a team of 20 elite ninja) and tobirama stayed behind as the dversion so his team could escape.

But I just wonder why he didnt use his space time jutsu to transport somewhere. idk
Someone refresh me on how the 2nd Hokage died? I forgot.

he and his squad( which consisted of a young danzo and hiruzen) were being pursued by the kinkaku force ( a team of 20 elite ninja) and tobirama stayed behind as the dversion so his team could escape.

But I just wonder why he didnt use his space time jutsu to transport somewhere. idk
or coulda summoned some zombies to use as a diversion
Someone refresh me on how the 2nd Hokage died? I forgot.

he and his squad( which consisted of a young danzo and hiruzen) were being pursued by the kinkaku force ( a team of 20 elite ninja) and tobirama stayed behind as the dversion so his team could escape.

But I just wonder why he didnt use his space time jutsu to transport somewhere. idk
or coulda summoned some zombies to use as a diversion

true. Capture an enemy ninja and summon hashirama ( if he had some dna on him :smile:
On another note....does anyone else realize we don't know who the firsts' kid is yet? Like this child has the potential to be the greatest ninja of all time. Senju powers with kyubbi chakra?!?! And still no mention of this person. The first probably died with that person. On some pein steez. The cloud nins came in and killed his fam but left tsunade alive or something which would start the war.
On another note....does anyone else realize we don't know who the firsts' kid is yet? Like this child has the potential to be the greatest ninja of all time. Senju powers with kyubbi chakra?!?! And still no mention of this person. The first probably died with that person. On some pein steez. The cloud nins came in and killed his fam but left tsunade alive or something which would start the war.

Wait....I'm confused lol did the first have kyubbi chakra?
maybe he's unimportant like the 3rds kid.. or who is madaras kids
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maybe he's unimportant like the 3rds kid.. or who is madaras kids

Isn't the 3rd's son Asuma?

Also, if what Hashirama did was the first Rasengan, then that makes what Madara did the first Rasenshuriken, right? :lol: :nerd:
yea thats what i meant.

I know I've been very vocal about bleach's current past few weeks killing me. this weeks chap took the cake. so now ichigo is a loser aka he's being kicked off snake way and has to start from the beginning again. ridiculous and kenpachi is the strongeat shinigami of all time and the main quincy is possibly his only equal. ......
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They showed her frontside while she was in the spiderbot (at least I think that was her). As for what happened in the end, i have no clue. Maybe her suit went berserk as well? Maybe that's why she was acting all calm.
This damn show always does some big cliffhanger type thing or a big event occurs that gets glossed over in the next episode.

Kai inadvertently spreading the Kimijima reports throughout the globe and it only gets a mention on the news? He doesn't even care about it in the next episode. Hell, next week's episode will probably have everyone fine and dandy again without talking about what just happened with Misa at the end. :lol: It's so frustrating how they build up and then jump far away from their payoffs.
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