The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Kishi pulls things out of a hat that just don't make any sense. Will Kishi have Mario jump out of a plumbers tube in the next Chapter?
meh naruto chap
what do ya know naruto sakura 1st and 2nd hokage etc arent affected
Seriously tho what would they do if they were affected? Thats the series right there
You have no idea what over the top is until you get to part 3. :lol:
Part 2 is the hotness though. Joseph is that dude. :pimp:

You have to be kidding :lol:

I don't know whether to be excited or concerned. I'm only 5 episodes in and it's already so dramatic and filled to the brim to machismo that it's almost hard to believe that this is supposed to be taken seriously.
You have to be kidding :lol:

I don't know whether to be excited or concerned. I'm only 5 episodes in and it's already so dramatic and filled to the brim to machismo that it's almost hard to believe that this is supposed to be taken seriously.
Normally I would be kidding, but with Jojo it's all business baby. :lol:
As for the underlined part, you will revise that statement in part 2, then again in part 3. :lol:
Personally, I think you shouldn't take it too seriously. Just sit back and try your best to spot every single music related Easter Egg in the series. :lol:
thats how it should end :pimp: **** a plot hole madara is a god :pimp:

at this point I'd rather it just end that way then naruto turning the moon in to a rasen spirit bomb and hitting madara with it. and then sasuke then tellling us he still plans to fight naruto about hokage or something stupid

I can't believe no one noticed that this chapter they are setting up Tenten (AKA the based god) to body Madara. She's the real god and she's got the sealing tools. All she needs is for Sasuke and Naruto to fly her up to Madara and finish the job.


On another note, it would be great if they made alternate endings to Naruto on some Chrono Trigger type steez. Like those old school books when they say go to this page for this ending to see XYZ shoulder clap Madara and become Hokage.
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thats how it should end :pimp: **** a plot hole madara is a god :pimp:

at this point I'd rather it just end that way then naruto turning the moon in to a rasen spirit bomb and hitting madara with it. and then sasuke then tellling us he still plans to fight naruto about hokage or something stupid

tbh :lol:

Madara hasnt got laid in about 100 years. If ten ten and sakura offer him a threesome, he would stop all this madness.

bruh madara was gettin all dem rebellious senju yambs how u think he got that rinnegan :pimp:
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i was, but no longer. subtitled?

Yup, dub won't be premiered until June, and it probably won't be released until the physical release of the series, which is also going to be revealed in June at an Aniplex event.

Hell, we MIGHT see it on Toonami before the year is over, but I seriously doubt it, mostly because of the content (SUPER skimpy outfits) but who knows.
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@2sappy  batting 1.000 on recommendations 

6 episodes into GITS:ASC things are picking up big time 
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Episode 7 of "Psycho Pass"...
Wait till you get further into the series man. It get's real.

 batting 1.000 on recommendations 
6 episodes into GITS:SAC things are picking up big time :pimp:  
I will tell you this, your mind will be blown by the end of the first season. You will literally :wow: when the first season ends. I know I did when I first saw it. :lol:
I'm not gonna lie 20 minutes into episode 1 of Kill La Kill, I have no idea what's going on

What's this about Nazis? Why do kids/the student council run the country?


And why is this chick fighting in Agent Provocateur underwear???
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everybody getting tested, Miu and Ken showing they can hang with their opponents.
Hongou vs Saiga next week though 

safe to say rip Hongou?
Re-watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure over for nostalgia reasons, man, that first episode still pissed me off as bad as the first time I watched it :lol:
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