The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

By the way, genius move by kishi

He made Obito a kid again to avoid having to draw a 30-year old man have a romantic moment with a 13 year old girl in the afterlife
About time someone dies again. :lol:
That ending was a bit touching though. Orbito finally found peace. Good for him.
Ehh didnt like naruto this week but in saying that, he had to be given that kinda send off.  I still remember how hype I was when I found out he was Tobi
Unless I missed it in a previous chapter I think Bleach had the biggest plot twist this week...
Hitsugaya is Dead? Or is he faking?
Maybe im alone in this, but i was completely pissed that Obito ended up being tobi.

(even more so when i thought about how they offed my man Asuma)

I like how they let him die. but his character up until pretty much releasing the real madara was always meh to me
ESPECIALLY when he was "tobi"
Unless I missed it in a previous chapter I think Bleach had the biggest plot twist this week...
Hitsugaya is Dead? Or is he faking?
yooooooo they can't do that to hitsugaya.  That is dirty man.  They gonna kill off my favorite character.  I think the last time we saw him was when he was fighting the guy that stole his bankai.

ughhhh why can't mangas let people just die......................

but my man ODIN is back.

lmao @ Kisara's small litte chest
I wasn't feeling when Obito was revealed to be Tobi either just because of the fact that cats on forums have been saying that for years :lol:

I wanted them to be wrong; for something way better to have occurred :smh:
It crossed my mind that Tobi could be Obito of course, especially towards the end when Kishi was just throwing it out there. I just think there are more interesting people that Tobi could have been; then the fact that Obito had crappy reasoning for doing what he did.
I wasn't feeling when Obito was revealed to be Tobi either just because of the fact that cats on forums have been saying that for years :lol:

I wanted them to be wrong; for something way better to have occurred :smh:
Yeah. People used to get ridiculed for saying " if you take the extra O out of Obito you get Tobi. Tobi = obito confirmed"

The it ended up being true. And somebody returns to a forum 7 years later and says " told ya"
Yeah. People used to get ridiculed for saying " if you take the extra O out of Obito you get Tobi. Tobi = obito confirmed"

The it ended up being true. And somebody returns to a forum 7 years later and says " told ya"

Exactly :lol:

I remember everyone used to think that sounded ridiculous and wouldn't make sense. It still doesn't really, but not much in Naruto seems to anymore.
yooooooo they can't do that to hitsugaya.  That is dirty man.  They gonna kill off my favorite character.  I think the last time we saw him was when he was fighting the guy that stole his bankai.
After the fight he collapsed though. That might be when Giselle got to him.
Faking or not, I definitely wasn't expecting him to pop up. The first thing I thought when I saw her call out commander was "omg, Yama is back! :wow:" Then I changed pages and was still surprised. :lol:
One Piece
Dayum, Franky and Senor Pink are so hard boiled. making women fall in love only to break their hearts one kiss at a time. They are truly the manliest men. :lol:
I was wondering when the tontatta princess was going to show up. Now i wonder what exactly her power is that have both sides trying to make use of it... :nerd:
So who's really Stronger right now...

Naruto or Sasuke?

I thought Naruto was stronger before and I think he's stronger now, which of course now lines up with Hashirama>Madara and Ashura>Indra
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Unless I missed it in a previous chapter I think Bleach had the biggest plot twist this week...
Hitsugaya is Dead? Or is he faking?
The blood doesn't kill you. It just puts you under that quincy's control presumably until she's dead herself.

We know that because Yumichika was saying not to kill the shinigami zombies and Mayuri was like nah, they're unimportant they gotta die.

It's presumably also why he said Hitsugaya's gonna be a pain in the ***; because he can't just kill him while fighting him.
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Yeah. People used to get ridiculed for saying " if you take the extra O out of Obito you get Tobi. Tobi = obito confirmed"

The it ended up being true. And somebody returns to a forum 7 years later and says " told ya"

I remember everyone used to think that sounded ridiculous and wouldn't make sense. It still doesn't really, but not much in Naruto seems to anymore.
I mean explanations are usually that simple. It does make sense... and I'm sure Kishi thought he was being clever ("Obito minus one O, or eye if you will, equals Tobi.") Dude was probably giggling with glee at how brilliant it was and how we'd all get our minds blown.

Then a bunch of teenagers figured it out immediately. Shout out to Rowen Arrow.

Really all Kishi had to do was give him a name that wasn't so on the nose and the problem would have been solved.
Exactly :lol:

I remember everyone used to think that sounded ridiculous and wouldn't make sense. It still doesn't really, but not much in Naruto seems to anymore.

It makes plenty of sense; you're just looking at it from the perspective of American grammar.

Obito is a perfect anagram of Tobi in Japanese. Obito could possibly be rendered as "obit" due to the fact that all words ending in a hard consonant sounds end in "O" or "U" in Japan.

So if you moved around the O and T in Tobi you would automatically get Obito.

There were other clues, too

Tobi appearing RIGHT after Obito's reveal and supposed death in the Gaiden

Kakashi somehow having a Mangekyo (also introduced at the same time as Tobi)

Obito's face under the mask being "wrinkled" like an old man and yet when he removed his mask and was regenerating his arm, the other side of his face was young, smooth, and wrinkle free

Using warp-like techniques with his Sharingan

Kishi laid the clues out for years. He wasn't trying to fool anyone. The entire point of giving "Madara" a mask was because he wanted readers to know that "Madara" wasn't who he said he was.
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It makes plenty of sense; you're just looking at it from the perspective of American grammar.

Obito is a perfect anagram of Tobi in Japanese. Obito could possibly be rendered as "obit" due to the fact that all words ending in a hard consonant sounds end in "O" or "U" in Japan.

So if you moved around the O and T in Tobi you would automatically get Obito.

There were other clues, too

Tobi appearing RIGHT after Obito's reveal and supposed death in the Gaiden

Kakashi somehow having a Mangekyo (also introduced at the same time as Tobi)

Obito's face under the mask being "wrinkled" like an old man and yet when he removed his mask and was regenerating his arm, the other side of his face was young, smooth, and wrinkle free

Using warp-like techniques with his Sharingan

Kishi laid the clues out for years. He wasn't trying to fool anyone. The entire point of giving "Madara" a mask was because he wanted readers to know that "Madara" wasn't who he said he was.
I feel like a lot of people knew once they showed Tobi with a sharingan, but just didn't want it to be Obito 
Me and my boys thought Obito being Tobi was to obvious so we started coming up with different theories and really reaching for different Uchiha that it could have possible been. I guess we were over thinking it.

Anyway this chapter of Naruto wasn't as frustrating to read. At least finally everyone but Sasuke and Naruto are starting to realize how useless they are in the fight right now 
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Exactly :lol:

I remember everyone used to think that sounded ridiculous and wouldn't make sense. It still doesn't really, but not much in Naruto seems to anymore.

It makes plenty of sense; you're just looking at it from the perspective of American grammar.

Obito is a perfect anagram of Tobi in Japanese. Obito could possibly be rendered as "obit" due to the fact that all words ending in a hard consonant sounds end in "O" or "U" in Japan.

So if you moved around the O and T in Tobi you would automatically get Obito.

There were other clues, too

Tobi appearing RIGHT after Obito's reveal and supposed death in the Gaiden

Kakashi somehow having a Mangekyo (also introduced at the same time as Tobi)

Obito's face under the mask being "wrinkled" like an old man and yet when he removed his mask and was regenerating his arm, the other side of his face was young, smooth, and wrinkle free

Using warp-like techniques with his Sharingan

Kishi laid the clues out for years. He wasn't trying to fool anyone. The entire point of giving "Madara" a mask was because he wanted readers to know that "Madara" wasn't who he said he was.
All of that aside, it didn't make sense because Obito was crushed by a freaking boulder. He would've died instantly to tell the truth. I could see if he fell into a chasm or something but that's like saying, "you know that character who was shot in the head earlier, turns out he's the bad guy all along."

I think that was the main gripe. And it was the beginning( kakashi gaiden) of ninja plot magic being heavily introduced into Naruto
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We're talking about a world where people teleport, walk on water and breathe fire but surviving a boulder landing on you is ridiculous?

It didn't have anything to do with the name, I just still had enough faith in Kishimoto to assume he would leave the presumably dead as just that outside of some occasional Edo Tensei usage, and that there was just either an undisclosed Uchiha member with a grudge or someone who took an eye from a dead Uchiha.
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