The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Salad bro...salad :lol:
There have already been characters in Naruto named after food. Hell, Naruto is food! :lol:
Some people just can't get over the fact that the Japanese dont have a native word for Salad, so they have to use katakana to spell it out. :lol: :smh:
Need to read more fam, cause that series was definitely not the GOAT; especially towards the end
There are series out there that are just as good and better.
I read plenty.

Missing the GOAT
I just finished [COLOR=#red]Kaguya-Hime no Monogatari[/COLOR]. Just because Miyazaki wasn't on the helm for this movie, doesn't mean that it wasn't gonna be good. :pimp:

Now, I've always been interested in the legend of the bamboo princess (the japanese tale this movie is based off of) Since they introduced Kaguya in Naruto :lol:, but I've never been able to actually get around to reading it. This movie is a great adaptation that stays relatively true to the original tale. If you guys have some free time, want to watch a movie with unique visuals, or want to do some learnin on the side :lol:, give this movie a go. Miyazaki fan or not, it's still a good watch. :pimp:
It's a shame that Kaguya grows up to be a *****, wanting to destroy the earth with a tree and all. :lol:

For those who are interested in the Legend of the Bamboo Princess:
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For those wondering about Naruto: The Last Movie, word is an english subbed version will be released on Dec. 17th in the Philippines which shouldn't take long for people in the US to get their hands on it !!

Anyone watched the movie in theaters and understand Japanese?
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I just finished Kaguya-Hime no Monogatari. Just because Miyazaki wasn't on the helm for this movie, doesn't mean that it wasn't gonna be good.
Now, I've always been interested in the legend of the bamboo princess (the japanese tale this movie is based off of) Since they introduced Kaguya in Naruto
, but I've never been able to actually get around to reading it. This movie is a great adaptation that stays relatively true to the original tale. If you guys have some free time, want to watch a movie with unique visuals, or want to do some learnin on the side
, give this movie a go. Miyazaki fan or not, it's still a good watch.

It's a shame that Kaguya grows up to be a *****, wanting to destroy the earth with a tree and all.

For those who are interested in the Legend of the Bamboo Princess:
Actually watched that joint today. **** was sad af

For those wondering about Naruto: The Last Movie, word is an english subbed version will be released on Dec. 17th in the Philippines which shouldn't take long for people in the US to get their hands on it !!

Anyone watched the movie in theaters and understand Japanese?
The movie's plot and ending have been known for a while now though. It's just a NaruHina love story (how they end up together) with a little bit more insight into Kaguya and the Sage's family.

Sasuke has like 3 brief appearances total, but in all three of these appearances he steals the show

More importantly, in Naruto news, ANOTHER movie has been scheduled to release next year featuring Boruto as the main character

Here's a screenshot from The Last. SERIOUS SPOILERS
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Welcome Prime. you about to be in them one week feels like us.
may want to slow down a bit.
Nah Prime, don't slow down. Power thru the next 2 arcs and get to Dressrosa so you can see the real New World.
Prime slow down before you have to suffer through Garbagerossa week by week with the rest of us

Fishman Island and Punk Hazard are so trash that you won't blaze through them anyway. Take a break and I'll let you know when Dressrosa is over and Zou/Wano starts.
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^ don't listen Prime,
Those are both good arcs, nothing will ever be as bad as davey jones arc.

those 2 were still decently entertaining to read. and my Sanji finally got to see his mermaid yambs .
After the War Arc, Fishman Island and Punk Hazard were both somewhat mediocre; the first because it was really just about the Straw Hats showing off their new skills after the skip, and the second due to, in my opinion, the villain not being all that threatening to anyone involved-though it in turn set up the next arc fairly well.
Finished episode 8 of Fate / stay night. I should pay closer attention because I thought Caster and Rider were the same person. Thought that she sometimes wore a robe with a hood and that we already knew who her master was. Would be nice to get at least some info about who Rider is and be more involved in the story. The show feels like it's moving slow to me probably because I can't marathon all the episodes and they waste a lot of time on this high school stuff.
I watched 9 today.

naw not the same person but pretty cool wish we couldve see Riders Noble fantasm.
I love FSNUBW but the comedy in the original was awesome.

and wish we couldve seen Archer and Assasins fight. that wouldve been so dope.

saw this today. ...Feels

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After the War Arc, Fishman Island and Punk Hazard were both somewhat mediocre; the first because it was really just about the Straw Hats showing off their new skills after the skip, and the second due to, in my opinion, the villain not being all that threatening to anyone involved-though it in turn set up the next arc fairly well.
I agree with this, but I also think there are more reasons for why people didn't enjoy them as much as they could have.

1. These arcs are coming right after the climax of part 1 and everybody has raised expectations going forward after getting to see the War of the Best and all that. The time skip was a soft reset and things have to be built back up again. 

2. Fishman Island had been mentioned since Arlong Park, and then started getting hyped up after Water 7, so people went into that arc with crazy high expectations because of how much it was mentioned. People wanted it to be this huge epic event or something like Sypeia if it was going to be a standalone, instead it really tied up lose ends and was used for more world building. 

3. The story needed a less threatening villain to start the time skip. If the strawhats came out and struggled right away then you get complaints that the time skip is pointless. Second Hody was made more for hammering home the theme of the arc rather than posing a real threat. 

4. Expectations were higher for Punk Hazard because it was supposed to be the first Island of the new world, but it wasn't really. It was this hidden island that was cut off from everything leading to not enough people to keep the strawhats busy. Also it doesn't become clear that it's a set-up arc for something bigger until mid way through. Oda is delivering on the New World being a different beast right now with Dressrosa and people still complain about pacing, wasted panels, etc.

Prime has the advantage of reading these arcs in long form with no week to week wait, which is the best way to really experience One Piece arcs I think as you get the full picture rather than piecing it together, so his impressions could be different than ours.
Dressrossa is Alabasta 2.0 except with less character development (besides like Usopp), more plot-induced stupidity, worse pacing, and two Mary Sue perfect characters.

And Zoro continues to just rape. Why not just teleport him to Raftel so he can get One Piece Oda? :nerd:

The two Doflamingo flashbacks were amazing and a welcome reprieve. And then it was back to the running around and the constant breaks every 2 chapters.


I could write a book about why OP is cheeks right now and Toriko is winning :nerd:
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Prime has the advantage of reading these arcs in long form with no week to week wait, which is the best way to really experience One Piece arcs I think as you get the full picture rather than piecing it together, so his impressions could be different than ours.

Yes, I had to take month-long breaks during both Fishman Island and Punk Hazard.
leb13 leb13 Agreed on it being better to read it in collected format, once the arc has finished. While it's not like that for every single arc, I had to take month-long breaks during both Fishman Island and Punk Hazard.
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First spoiler the comparison since we were asking someone who just got to the time skip their opinion up to that not, not someone caught up.
Parallels between arcs don't make them the same. Also we saw Crocodile and Doflamingo's relationship, so it wouldn't have been odd for Crocodile to have used Doflamingo as a basis for his plan in Alabasta. The politics of the world are built on corruption and monarchy it's not weird a similar situation cropped up again.
SAD and dance power, have completely different uses and effect the OP world differently. The use of dance power affects rain fall and is more or less limited to use in Alabasta. SAD creates artificial devil fruits, which Doflamingo trades to Kaido for weapons, which then Doflamingo sells to fuel wars across numerous islands. 

In terms of the king. Doflamingo has been ruling Dressrosa for 10 years. He's not a sitting king who has been dealing with a growing manufactured rebellion for years. He was a king who had the trust of the people through manipulation. Dold holds no real authority or means to fight back other than from the loyalty of the dwarves and Kyros until the Strawhats show up, and at that point they don't even know he's alive. The tontatta rebellion was from desperation due to losing a false opportunity created by Law and the Strawhats. Things escalated on Dressrosa quickly because Doflamingo set up a complex system with lots of coupled parts leaving it susceptible to normal accidents and breaking 1 link spirals everything into chaos ala Sugar.  Cobra was disgraced through manipulation as well, but it while he still had power and backing from the majority of the population. 

Vivi and Rebecca's relationships to their country's are very different as well. Vivi was loved by her country and had an active duty to save it being she was the sitting princess and had been raised as such. Her motivation was to protect the lives of her citizens no matter the cost. Rebecca was never raised as a princess, she's hated, her real attachment is to Kyros and the coliseum fighters. Her motivation is the free herself from the coliseum and escape the life Doffy's forced her into. It just so happens to do that requires taking out Doffy. Rebecca at this point doesn't even need to be viewed as a real princess. Her parents more or less gave up rights to the throne, although she could easily take her place back in royalty in the end if she pleases, but it's not really her desire. 

As for character development, it makes sense that there is less does it not? We're dealing with characters who were still in their initial stages vs characters who have had plenty of time to develop. We'll probably see more development as arcs progress through the New worlds along with flashbacks of the time skip highlighting changes, what's the rush? The story is going to progress at its own pace. 

Organized Crime syndicate I guess so. It's privateers vs pirates. Pirates vs pirates more or less the basis of the series so why is it a problem now? Is it because there is a baroque works doubled as bounty hunters and the Dolfamingo family works in the black market? It's just an extension of how pirates can impact the world.

I'm assuming your Mary Sue characters are Sabo and Law? I think Law is proving to be far from perfect. Sabo on the other hand ehh. He seems like a forced insertion to deal with Fujitora and to bring the revolutionaries into the mix. The arcs not over his role could be larger in the end.

The only PIS I've truly had a problem with is the Ussop/Robin Sugar scenes which I've complained about prior so I won't do it again and then Luffy's delay, which has become ingrained in the series and won't change even if we all hate it. 

Complain about the pacing of the arc if you will, but I have a feeling that the scale of this arc being so large will allow the overall story to progress at a faster pace than before. Sacrifice slow pacing now in an arc, for faster story progression. This is speculation however. 


The arcs have their parallels, but Dressrosa is not an Alabasta rehash and the scope and effect on the OP world from each arc is vastly different.

The arc is also by no means perfect I won't pretend like it is, but I think it has the desired effect of showcasing the potential of what the New World is like going forward and is a good jumping off point and has Oda getting back into his groove.

It's not a stretch to say based off Crocodile and Doffy's relationship, that Croc based his plan for Alabasta off of Doffy's heightening the parallels or similarities.
I don't care canon or not, this weeks Akame was epic. It's like they saved all their production budget for the last two episodes. I kinda wish they give this the Brotherhood treatment with better animation quality.
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I saw your comment and immediately checked crunch roll and watched the episode. Another episode with the feels. I like the show a lot and sad that it's almost over.
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