The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

They are both Madara imo. I believe Itachi knows the real truth behind Madara's condition. Remember he said Madara was a shell of his former self. I've always said that the current Madara is not inhabiting his original body, but I believe it is still him in some form. If I recall, one of Madara's abilities is being able to move between dimensions. My theory is Madara is able to move between the world of the living and dead, but in the living world, he must possess another body (in a ghost-like way). This would explain how Madara is able to lose some parts of his body in one fight and appear perfectly fine in a future chapter. I'm guessing he is also able to manifest himself in a spiritual form in the living world which would explain why sometimes attacks just phase through him.
Any thought on Tobi's (prior)relationship with Kisame? He recognized him and clearly had some sort of respect for him, but we don't really know too much detail of Kisame's complete past and past acquaintances. I'm leaning more towards something along those lines, or a Madara body shift, then it actually being Obito or something really completely random like that. The shock aspect(even with a million theory) of Obito would be one thing towards readers, but if it happened and its revealed he is Obito, it wouldn't be an OMG response from the ninja world, it would be more like a "who....?" and aside from Kakashi no one would care. Going from Madara to a complete nobody would be a poor twist/development/progression in terms of the actual story. Aside from a Kakashi as acting-Hokage denying himself or his village to fight his old friend(which would never happend), or some kind of body/mind control that an Tobi-Obito could use on Kakashi because of his eye, I think Obito as Tobi would just suck.
Any thought on Tobi's (prior)relationship with Kisame? He recognized him and clearly had some sort of respect for him, but we don't really know too much detail of Kisame's complete past and past acquaintances. I'm leaning more towards something along those lines, or a Madara body shift, then it actually being Obito or something really completely random like that. The shock aspect(even with a million theory) of Obito would be one thing towards readers, but if it happened and its revealed he is Obito, it wouldn't be an OMG response from the ninja world, it would be more like a "who....?" and aside from Kakashi no one would care. Going from Madara to a complete nobody would be a poor twist/development/progression in terms of the actual story. Aside from a Kakashi as acting-Hokage denying himself or his village to fight his old friend(which would never happend), or some kind of body/mind control that an Tobi-Obito could use on Kakashi because of his eye, I think Obito as Tobi would just suck.
Any thought on Tobi's (prior)relationship with Kisame? He recognized him and clearly had some sort of respect for him, but we don't really know too much detail of Kisame's complete past and past acquaintances. I'm leaning more towards something along those lines, or a Madara body shift, then it actually being Obito or something really completely random like that. The shock aspect(even with a million theory) of Obito would be one thing towards readers, but if it happened and its revealed he is Obito, it wouldn't be an OMG response from the ninja world, it would be more like a "who....?" and aside from Kakashi no one would care. Going from Madara to a complete nobody would be a poor twist/development/progression in terms of the actual story. Aside from a Kakashi as acting-Hokage denying himself or his village to fight his old friend(which would never happend), or some kind of body/mind control that an Tobi-Obito could use on Kakashi because of his eye, I think Obito as Tobi would just suck.
It could be Izuna, that seems to make some sense.
It could also just be Madara as said before, as Itachi said, he's a shell of his former self. Not only does he know Nagato but he refers to him as a little brat who managed to grow. But he seems.....he doesn't seem confused, his free mind understands the goal, the ultimate goal.
Its not Shisui neither.
Onoki has fought Madara, it seemed as though he had recognized that Tobi was Madara. I would assume he would realize anything different such as the voice.
Izuna and Shisui have no reason to be mad at the world.
It could be Izuna, that seems to make some sense.
It could also just be Madara as said before, as Itachi said, he's a shell of his former self. Not only does he know Nagato but he refers to him as a little brat who managed to grow. But he seems.....he doesn't seem confused, his free mind understands the goal, the ultimate goal.
Its not Shisui neither.
Onoki has fought Madara, it seemed as though he had recognized that Tobi was Madara. I would assume he would realize anything different such as the voice.
Izuna and Shisui have no reason to be mad at the world.
Gilgamesh with the greatest quotes ever " Worms should look at the ground when they die" I swear he's comedy without being comedy. Fate/Zero is going to be a problem
Gilgamesh with the greatest quotes ever " Worms should look at the ground when they die" I swear he's comedy without being comedy. Fate/Zero is going to be a problem
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

it should be mentioned again though... Tobi has the same time/space manipulation powers as kakashia and (dun dun dun) obito.

Personally, I don't think that particular ability should factor into our search for the identity of the Tobi character. Remember, Itachi can also manipulate time and space with his mangekyou sharingan.

Frankly, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it was revealed that all the higher level Uchiha's possessed some level of space time manipulation.

But man, whatever the case is, I think we can agree that the next couple of chapters in Naruto as going to be

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

it should be mentioned again though... Tobi has the same time/space manipulation powers as kakashia and (dun dun dun) obito.

Personally, I don't think that particular ability should factor into our search for the identity of the Tobi character. Remember, Itachi can also manipulate time and space with his mangekyou sharingan.

Frankly, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it was revealed that all the higher level Uchiha's possessed some level of space time manipulation.

But man, whatever the case is, I think we can agree that the next couple of chapters in Naruto as going to be

I would be one of the few that would say Tobi could really be Obito...

If I'm wrong, I guess I'll have to take the 'L'.

No matter what, this is one of the best chapters of Naruto...

I would be one of the few that would say Tobi could really be Obito...

If I'm wrong, I guess I'll have to take the 'L'.

No matter what, this is one of the best chapters of Naruto...

Yeah I think I have pushed the theory for years and it has worn thin, but to the readers that have not consider this Obito being thrown into the mix would be crazy. We don't know much about him and he could have strong ties to high class Uchiha blood. While we have seen a few sharingan used each has been different, but that of Kakashi and the now faux Madara. I believe there is a key reason why the story of how Kakashi got his eye was put in and not a filler.

The same mangekyou sharingan as Kakashi
The time gap
The screws in the armor
The different color body parts
The mask (what side the eye is shown)
Obito dies in the Land of Grass, where Zetsu is from

Man I am excited about these next few chapters
Yeah I think I have pushed the theory for years and it has worn thin, but to the readers that have not consider this Obito being thrown into the mix would be crazy. We don't know much about him and he could have strong ties to high class Uchiha blood. While we have seen a few sharingan used each has been different, but that of Kakashi and the now faux Madara. I believe there is a key reason why the story of how Kakashi got his eye was put in and not a filler.

The same mangekyou sharingan as Kakashi
The time gap
The screws in the armor
The different color body parts
The mask (what side the eye is shown)
Obito dies in the Land of Grass, where Zetsu is from

Man I am excited about these next few chapters
As far as the Izuna theory, I mean I would like to think it could be him, but he was the more peaceful brother and lost both eyes. Is it possible yes, but I think my Obito theory is stronger than that.
As far as the Izuna theory, I mean I would like to think it could be him, but he was the more peaceful brother and lost both eyes. Is it possible yes, but I think my Obito theory is stronger than that.
Why Tobi is not Obito: He fought with the 4th Hokage. Remember obito, kakashi and rin were all little kids when the 4th was still alive. Even if we imagine that Obito has grown into an adult since the time Kakashi acquired the sharingan to the time naruto was born, there is no way Obito would have gotten that strong in such a little amount of time where he's able to go toe to toe with the 4th.
Why Tobi is not Obito: He fought with the 4th Hokage. Remember obito, kakashi and rin were all little kids when the 4th was still alive. Even if we imagine that Obito has grown into an adult since the time Kakashi acquired the sharingan to the time naruto was born, there is no way Obito would have gotten that strong in such a little amount of time where he's able to go toe to toe with the 4th.
 think it is. thats why i put that whole thin in spoilers earlier.

I thought I had posted before you but when I went back to reread the thread, your post was before mine. Yuku magic.
 think it is. thats why i put that whole thin in spoilers earlier.

I thought I had posted before you but when I went back to reread the thread, your post was before mine. Yuku magic.
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