The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三


Man stop it. I know for a fact people have mentioned just how amazing that series is multiple times :lol: I'm tempted to call it the best in its genre.


Does he still have the juice?

I don't see why he wouldn't. The Wind Rises was great. Not his best work, but a solid send off. I'd like to see him go ahead and do that sequel of Porco Rosso he mentioned, but never got to.

I know that this isn't Japanese Anime, but how does everyone feel about the final season ofSamurai Jack returning after 10+ years? Will it be as good as the old show? Or do you think that this is just airing to get viewers? 

I'm excited as ****! Samurai Jack is one of the best cartoons ever made, hands down, no debate. The fact that they brought back so much of the original team to finish it off properly is great and i'm expecting the overall quality to be the same as the first four seasons. Can't wait to see it in a few weeks.

50 years man? Aku's really put Jack through the ringer.

Nah one piece is the Magnus opus.

dudes in here think full metal alchemist brotherhood is the goat LMAO

I mean, I don't know that i'd call either One Piece of FMA Brotherhood the GOAT anime, but both are solid contenders in my opinion.
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lol yeah i came in here about a year or so ago talking about berserk when i first started reading it. everyone getting doggystyled in that damn manga male female troll demon dont matter :smh: :lol:
Nah one piece is the Magnus opus.

dudes in here think full metal alchemist brotherhood is the goat LMAO
Nah HunterxHunter and Berserk >>> OP

I agree that FMAB is wild overrated. It's people's first foray intongood anime so they go crazy for it
Sanji's full backstory is sad but Nico Robin.....cmon son.

If that **** aint have you wanting to swing on someone you a damn liar.

 @ Hiatus x Hiatus being better than OP

D. Gray-man > Bleach too amirite 
I'm talkin anime only.

I have yet to see berserk.

Hunter x hunter anime is not better than OP overall. Nope and I like hunter x hunter a lot
Nah HunterxHunter and Berserk >>> OP

I agree that FMAB is wild overrated. It's people's first foray intongood anime so they go crazy for it
______ is overrated is a lazy argument.

I still need to get into Berserk, I was reading the manga, but I stopped.

Too slow.
There's not many animes that's gonna top can't say a 30 episode anime like death note...that's nonsense. Compare those short anime within themselves.

YUYU hakusho>>>> fmab
How can anything be better than OP

Main character who has common sense and relatable motivations.

Character progression, where the good guy turns into the bad guy or vice versa.

Actual suspense of disbelief.

I've read over 500 chapters of OP and those aspects are lacking.
^^^ what arc is that?

Sanji and namis were epic.
You watching the anime? Sanji's Baratie back story is slightly different in the Manga, Zeff doesn't lose it during the shipwreck during the manga, instead he cuts it off with a rock and eats it since he gave Sanji the food. Also, check out the cover stories when you get a chance or after you catch up.

Also, in this best series discussion, OP is my favorite series and I think it's around the top of shounen series, it's may not objectively the best. The length of the series gives a lot of room for flaws to pop up and have weak arcs, but it does so much well and is engrossing. 

Once we leave the shounen sphere there are plenty of series that easily could be objectively better, especially depending on what your are looking for. Vagabond, Kingdom, Tower of God (if we go into Manwha), Pluto, etc. Depend on what you want out of a series and what you find  important. For example, I have a hard time putting Vagabond #1 cause it's on hiatus during it's final arc, so we don't know if it'll end. 
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Main character who has common sense and relatable motivations.
Character progression, where the good guy turns into the bad guy or vice versa.
Actual suspense of disbelief.

I've read over 500 chapters of OP and those aspects are lacking.

Im not at home but i need my laptop to reply to this.

There's not many animes that's gonna top can't say a 30 episode anime like death note...that's nonsense. Compare those short anime within themselves.

YUYU hakusho>>>> fmab
I love yuyu hakusho, so I ain't even mad.

I felt it.

 @ Hiatus x Hiatus being better than OP

D. Gray-man > Bleach too amirite 
I'm with you at laughing at the first part but the second....I would actually argue it is but then again I never liked Bleach so I can't speak on it 
Tower of God
Does this mean Jyu Viole Grace could be Baam's real name? Is Mirchea Grace the leader of FUG and who climbed the tower with Jahad, the brother or Arlen Grace and whatever happened to Arlen is fueling Mirchea's creation of FUG? Or was Arlen his wife or something else? Is FUG Followers Under Grace? I could easily see Jahad imprisoning Baam because he's the son of Arlen and another man, and he couldn't stand that.
Also Hell Joe is a pretty funny guy. 
Anyway there's a really thorough analysis of the chapter on reddit. I'll copy and paste it below.

The length of this chapter is ridiculous. Like, seriously ridiculous. Will be going by scene again, since the structure of the chapter is very clear again. It seems like SIU puts A LOT of emphasis in clarity when it comes to these super important / large chapters.

On to this week’s analysis!

Scene 1 – Garam and Baam

First of all, Garam is going full noona here and making sure that Baam does not get overwhelmed by information. To the reader, this might sound silly and just a way to split up the reveals, but there actually is a fairly good psychological reason to do so. Given what we learn later in the chapter, I would not be surprised if topics like rape, betrayal, giving up your family, attempts to get rid of a child all came into play. These are topics that if you expose our naïve protagonist to early, might lead to him senselessly hating Zahard and everyone else or even worse – developing a hatred for his own existence. Imagine if you learned that because of your existence, hundreds of people died. It would be horrible. So keeping these potential topics in mind, the decision to split up the information is justified from both the narrative side and the general writing side, since too much too fast is never good.

Scene 2 – Karaka and Co

We learn three fairly important pieces of information in this scene:

1.Yura’s information source was false. We can be sure that that source was Emily, which would mean the machine was given a false input. The fact that SIU actually spent two panels on this single interaction would seem to indicate that this is something for the reader to pick up on. Why would someone lie to Yura? Is their source not trustworthy? If not for Karaka, they would have been likely screwed. It’s almost as if team Rachel are seriously going at this like amateurs, just following info blindly. For them to not fail, someone had to have sent Karaka down here… Someone knows exactly what is going on in this floor and planned the meetings… Smells like another 2F / Workshop Battle type of scenario where we will have someone like Gustang at the end sipping wine and saying how it all went according to plan.

2.Karaka’s and team Rachel’s goals are mutually exclusive. They both want the Thorn and just happened to be crossing paths here. This now completely cluster ***** everything, because we had the line of Karaka doing all this with an intention to help White revive as part of a favor. Now it would seem that he wants to help Hoaqin, but also take away an item that Rachel was planning on snatching, who is in control of Hoaqin (or thinks she is if she is naïve enough). This could all end up in utter chaos with everyone screwing over everyone. It’s actually a bit hilarious to even think about. Imagine if White goes crazy, Karaka goes crazy, Hell Joe, Urek comes and goes crazy. A White vs Karaka becomes a possibility now. Definitely a lot of potential here now.

3.Wangnan does not know about Karaka being his brother. The reaction was purely “that big shot Slayer” and then we cue the ring, indicating that Wangnan missed it, which makes this a pretty typical anime scenario of someone failing to see something right in front of them, which screws them over. It would seem to be the case that Karaka also doesn’t know what Wangnan is supposed to look like. Definitely a sitcom type scenario.

Overall, this scene would seem to indicate some serious trouble in paradise city and more masterwork behind the scenes. Also, Wangnan seems to be going in without a good plan yet again… Just hopping to casually backstab them all once Karaka is out of the picture… Naïve…

Lastly, there is this point that Yura simply asked if she should bring out White. This is actually a big hit to the theory that Hoaqin & Rachel stayed on the train and Yura played everyone. There was so much potential in this twist that it would be a real shame if SIU didn’t employ it in SOME way. Maybe she lied about Rachel on the train and the girl is still inside? Doesn’t seem likely at all now, but on can hope…

Scene 3 – Yura and Co

First, we find out the whole deal with Hell Joe and the Thorns. This reveal is actually pretty massive and answers a lot of questions.

First of all, it would seem that the Thorn story is not going to be over this arc, unless some pretty massive plot twist happens. Two thorns are missing and we are likely go get only a single new one. This is actually playing into Rachel waaaaay too well. The fact that no one can have all the thorns now and that two will be left sets it up perfectly for Rachel to get the 2nd thorn and then have a 1:1 with Baam and then go on to hunt the final 2. Potentially later becoming a 2:2 and a final showdown for the 4:0 to then use vs Zahard.

Given Joe’s words in the following scene, it would seem that we will have a three-way battle for the single thorn fragment between Ryun’s, Karaka’s and Rachel’s branches of FUG.

We also learn about Joe having tinkered with the “Hall” which reveals exactly how he was planning to take over the Shinsoo inside. He simply needs to take over the 2nd Hall in North City and the whole floor is practically his. We also now know how everyone is getting inside the floor so easily – a secret passage. It’s actually a bit funny how a floor which is meant to be really hard to reach and then also requires to give up your soul, meaning that it is a one way trip, will now get entered by three separate teams all at once without paying any sacrifices. That is a lot of people to be left with their souls intact to only last 7 days inside. This might just indicate that the arc itself will only last 7 days. Unless a theory of mine is going to come true…

Currently, we know way too much about this arc. Practically the entire narrative is now set, everything that is needed to be known is known(minus Garam and Baam) and so we just need people to play out their roles and the arc could conclude. This is all too simple. It’s all looking too cut and dry clear, when NHS was exactly that sort of arc. This arc is currently completely mirroring NHS in every single way possible and yet, we know for fact that NHS was simply a bridge arc to lead into the FoD which is meant to be a huge arc that SIU has been hyping up ever since the Workshop Battle concluded. Something is going to happen to completely mess the whole arc up, I guarantee it. Currently, my main theory is that around the middle-end of what we currently see as the projected arc, the entire playfield will get massive changed. For example, the Dome will break and the whole Floor will turn into absolute chaos with guardian blood spilling everywhere and people running for their lives. A completely warped environment where suddenly people from above could come down to add extra fuel to the fire and every character would be completely split up in their own little paths. This would also be the way to bring in characters like Machenny and create a situation for Yuri to die, which is getting foreshadowed way too hard at this point. SIU is either trolling really hard or plans to completely wreck the fan’s feelings, since the vast majority of the community completely rejects the idea of her currently being extremely death flagged. It would be a non-shocking-shock, if you will. It’s highly possible now that North City is a place with pretty good people while South City is filled with selfish ones looking to simply get out of here and ready to throw everyone under the bus to achieve this.

Lastly, we need Ryun in that outfit that not-Yuto is wearing. SIU, plz. I wonder who taught the other the fashion sense, since it definitely looks like a type of dress Ryun would wear.

Scene 4 – Hell Joe

Ignoring all comic relief, which we got plenty of, we learn a few very important details.

First of all, it would seem that mr lackey Song wishes to leave the floor and become wealthy in the tower by resuming the climb, while the rest have now lost hope in this possibility entirely. The fact that Charlotte calls his wish stupid goes to show quite well that they have all pretty much given up and just want to now gain power inside the floor. The story of this regular also implies that he is not what we might consider a “native” and simply got trapped in the floor while climbing the tower. This brings up the question – are all of them like this or were there people who were born in that floor? It’s interesting that Hell Joe looks very much like a bug which could imply that over time, the people of this floor started to change in their form OR some of them were born here. It’s a pretty creepy idea, but not out of the question.

We also learn that Hockney’s eyes are so special that they can even be used to find the flipping thorn. This could imply that he got out of the floor using those eyes. Maybe he found a tunnel to the soul storage room and got his soul back? Could explain how he got out and also why the other regulars are not losing hope in getting out.

Lastly, there is a big point that EVERYONE in the FoD might be regular-level. If we go by the idea that most, if not all, of them got trapped in this floor while climbing, it would mean that they have been sitting in this handicapped station for god knows how long, just like Elaine. No contracts, no training at higher Shinsoo densities… A strong counter-argument, though, is that Hell Joe was able to stand against Karaka and not be in fear, plus Baam is supposedly not ready to face him yet at all. This would imply that this guy who was practically just a Hall monitor, is actually very strong and could mean that the other inhabitants are also complete monsters. Unless Joe is using the Shinsoo flow to artificially inflate his power level. I want to know what happens if someone starts to drink guardian blood like wine every day. The guy might be insanely inflated while the lackeys are all regulars and could present extremely fair challenges to all of our regulars.

Which brings up another big point – he was using powerful Shinsoo while inside the chamber when talking to Karaka. This means that, at least in that castle, the Shinsoo levels are completely normal. All the Shinsoo comes from the Hall so Joe might be directing some pipes directly to the castle to be able to use his abilities at max. What about outside though? What about the wastelands? There is a lot of potential here to create micro biomes in which different characters could fight using different levels of Shinsoo control. Something to consider!

Additionally, I think it is very important that all the lackeys are wearing masks. It could be to hide their horribly bugified faces and could present a great opportunity for someone like Ryun to infiltrate the castle. Yuto swap situation all over again… Given how much info not-Yuto knew, it’s obvious that the place has spies. A lot of exciting possibilities.

Lastly, we learn that one of the intruders can get Joe his soul back. I am betting on Hockey, but plot twists with people like Baam should not be discounted. There is also the question of Hoaqin to consider and how his soul-eating nature ties into all this. Maybe there is a connection between the demon ritual and the floor? Regardless, team Yura is about to run into a lot of opponents and paradise land looks like it will feature a lot of comedic conflict for us to enjoy.

Scene 5 – Garam and Baam again

OK. The big one. First of all, I was spoiled on the fact that Baam is connected to Arlen and is possibly the son of Zahard. Also on the fact that the princesses are playing their game to later be married to Zahard. However, that was only 1/2 of the info so while I did not feel much excitement reading the scene, it was still quite amusing.

Let’s go sentence by sentence. I am using Zumi’s translation here so apologies for any differences from LINE’s version.

That’s right. The king who conquered and greatly reformed the Tower. / Everyone hails him as the immortal hero for prevailing over the 134 floors of the Tower. / He unceasingly climbed the Tower and decided to be its king out of pity for its people

This line confirms GoG’s words that Zahard wanted to make everyone happy. He felt pity that everyone else was weak and had no ways of climbing the tower, while he was powerful and could achieve it all. So at 134F he stops to reform the tower into a place where other people could actually climb the tower and gain the riches and power that he did. We know that Rankers are given access to contracts so this is likely related. He used his contracts with the guardians to make it possible to pass on contracts to regulars, artificially buffing their power immensely and making it possible for them to become powerful. At the same time, while climbing normally, the regulars are not exposed to the horribly difficult guardian tests that they would have no chances beating, since they are not irregulars. It did take an irregular to beat 2F’s guardian test that was likely rigged all the way through too :wink:

So up to this point, Zahard is a good guy, the best guy. He is using his power to bestow power upon the weak and make their dreams possible to achieve!

Afterwards, he decided to entrust the conquering of the Tower to his descendants.

These lines are pretty huge, they imply that originally, Zahard was planning to let his descendants go to 135F and up. For some reason Zahard had felt that he had reached his limits or that he no longer needed to climb higher up.

But because his blood was too strong, no woman has a strong enough body give him a child / so one of the 10 Family Heads, Po Bidau Gustang, gave a suggestion.

Essentially, Zahard would seem to have no faith that anyone can beat the tower, but his OWN descendant. The following line is the proof of this.

Let us choose exceptional women who will be gradually injected with Zahard’s blood and let them compete with each other as they climb the Tower / The best princess who survives shall become Zahard’s wife.

This is already all manners of ****** up. We can probably look past the lack of logic in that he is essentially making himself sisters and just imagine that the blood injections don’t change their blood type enough to pose a problem / is irrelevant in this universe. I don’t want to even think about the line “no woman has a strong enough body give him a child” more than needed. The way this inability manifested… How far did they go…? It reminds me of Angel’s flashback a little bit so I would rather terminate this thought process.

Now, we have zero indication that any other princesses are aware of the fact that their “Father” is meant to become their “husband” in the future. It makes me boil even more inside to imagine what would happen if one did collect the series and then ended up not wanting to marry into Zahard…

And that was how “Zahard princesses” came to be

Having a 13 Month weapon is a symbol/token of being a “recognized princess” / And the princess who collects all the 13MS will become Zahard’s bride

This line is extremely important. This indicates the entire timeline. The door’s key was melted down WHILE setting up the princess system. It means that Zahard split up the key to be collected and then granted to the child of the princess to unlock 135F. WOW. Zahard has no faith that anyone can / should climb the tower further, unless they are his descendant. What horror lurks past that door? Is he fearing something there? Feeling that only his child should be given right? That was my initial thought, until I read further…

But so far, no princess has ever accomplished that.

This is the ancient story about us and Zahard.

But the reality was different. / The first generation Zahard princesses were driven by the spell in the 13 Months to kill each other in hatred.

At this point, we can conclude that Zahard had no plans for the key to ever be repaired. He was not planning for the series to be collected. He had planned to make this entire situation impossible. Making sure that 135F is never reached. WHY?

As the competition intensified, the relationship between the 10 Family Heads also started to turn sour. / When I was chosen, the original purpose was already forgotten and all that was left were competition and slaughter. / And when the fights among the Princesses seemed like it will last forever, the discord between the Families also developed.

This is now reaching another level of ****** up. It would imply that the families and Zahard were fine watching girls kill each other and it took their members to continue dying till they started to feel resentment against each other, not because the situation was ****** up, but most definitely because of their own pride! “Your daughter killed mine! Screw you! My next one will kill her, I’m confident!” Situations like this were probably plenty.

Every day of our lives, we repeatedly cut the throats of people we call sisters. / Enduring all of that chaos was so difficult.


This panel is brutal

I would not be surprised if this is exactly the point where Baam will find his determination. The determination to end it all, because what Zahard and Gustang had created here…. Baam has developed an extremely deep relationship with Yuri and Androssi. To him, these words have to be incredibly painful. To hear that your two dear friends are in a death game with no hope…

This brings up another point… Yuri has two of the weapons. What if this is exactly what is happening to her? What if her extreme foolishness and recklessness is being fueled by the series? Maybe she is lucky to not be using the BM, since the weapon hates her? If she had been using the weapon actively, maybe Yuri would be falling into this same pit. This could also mean that Machenny is possibly slowly turning mad too. A rising thirst to cut down Yuri and take away her weapons… It’s not even about them knowing this, it is a natural reaction that they slowly develop from using the weapons. Anak also gets explained with this. She was insanely bloodthirsty in 2F. This was likely the Green April's influence. This would mean that Yuri actually SAVED Anak from her inveitable downfall due to the weapon. This is so ****** up.

Her name was Enne Zahard-

She started killing a lot of Zahard’s people at random / and ended up sealed in an unknown labyrinth.

First of all, this is now oddly clashing with the old article information that we had about the princesses. It would now seem that the article info did, indeed, hold rumors of the tower and not the full “truth”. The fact that Garam could actually interact with Enne and find out the truth could imply that Enne is actually pretty sane, but simply locked away, because she learned of the secret. A cover-up. And even if there was insanity here, this insanity had to be from learning the truth about Zahard. Just imagine learning of such a fate… The reaction to go on a homicide is actually… to be expected…

We also learn that she is sealed away in a labyrinth which would foreshadow that a guide will be able to reach her and create a fateful meeting if Baam or some other princess is to meet her in the future to save her.

Zahard.. actually had no intention of marrying from the very beginning.

Creating the Zahard princesses was merely / to quell the discontent at once. / And that the mastermind behind the events that led to the tragic death of all the first-generation princesses was Zahard himself.

This line is actually very odd. It would imply that Zahard was simply looking for an efficient way to get out of this situation. I think it’s safe to say that the other 10H or some other people wanted to continue climbing up and that was why they wanted him to quickly get a wife who he would grant access to continue climbing the tower. Zahard did not want to climb anymore, yet the others still did, but could do nothing, but try and please him and achieve this goal in his own way. Yet, Zahard had no intention of allowing such a thing to happen. He simply did not care enough, because he was a God with Human desires… It is worth noting that Gustang is the one to pass on the idea and is also the man currently working against Zahard in the shadows. It could indicate that he really wanted to go up the floors and then hit a wall that is Zahard’s selfishness. An alternative was then found.

After finding out all that, Enne Zahard-unni went to confront him

only to hear a cruel secret.

That Zahard.. actually had a first love he could never forget.

First love……?

Yes. Her name is

“Arlen Grace”

That one person who is / the beginning of all this tragedy and of your existence in this world.

Just. Wow. First of all, Zahard is not a fitting God or King. If your decision determines what so many other people can do, you cannot give in to your personal desires. If Zahard was a true “god”, he would have to cast away his personal feelings and just do what is right in allowing for the climb to continue and yet the man does not care. He was alright allowing hundreds, if not thousands, of princesses to slaughter each other all because he did not want to have a wife, because of his first love. Zahard and the 10H are absolutely utterly lost as humans. No wonder the fruit of this tree are all rotten, the seeds are rotten beyond help. They all achieved incredible power and started to feel like gods, like they could do anything and that human lives are nothing but a plaything. That it does not matter. This chapter is making me so mad it’s insane and yet I love it so much, because this is an absolutely incredible turn of events. There was no noble goal in any of this. Zahard simply gave in to his own selfishness. Unless we learn something new next chapter that will completely turn all of this over.

SIU : This Arlen is Arlen in “Hand of Arlen”.

This comment by SIU is a very direct hint that FUGs are directly involved with avenging Arlen Grace and that is why they want Zahard dead, atleast Luslec Grace sure the f does. It all fits perfectly. The grand reveal of the slayer Viole at the Hand of Arlen to send a message to Zahard that “we know and we are coming for you”. This is all a revenge ploy from Grace that the others are riding either because of their own revenge backstories or other ideals like power / 135F unlock and so on.

Honestly, I do not want to draw conclusions here, because it is not clear what is going to happen next chapter. There might be a different side to this story that might make Zahard justified. Heck, he will definitely be somehow justified, though the current information would suggest a pure power corruption and ruling when one is not fit to rule at all.

I would like to emphasize that we do not know where this places Baam yet at all. Given the entire system with Zahard’s blood being too strong. If this was NOT a lie, then it is likely that Arlen had a child with someone else and Zahard got jealous and decided to lock the child up in anger. However, Baam has insane abilities and Garam knew he would, meaning that he cannot have a normal lineage. I don’t think any theory just got disproved at all. It could be that Zahard lied about the strong blood and had a baby with Arlen, but then something happened and he decided to get rid of it. It could be that he was in love with Arlen, she wanted a child, but they could not have it and then Enryu showed up and said “hey, fam, I can make you a child out of Shinsoo if you want :wink: Been meaning to test something out anyways” and then did some wonky magic involving using the blood of Arlen and Zahard both. It can also just as well be that Arlen died at child birth. All three possibilities exist in full (ok, I am really reaching with the Enryu one here, plz don’t take it as me being obsessed with that theory and defensive about it. I really won’t be sad either way, all three paths can present good storytelling). The Arlen childbirth death one seems most likely, though. Oh yeah, another possibility is that Arlen fell in love with Enryu and Baam is Enryu's literal son. Zahard got mad with his new-found need to control and did something horrible while Baam was hidden away.

However, where does this place the princes? Could it be that they are also children of Zahard that simply did not inherit his power and so got thrown away, because they were unfit to continue climbing the tower past 134F? It could explain everything about them and why Karaka is a slayer.

What scares me the most right now is if Rachel ties into all this… Some of the possibilities are… Scary…


This chapter we learned more about the grand story of this floor and what the projected story is going to be like. We now have our villains and their motivations set. We also pretty much have our side’s motivations also set, except for uncertainty with Baam. The kid has shown a very strong mindset when it comes to everything except for Rachel so I don’t expect him to have a mental breakdown, but he definitely will have a lot to think about regardless of what Garam says next.

I am not drawing conclusions on the final scene. I feel like this is only the first half of the complete story and the second half will be what really reveals the truth.
Don't get me wrong Robins backstory was sad and I did get upset at the actions of the World Government who are POS anyways!

But Nami's backstory jus hit me harder in the feels

It's all preferences fellas, that's all
Op is my favorite it has a better developed world than a lot of other anime characters have unique designs & are rarely forgotten and power levels don't matter in op I'll disagree on the lack of character progression multiple characters change sides & we get to see their point of views

And out of all the sad op backstories robin, law, and fisher tiger/jinbei/arlong all hit home the hardest

especially since thanks to our new president they could all very well happen [emoji]128560[/emoji]
i like One Piece because i like Luffy.

you know that saying " he who believes life is a tragedy, but he who thinks believes life is a comedy"

i think luffy is like that..everything is a comedy...until it comes to the people you love....nakama....then all that **** goes out the window....

and i like the idea that he is a dreamer, who has a goal, and no matter who gets in his way, or who makes fun of him for his dream, son is still one thousand percent confident that he will reach his goal. i like that a lot.

i like that he's ridiculous but when **** hits the fan....hes all business. like this


i can relate to this guy 8)
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Man ya'll got me about to catch up on One Piece but i'm like 2 and a half years behind on the manga 
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