The Official Black Mirror Thread: Season 6 on Netflix Now

^right, there is a theory that it is a not insignificant probability that WE ARE IN A SIMULATION RIGHT NOW...but even if this were the case it wouldn't necessarily exclude the existence of 'god'...the question this brings about for those that are believers in the afterlife is consciousness equal/equivalent to one's 'soul'? could one's consciousness be put into the machine while their soul goes wherever souls go? is the set of experiences that is uploaded into the machines really those people once life leaves their body or is it just some representation of those people? does that make it less real for those representations that are aware that what they are experiencing isn't 'real' but feels much like what they knew to be real?

Right? I'm just running through all these scenarios and keep going deeper and deeper. I was taking a midterm today and couldn't focus cause I kept trying to philosophize :rofl:
My thing with the meaning and possible implications of the reveal and twists of San Juniero gets simplified with my view of it in regards to other theories and I've said it before:

What exists in that simulationafter your death is just a copy of your consciousness/mind in data form to be plugged in to a software program.

You still die. You are dead. When you die, you die, that's it. They did not discover a way to circumvent the death of your physical body by separating/saving/storing your mind elsewhere (the implications of that alone opens a whole other can of worms).

As far as the after life(a d if there is one), that's still the unknown.
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My thing with the meaning and possible implications of the reveal and twists of San Juniero gets simplified with my view of it in regards to other theories and I've said it before:

What exists in that simulationafter your death is just a copy of your consciousness/mind in data form to be plugged in to a software program.

You still die. You are dead. When you die, you die, that's it. They did not discover a way to circumvent the death of your physical body by separating/saving/storing your mind elsewhere (the implications of that alone opens a whole other can of worms).

As far as the after life(a d if there is one), that's still the unknown.

in the physical sense, definitely...but given the circumstance(s) of this story, where the "consciousnesses" of people are stored after physical death, and are/were aware of their once physical mortality, if not a circumvention of death, what is it? that is part of setup of this episode, no? we undoubtedly consider a non-functional paralyzed body with "consciousness" to be among the living & those with functioning bodies without what is deemed to be "consciousness" considered for all intents & purposes amongst the dead...and maybe this is also part of the point, what are the implications of this alternate existence, especially when you consider that there can be "visitors" from the "real" world into the simulated world?
Just finished watching the White Bear episode a day that whole process seems like the largest waste of time
My thing with the meaning and possible implications of the reveal and twists of San Juniero gets simplified with my view of it in regards to other theories and I've said it before:

What exists in that simulationafter your death is just a copy of your consciousness/mind in data form to be plugged in to a software program.

You still die. You are dead. When you die, you die, that's it. They did not discover a way to circumvent the death of your physical body by separating/saving/storing your mind elsewhere (the implications of that alone opens a whole other can of worms).

As far as the after life(a d if there is one), that's still the unknown.

in the physical sense, definitely...but given the circumstance(s) of this story, where the "consciousnesses" of people are stored after physical death, and are/were aware of their once physical mortality, if not a circumvention of death, what is it? that is part of setup of this episode, no? we undoubtedly consider a non-functional paralyzed body with "consciousness" to be among the living & those with functioning bodies without what is deemed to be "consciousness" considered for all intents & purposes amongst the dead...and maybe this is also part of the point, what are the implications of this alternate existence, especially when you consider that there can be "visitors" from the "real" world into the simulated world?
To me once the person dies not just their physical but their mind consciousness dies with them. What is in San Junipero is a copy of the mind for every permanent resident.

This isn't just about a physical body. Its about your conscious mind in reality. Don't matter if you paralyzed. The question is really if the mind can transcend the reality, circumvent death, and exist virtually forever in a simulation. The conclusion I've come to is the mind dies when you die and after you die what's in SJ is a copy not original you.

The setup of the ep doesn't keep me from reaching that conclusion. I mean even after the twist you could look at it as a virtual world ppl visit. That I can buy cuz ppl come back to reality but the whole you die and you get to live on permanently in this virtual world is in question.

When you look at it this way it's almost like Westworld or the Matrix. Real ppl visiting a simulation and the ppl already there are just simulated programs.

Of course this story isn't going in to details or the sci-fi specifics so as far as I see it my take on it works just fine from a metaphysical and logical perspective.
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Just finished watching the first two episodes of the season. Where did that thickness come from from ol gir? She was all nice and prissy through the episode until she got all dirty and regular. I like how the theme can of course be applied to what is going on in current society.

Episode 2 had an inception feel and of course he went into it thinking his biggest fear was of a high school bully or a giant spider but he died (or went brain dead) because he couldn't take two seconds to call his mom back early in the episode. Some episodes have happy endings and others have grim endings like this one
Speaking of the SJ ep, dunno if I me tioned it but this show Falling Water on USA has A similarity except it's about shared dreaming.
Over here trying to get into this show and homie smashing a pig. Wth is this :x

Disregard that 1st episode. It's probably the worst of the entire 3 seasons. Shock value and that's about it :lol:

Also, non of them are related so you don't have to watch them in order :wink:
Just watched the first 3 of season 3....nice to see Bron back :lol:

But do any of these have a happy ending?....lmao
Could argue bing has a happy ending.. also San junipero

And depending on how you look at things: white bear, white Christmas and shut up and dance (in that terrible people got what they had coming)
Be right back is an amazing episode....acting was great....shorty has amazing boobs
im over here just waiting for Kit Harrington to pop up in one of these....almost every episode has a GOT cast member...just caught the Black Fishes nephew in one, now I see Osha in White Xmas :lol:
Going back to White Bear is the punishment really effective if they wipe her memory every day? How can you punish someone who does't even know what they did?
^that is the point though, it would be a totally different experience were it just that she had to go through that everyday...presumably as torturous as it is would be, one might be able to brace themselves for it, to have to experience the whole ordeal anew & make it an attraction(or gameshow, i forget) is maybe also a commentary/perversion on/of our society's voyeurism
I always thought the punishment for white bear is to go over the whole ordeal every day and then the big reveal at the end. It can mess with someone's heart!
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