The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

the only thing i hate is commando, can't stand dudes who use a knife as a primary. 15 feet halo lunges get annoying
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by Garcia y Vega

That guy wants a whole new game.

he just wants COD 4 to have MW2 Maps 
that would be awesome, they should have that for cod 4 dlc
Originally Posted by lowslows

LOL @ all sniper rifles being one hit this dude serious?

Killstreaks are what define call of duty...there aint nuffin you can do about them

They aint over powered now a days anyway....90% of the time them harriers and chopper gunners gettin shot down asap

Have you ever seen a .50 cal being shot or a bullet from a .50 cal?  I completely agree with this guy, if you shoot someone in the leg, their leg is gone, no debate.  I have shot people in the chest with the .50 cal on Derail before, and just got a hit marker, a .50 cal to the chest would more or less put a hole in somebodies chest.  I realize not everything is 'realistic' in video games, but this is one that should be fixed.
LOL @ all sniper rifles being one hit this dude serious?

That's the only one of his suggestions that I disagree with. Especially because he wants to reduce the power of the ordinary machine guns. I agree that the machine guns are overpowered, but him wanting the Intervention and Barrett to essentially both turn into that COD4 G-shot sniper where you can hit a guy in his pinkie toe and kill him is ridiculous. All his other suggestions are on-point. Modern Warfare 2 is exactly what I feared: Infinity Ward overdoing their nice innovations they introduced in COD4: perks and killstreaks. In their desperation to bring something new to the game they overdid it and introduced some ridiculous perks and overpowered killstreaks.

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by Garcia y Vega

That guy wants a whole new game.

he just wants COD 4 to have MW2 Maps 

And what would be wrong with this? It would be a much better game. At least it would be a first person SHOOTER again, and not first person knifer/air support shooting at little red squares-er.

And I am pretty sure that he would want to keep all the new weapons as well, other than the maps. Custom killstreaks are a nice idea, but this game would be so much better without the Chopper Gunner, AC-130 and the nuke.
ok, here's my thing and someone please tell me why....

do kill streak rewards adds towards your kill streak...meaning, last night i was in a match, i got the, ac130, emp, and nuke equipped, i got on my ac130 and got like a 15 kill streak with it and i was suppose to get a nuke.....when i got off the ac130, it never gave me the emp or nuke and other matchs i get it.....y
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

ok, here's my thing and someone please tell me why....

do kill streak rewards adds towards your kill streak...meaning, last night i was in a match, i got the, ac130, emp, and nuke equipped, i got on my ac130 and got like a 15 kill streak with it and i was suppose to get a nuke.....when i got off the ac130, it never gave me the emp or nuke and other matchs i get it.....y
did you try pressing the right d-pad anyways? that happen to me where it didn't show that I got it but I had it anyways

only kill streaks that don't add on is care package items
Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

ok, here's my thing and someone please tell me why....

do kill streak rewards adds towards your kill streak...meaning, last night i was in a match, i got the, ac130, emp, and nuke equipped, i got on my ac130 and got like a 15 kill streak with it and i was suppose to get a nuke.....when i got off the ac130, it never gave me the emp or nuke and other matchs i get it.....y
did you try pressing the right d-pad anyways? that happen to me where it didn't show that I got it but I had it anyways

only kill streaks that don't add on is care package items

yup, sometimes it works and sometimes it don't.
Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by lowslows

LOL @ all sniper rifles being one hit this dude serious?

Killstreaks are what define call of duty...there aint nuffin you can do about them

They aint over powered now a days anyway....90% of the time them harriers and chopper gunners gettin shot down asap

Have you ever seen a .50 cal being shot or a bullet from a .50 cal?  I completely agree with this guy, if you shoot someone in the leg, their leg is gone, no debate.  I have shot people in the chest with the .50 cal on Derail before, and just got a hit marker, a .50 cal to the chest would more or less put a hole in somebodies chest.  I realize not everything is 'realistic' in video games, but this is one that should be fixed.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by lowslows

LOL @ all sniper rifles being one hit this dude serious?

Killstreaks are what define call of duty...there aint nuffin you can do about them

They aint over powered now a days anyway....90% of the time them harriers and chopper gunners gettin shot down asap

Have you ever seen a .50 cal being shot or a bullet from a .50 cal?  I completely agree with this guy, if you shoot someone in the leg, their leg is gone, no debate. I have shot people in the chest with the .50 cal on Derail before, and just got a hit marker, a .50 cal to the chest would more or less put a hole in somebodies chest. I realize not everything is 'realistic' in video games, but this is one that should be fixed.

actually a real .50 cal round anywhere near you would kill you just from all of the velocity

the only reason this guy didn't die is because the round slowed down an incredible amount before hitting him in his ear protection
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by lowslows

LOL @ all sniper rifles being one hit this dude serious?

Killstreaks are what define call of duty...there aint nuffin you can do about them

They aint over powered now a days anyway....90% of the time them harriers and chopper gunners gettin shot down asap

Have you ever seen a .50 cal being shot or a bullet from a .50 cal?  I completely agree with this guy, if you shoot someone in the leg, their leg is gone, no debate.  I have shot people in the chest with the .50 cal on Derail before, and just got a hit marker, a .50 cal to the chest would more or less put a hole in somebodies chest.  I realize not everything is 'realistic' in video games, but this is one that should be fixed.

Making 50 cals a one shot kill everytime would turn this game into a complete joke...and why is this the only thing that needs to be realistic?

Because you snipe?

That would completely ruin the game more so than commando, glitches, hacks, anything.

All other guns would be obsolete
No it woudnt.

Sniping isnt as easy as everyone thinks it is. If you are a bad sniper or you cant quick scope, trust me ill take you out before you even get a shot off.

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

if they wanted it to be realistic, they would have it 10x harder to quick scope and have to lead targets when sniping

aka bad company 2.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

No it woudnt.

Sniping isnt as easy as everyone thinks it is. If you are a bad sniper or you cant quick scope, trust me ill take you out before you even get a shot off.
Exactly. I tend to quickscope a lot. So getting hit markers on the upper chest with FMJ AND Stopping Power gets me heated. Its not fair. The bolt action animation takes to long on the Intervention and you're dead before half of the animation is done. And with the recoil on the Barrett the second shot is irrelevant IMO. Spraying with the M21 or WA2000 is ******ed, and again, the guns kill you so fast due to the fact you die in 3 bullets and the ROF is so high on all AR's pulling out your secondary is irrelevant. Even if its a pistol.
Sniping in this game is easy as hell. Doesnt take much skill to quick scope with slight of hand pro(you get the upper hand against ppl who don't have it), add the fact that bullets follow enemies. On top of that you can just hip fire with a sniper... It's ridiculous. The COD franchise has fallen too far from what makes a FPS great. Death streaks, dual weapons, commando makes this game too casual. Cod2 and cod4 are hands down the greatest of the series.There is a reason why cod4 has MLG and MW2 doesn't. BF2 is most def gonna be a refresher to get away from the BS. In love with the demo.
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