The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

was smashin earlier today. was at 63/75 on head shots to unlock blue tiger for the SCAR. got it in about an hour.


now rockin with Blue Tiger camo on the UMP45, P90, TAR-21 and the SCAR. camo swag is thru the roof right now.
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by lowslows

LOL @ all sniper rifles being one hit this dude serious?

Killstreaks are what define call of duty...there aint nuffin you can do about them

They aint over powered now a days anyway....90% of the time them harriers and chopper gunners gettin shot down asap

Have you ever seen a .50 cal being shot or a bullet from a .50 cal?� I completely agree with this guy, if you shoot someone in the leg, their leg is gone, no debate.� I have shot people in the chest with the .50 cal on Derail before, and just got a hit marker, a .50 cal to the chest would more or less put a hole in somebodies chest.� I realize not everything is 'realistic' in video games, but this is one that should be fixed.

actually a real .50 cal round anywhere near you would kill you just from all of the velocity

the only reason this guy didn't die is because the round slowed down an incredible amount before hitting him in his ear protection

Originally Posted by sigmakidownz

It aint swag till you get red tiger though. ^

Originally Posted by bostonthreeparty


lol, true. im almost there (about 20 away) with the P90. i switch up my guns too much to worry about getting the red tiger or fall camo.

blue tiger > red tiger > fall, imo... from an aesthetic point of view.
^ Fall SCAR looks like diarrhea. Matter of fact, any camo on the SCAR is cheeks. The gun that looks the best with Blue/Red Tiger and Fall is the FAMAS. Camos on that look ridiculous.
damn Sherlock... you be goin in, huh?

how long you been playing? ... i still havent prestiged yet. think im level 61 or somethin. tryin to decide if i want to level up more !!@ when i hit 70.. or prestige. *shrug*
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Sniping in this game is easy as hell. Doesnt take much skill to quick scope with slight of hand pro(you get the upper hand against ppl who don't have it), add the fact that bullets follow enemies. On top of that you can just hip fire with a sniper... It's ridiculous. The COD franchise has fallen too far from what makes a FPS great. Death streaks, dual weapons, commando makes this game too casual. Cod2 and cod4 are hands down the greatest of the series.There is a reason why cod4 has MLG and MW2 doesn't. BF2 is most def gonna be a refresher to get away from the BS. In love with the demo.

Doesnt take much skill? If you can quick scope well then good for you, cause its not something everyone can do. And im talking about true quick scoping like in that video posted last page "10 Things Wrong with MW2". Showed quick scoping in MW.

Who cares if its dubbed a FPS, does that mean shooting is whats going to make this game? I like the variety. If MW2 was the same as MW, then the same people complaining about having so much *#$@ in this game would complain about NOT having enough new #$@$.

If you dont like it, dont play it. Go play MW.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Sniping in this game is easy as hell. Doesnt take much skill to quick scope with slight of hand pro(you get the upper hand against ppl who don't have it), add the fact that bullets follow enemies. On top of that you can just hip fire with a sniper... It's ridiculous. The COD franchise has fallen too far from what makes a FPS great. Death streaks, dual weapons, commando makes this game too casual. Cod2 and cod4 are hands down the greatest of the series.There is a reason why cod4 has MLG and MW2 doesn't. BF2 is most def gonna be a refresher to get away from the BS. In love with the demo.

Doesnt take much skill? If you can quick scope well then good for you, cause its not something everyone can do. And im talking about true quick scoping like in that video posted last page "10 Things Wrong with MW2". Showed quick scoping in MW.

Who cares if its dubbed a FPS, does that mean shooting is whats going to make this game? I like the variety. If MW2 was the same as MW, then the same people complaining about having so much *#$@ in this game would complain about NOT having enough new #$@$.

If you dont like it, dont play it. Go play MW.
i Cannot Quick scope at all, unless i have a ACOG scope, which i rarely use unless I'm unlocking thermal on any gun,
Sniping in COD4 was so much fun, (M40/Barrett w/ red tiger
and when they released Creek, it was Sniper Heaven, the two ridges were awesome. 

I think what made COD4 so great was that It was Simple, but so far ahead of COD 3 

and i'm actually sorta excited for COD Vietnam, made by the guys who made WaW, Treyarch. 

if they make it simple like COD4, it will play better than MW2, even though it will be seen as a Flop. 
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Sniping in this game is easy as hell. Doesnt take much skill to quick scope with slight of hand pro(you get the upper hand against ppl who don't have it), add the fact that bullets follow enemies. On top of that you can just hip fire with a sniper... It's ridiculous. The COD franchise has fallen too far from what makes a FPS great. Death streaks, dual weapons, commando makes this game too casual. Cod2 and cod4 are hands down the greatest of the series.There is a reason why cod4 has MLG and MW2 doesn't. BF2 is most def gonna be a refresher to get away from the BS. In love with the demo.

Doesnt take much skill? If you can quick scope well then good for you, cause its not something everyone can do. And im talking about true quick scoping like in that video posted last page "10 Things Wrong with MW2". Showed quick scoping in MW.

Who cares if its dubbed a FPS, does that mean shooting is whats going to make this game? I like the variety. If MW2 was the same as MW, then the same people complaining about having so much *#$@ in this game would complain about NOT having enough new #$@$.

If you dont like it, dont play it. Go play MW.
i Cannot Quick scope at all, unless i have a ACOG scope, which i rarely use unless I'm unlocking thermal on any gun,
Sniping in COD4 was so much fun, (M40/Barrett w/ red tiger
and when they released Creek, it was Sniper Heaven, the two ridges were awesome. 

I think what made COD4 so great was that It was Simple, but so far ahead of COD 3 

and i'm actually sorta excited for COD Vietnam, made by the guys who made WaW, Treyarch. 

if they make it simple like COD4, it will play better than MW2, even though it will be seen as a Flop. 
Treyarch fails usually though. It's a well known fact. If COD 7 is as bad as WaW was everyone will be back to MW2 in a month.
I suck at this game and with lag forget about it.
I just dump a whole clip in some dudes head and the shot did not register.
Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Me, Henz, and MezOne just destroyed these dudes.

game was crazy, seem like it ended in about 3mins.. Back2back gunners by me & mez finished them
Originally Posted by jeenewed

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Sniping in this game is easy as hell. Doesnt take much skill to quick scope with slight of hand pro(you get the upper hand against ppl who don't have it), add the fact that bullets follow enemies. On top of that you can just hip fire with a sniper... It's ridiculous. The COD franchise has fallen too far from what makes a FPS great. Death streaks, dual weapons, commando makes this game too casual. Cod2 and cod4 are hands down the greatest of the series.There is a reason why cod4 has MLG and MW2 doesn't. BF2 is most def gonna be a refresher to get away from the BS. In love with the demo.

Doesnt take much skill? If you can quick scope well then good for you, cause its not something everyone can do. And im talking about true quick scoping like in that video posted last page "10 Things Wrong with MW2". Showed quick scoping in MW.

Who cares if its dubbed a FPS, does that mean shooting is whats going to make this game? I like the variety. If MW2 was the same as MW, then the same people complaining about having so much *#$@ in this game would complain about NOT having enough new #$@$.

If you dont like it, dont play it. Go play MW.
i Cannot Quick scope at all, unless i have a ACOG scope, which i rarely use unless I'm unlocking thermal on any gun,
Sniping in COD4 was so much fun, (M40/Barrett w/ red tiger
and when they released Creek, it was Sniper Heaven, the two ridges were awesome. 

I think what made COD4 so great was that It was Simple, but so far ahead of COD 3 

and i'm actually sorta excited for COD Vietnam, made by the guys who made WaW, Treyarch. 

if they make it simple like COD4, it will play better than MW2, even though it will be seen as a Flop. 
Treyarch fails usually though. It's a well known fact. If COD 7 is as bad as WaW was everyone will be back to MW2 in a month.

as long as there is no tanks, i don't think i will get as frustrated as i do with MW2
Originally Posted by Megatron187em

Originally Posted by 2o6

Originally Posted by Megatron187em

add me i dont play alot, but im like rambo and jack bauer combined in one ask sherlock

gamertag- oj simpson x187
you wont add me buddy
I dont like you
You added me but you won't add me on twitter. What's up with that....
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