The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

rolling with some dudes I met a week ago online and got 4 AC130's in 10 games.

They gave me a lot of tips on how to get it. Working on getting my Killstreaks into the 'teens then gonna try and drop my first nuke.
GT: B00Gi3 D0WN

k/d 2.12

add me i play with a couple of u, I NORMally play objective and ground war
Just got my 1st Nuke

I didn't really care for it took much before, but I've been on frenzy tryna get one as of late.
I came mad close like 4 games. Then I finally got it.
It's crazy because everytime I got close, I would get super nervous, lol.
One Man Army Pro...FTW!!!
So played online for the first time today.

Is getting stabbed from like 10ft away a glitch or just the way the game is?
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

So played online for the first time today.

Is getting stabbed from like 10ft away a glitch or just the way the game is?

Commando Perk, I hate that ##$ 
dont they ban your accounts on MW2 for doing that 10 prestige hack
I think they ban the people who are hosting the lobbies because they have modded Xboxs.
I don't think they have a way of proving you yourself didn't get to 10th illegitimately. But who knows?
Originally Posted by its Labrev

dont they ban your accounts on MW2 for doing that 10 prestige hack
I think they ban the people who are hosting the lobbies because they have modded Xboxs.
I don't think they have a way of proving you yourself didn't get to 10th illegitimately. But who knows?

Honestly I would do it just for the 10 custom classes..anybody down???...

GT:  Nice Gamertag
I got a 30 kill streak with harrier/pavelow/nuke and i never got a nuke. 
  Does the pavelow count toward your killstreaks?
Jus Got Done Playin A Quick Game Of Ground War

Lookin For More Folks To Run Wit On There...GT: PUMKINEsCoBaR24
Originally Posted by xblaze23

I got a 30 kill streak with harrier/pavelow/nuke and i never got a nuke. 
  Does the pavelow count toward your killstreaks?
im pretty sure it does, everything besides care packages/emergency airdrops count.

my kill streaks used to glitch before, like i would get enough kills but it wouldnt give me the actual killstreak.
I would have the clear the killstreaks and repick them again and it would work

with that said... im pissed i didnt have my nuke on... never gonna under estimate that i could get a kill streak like this.


You'll get suspended going into the 10th prestige lobby, even if you get invited.

Heads up.
pavelow is glitched it'll count towards your killstreak if
1. u get it from a care package
2. u go up to 9 kills without dying or 8 if ur using hardline
3. after u call it in, if u get a kill before u pavelow it'll count towards ur streak
Originally Posted by Jonbx5

pavelow is glitched it'll count towards your killstreak if
1. u get it from a care package
2. u go up to 9 kills without dying or 8 if ur using hardline
3. after u call it in, if u get a kill before u pavelow it'll count towards ur streak

If I have the Kilstreak PaveLow, Ac130, NUke..will the pavelow count $%$ kill streaks to get the nuke?
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