The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

man tell me why i got the game yesterday after work, and got home thinking damn its gonna be a good night tonight just to come home to RROD!!!!!!!!

no playing for me damn this sucks !!!! now i gotta send this %%@$ in and wait grrrr !!!!
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

I bought my parents into my room and told them check out my new soccer game, then played the no russian mission

they think I need a pshyciatrist now

My friend showed his girlfriend and she freaked out, opened the tray and walked out the room.
Originally Posted by Plan Beats

I dropped a care package on my head and died.

anyone want to play spec ops with me. only thing is i don't have a mic but its coming in the mail soon.

edit- oh yeah i showed my moms the no Russian mission and now she wants to play.
I hate when people try to use care packages inside. what good is an AC-130 going to be on the roof of a building?
I was killed by an airdop package..I said %$* just happened...then i looked at the icon. has anyone else been blown up on the mines when you travel too far ofthe board yt?
^ I got murked by radiation on that big map with the tunnels... if you go outside the markers you die slow.

and yea i got smashed by a care package in my like first match
I was standing like 3 feet from the marker i put down and %*%@ bounced and took me out

Are the snipers less powerful in this game? Cause it seems like it takes 2 shots to kill people with the .50 cal WITH stopping power on... and they arent usingjuggernaut or anything either...

I think the most important thing in MP is to stay on the lookout for people constantly... if youre spotted before someone spots you, youre toast... its so muchharder to jjust duck into a doorway or behind a wall in this game than in MW and WaW.
Originally Posted by That Kid Daniel

Can somebody please pm me the story. I got kind of confused.

Spoiler [+]
Modern Warfare 2 is set five years after the conclusion of Call of Duty 4. Despite the efforts of the Marines and the SAS, the Ultranationalists seize control of Russia and declare Zakhaev a hero and martyr. Meanwhile, Vladimir Makarov, one of Zakhaev's former lieutenants, begins a reign of terror against Europe by staging numerous terror attacks.

The game begins in Afghanistan, where US Army Ranger Private Allen helps take an Afghan city from an army of militants. Impressed, General Shepherd recruits Allen as a CIA operative and places him in Makarov's organization as an undercover operative. Meanwhile, Soap and Roach infiltrate a Russian airbase to recover a lost ACS module. Makarov, however, is one step ahead; he kills Allen, exposes his identity as an American, and turns him into a scapegoat for a brutal terrorist attack on a Russian airport.

Angered by what they believe is an American-supported terrorist attack, Russia stages a surprise invasion of the United States East Coast. Private Ramirez and the US Army Rangers are called upon to defend Washington D.C. from the Russian attack. Meanwhile, Task Force 141 works on taking down Makarov. They go to Rio de Janeiro to chase leads on Makarov's contacts, but these turn out to be dead ends. As a result, Soap decides to rescue one of Makarov's most hated enemies from a Russian prison and use him as bait to draw him out. With assistance from the SEALS and Marines, Task Force 141 manages to free the prisoner, who is revealed to be Price. Price agrees to help them track down Makarov, but knows they must do something extreme to end the war. He temporarily goes rogue, hijacks a Russian nuclear submarine, and launches an ICBM at Washington D.C. However, Price rigs the warhead to explode in the upper atmosphere, which destroys the International Space Station but spares Washington. The resulting electromagnetic pulse cripples both the US and Russian forces in the city. Later, Ramirez and his squad discover that the Air Force will assume that D.C. is lost and carpet bomb the city. The only way to abort the operation is to set off green flares on the roof of the White House, which is under Russian control. Ramirez and his squad fight their way to the roof the building and manage to set off their flares in the nick of time, while green flares on the roofs of other D.C. landmarks signifies that the city remains firmly in American hands.

Even with the current conflict over, Makarov is still on the loose. Narrowing down his hiding place to two separate locations, Task Force 141 decides to split up. Soap and Price go to the boneyards in Afghanistan, while Roach and Ghost raid Makarov's safehouse in the Caucasus Mountains. The latter obtain vital intelligence to put an end to him for good. However, General Shepherd betrays them and kills both Ghost and Roach. He intends to take advantage of the global crisis to turn himself into a global hero as well as write history how he sees fit. Price and Soap manage to escape Shepherd's ambush, and decide to take revenge on him in one final, bloody suicide mission. After a brutal fist-fight, Soap manages to kill Shepherd, but he and Price are seriously wounded in the process. Nikolai then arrives to extract them. Price warns Nikolai that they will be international fugitives for what they've done, but Nikolai insists he knows a safe place to take them.
i an through the campaign in about 7 hours yesterday. it was short, but very engaging. Every level was dope.
Now i'm playing Multiplayer though and i pretty much suck
. How do you get familiar with the levels? I'm going through games like a 1:3 KD ratio

I usually stick to team based games, but would it benefit me to do free for all?

Played with Donpoppa and Retro Inspired last night, or early morning. I'll be on later tonight; I'll get the updated gamertag list and add all of you.
Originally Posted by RL Treyce

anyone face any resets this morning???? (PS3)
I don't know if it really reset but my game keeps getting stuck on the "fetching playlists" screen and it has my rank down to a 1
I was at level 22 last night
Is anybody not able to get a match going? For me, the percentage keeps going to 100% trying to find me a match but it doesn't find anything for like fiveminutes! Do I have a bad internet connection? Someone help me.
how do you keep running without stopping? I hold down the analog stick but hell run run like 4 seconds and stop
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

how do you keep running without stopping? I hold down the analog stick but hell run run like 4 seconds and stop

you need to have the marathon perk on its under PERK 1.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

how do you keep running without stopping? I hold down the analog stick but hell run run like 4 seconds and stop
That's how the game works. You have to have the marathon perk to keep running. Your character gets tired from sprinting and slows down for abit.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

how do you keep running without stopping? I hold down the analog stick but hell run run like 4 seconds and stop
Yea thats part of the game... If you wanna run for longer periods of time you have to use the perk in perk 1 called like marathon or something..not sure what theyre calling it in this game.

You just gotta hit the left stick in again when you start walking.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

how do you keep running without stopping? I hold down the analog stick but hell run run like 4 seconds and stop
Yea thats part of the game... If you wanna run for longer periods of time you have to use the perk in perk 1 called like marathon or something.. not sure what theyre calling it in this game.

You just gotta hit the left stick in again when you start walking.
Originally Posted by doosta45

I just got done playing, but I was laggin up the +@! though. Red bar for like 6 straight matches. I don't know how I was still getting airstrikes and care packages with my m16, but I was getting 2-3 airstrikes a match with 1-2 choppers. With all that lag I was still coming out positive with my kills in tdm.

Campers new best friend, if they use it properly, is the heartbeat sensor. They can basically tell when somebody is coming without even looking around the corner. This dude camping used it effectively on me twice in the same spot and I wasn't mad at him. I just through a grenade in his general direction and murked him

Add me gt=doosta45 if you want to run some matches
Yea my brother does this. He camps most of the time. I hate that #%@+, cuz then when im playin and hes watching me he'll be like why are yourunning around? Why dont you just stand in a corner and let ppl come to you?

I still gotta learn the maps a little. FFA I was doing nice with last night. But when I went to S&D I had no idea how that maps played. So I was basicallyrunning around blind hoping I wasnt gonna get killed. Around 1 I was starting to get the levels down tho.

And I too dropped a Care package on my head. I was chillin around the soccer field in the one level and dont even know how it happend but the box bouncedextremely hard off the ground and jumped right into me. I just had to laugh.

The last thing I was wanted to know is, was the camping this bad in WAW? I didnt get that game and stuck with COD4 and there were'nt anywhere near as manycampers in that one. Im wondering if maybe all the campers from 4 moved on to WAW and now they are on MW2. Hopefully the camping is just a result of people notknowing the levels too well. But that #%@+ was rediculous last night. I swear 8 out of every 10 times I died is from someone sitting in the shadows in a corneror laying down on a rooftop. Its what made me stop playing around 1 rather than going all night.
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