The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

what's really buggin me in the single player campaign is that the bad guys wear clothes almost identical to your teammates
Anyone get a kill with the care package box yet? Did it today, dude went to the red smoke and the box fell on him. I got a kill.
I dont have the game yet (waiting on Gamefly. Also might be getting a free copy Thursday at this MW2 event they are having in my apt building) but whats upwith the camping? Why can't the developers fix that? It seems odd to me.

I was a huge Halo 2 player (Level 47 ...LEGIT [my sniping skills > your existence]) and I could be wrong, but I really do not remember campers being such ahuge deal. Why is it that they can control that issue on Halo but not MW2? Like I said I could be wrong seeing as how I havent played halo 2 since '07

-The Juice
Originally Posted by DownRtFierce

Anyone get a kill with the care package box yet? Did it today, dude went to the red smoke and the box fell on him. I got a kill.
Must be me...
Originally Posted by Troponin C

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

MW2 event they are having in my apt building)
??? Waht the %%$%
Yeah. They are having this sponsored COD: MW2 Lan Party event in my apartment building on the 12th. Free food and drink. There will be chances towin free Xbox 360 copies of MW2, Gamefly subscriptions, and Netflix subscriptions.

I'm excited. I never played the first MW (like I said, I am a Halo 2 man at heart) so my skills are hella rusty. But I got a bet with my friend that says Iwill make it in the top 5

-The Juice
I just got done playing, but I was laggin up the +@! though. Red bar for like 6 straight matches. I don't know how I was still getting airstrikes and carepackages with my m16, but I was getting 2-3 airstrikes a match with 1-2 choppers. With all that lag I was still coming out positive with my kills in tdm.

Campers new best friend, if they use it properly, is the heartbeat sensor. They can basically tell when somebody is coming without even looking around thecorner. This dude camping used it effectively on me twice in the same spot and I wasn't mad at him. I just through a grenade in his general direction andmurked him

Add me gt=doosta45 if you want to run some matches
Originally Posted by Rap Sizzle

what's really buggin me in the single player campaign is that the bad guys wear clothes almost identical to your teammates
Hate that. I be running around and accidentally shooting my own people
picked up the game earlier today and decided on beating campaign mode
before i start playing online...

im stuck on the brazil mission where youre running through the village
trying to capture Rojas...

im about to just quit and play online...
Rojas was capture by one of your boys. You don't have to do anything. I just got to the top of the hill and saw him get tackled like a %$+@!.

Maybe it's just me, or maybe time flew by, but single player seemed really short for this game. It was still sick as %%@! though.
How the hell do you use care packages? I push > on the D pad and nothing happens.. +%#$ was pissin me off... same goes with the air strikes.. sometimes itworks and sometimes nothing happens

Time goes by way too fast when you play online
hey guys , what's a better system for this game to be play on ? PS3 or XBOX ? Im about to head to Best Buy for a system cuz of this game
Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

How the hell do you use care packages? I push > on the D pad and nothing happens.. +%#$ was pissin me off... same goes with the air strikes.. sometimes it works and sometimes nothing happens

Time goes by way too fast when you play online

Same thing happen to me today... It was working fine for me over the weekend
Originally Posted by DownRtFierce

Anyone get a kill with the care package box yet? Did it today, dude went to the red smoke and the box fell on him. I got a kill.

yea that happened to me, i think i was trying to steal one of my teammates care packages so i stayed by the red smoke grenade and it fell on top of me.
Originally Posted by Lets Get It 1231

Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

How the hell do you use care packages? I push > on the D pad and nothing happens.. +%#$ was pissin me off... same goes with the air strikes.. sometimes it works and sometimes nothing happens

Time goes by way too fast when you play online

Same thing happen to me today... It was working fine for me over the weekend

You pressed the correct button, then you should see a flare in your hand... press R1 (ps3) and throw the flare anywhere in an open/safe place.
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

I am addicted to running around the map with the shield and smashing dudes faces
#$&@ is HILARIOUS.

Most dudes get all confused and freeze up and i just creep up on em and flatten face
yea bro...right now im using riot shield and akimbo....with the machine pistols

i need riot shield lessons bad, i get knifed after i miss the first hit.

plus after a while the cracks in the shield become an eye sore
i love drawing fire cause i have dudes on my team roll with me around the map and most of the time enemies will shoot at me and its so mucheasier for my teammate to take them down.

I went like 3 games straight without firing a single bullet last night

But yea you just gotta be patient when you got someone nervous... crouch with the shield and try to back them into a corner... Use the light mover perk withthe extended melee range perk.
Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

How the hell do you use care packages? I push > on the D pad and nothing happens.. +%#$ was pissin me off... same goes with the air strikes.. sometimes it works and sometimes nothing happens
After you press right on the d pad aim to where you want it set and pull the right trigger to throw the canister.
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