the Official Floyd Mayweather vs Manny Pacquiao thread March 13 2010

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

all i know is pac is SCARED of my dude JMM.

yes i said it, let me hear it fanboys.

Yes, he's scared of someone he fought in 2004 and again in 2008.
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

If look at PBF's career, he did take some chances. Angel Manfredy (this was his first title defense), Chico, JLC, Zab, even DLH @ 154.

At 140+ who is the best fighter Floyd has faced? Come on man, he's been a %!++$ picking opponents for a while now.

His talent all-time but the challenges he has faced aren't all-time.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

It is not worthy to be called boxing to watch Mayweather stay crouched the whole bout or run around the ring the whole bout. That's not boxing, that's a $@$%% that's scared to box
Son, this is why people say that other people (you) don't know @%!! about boxing.
Originally Posted by ChipsetJed

marionthebarberian wrote:

all i know is pac is SCARED of my dude JMM.

yes i said it, let me hear it fanboys.

Yes, he's scared of someone he fought in 2004 and again in 2008.

he knows JMM can beat him..let me know how many times pacs camp have mentioned the boxers they have fought in the past and how many time they have mentionedJMM's name after being called out.
It doesn't matter who needs the fight more, i just wanna see the !%%% get done...but i will say this, PBF hasn't only beat tons of former champs,he's made them look bad...real bad...but the way i see PBF cementing his stance as the greatest of our generation, if he isn't already, he has to fightnot only Pacman but Mosley as well...anything other than those two and i have a problem with a future PBF opponent...
Taking my happy ##% to Gabby's today before class

That *@+# better be good got me going out my damn way
how is this dude floyd gonna point him out about that ask my promoter comment when im sure he did the same thing when may had the interview for espn.
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

how is this dude floyd gonna point him out about that ask my promoter comment when im sure he did the same thing when may had the interview for espn.

naw he say that when they ask about money , he usually tell ppl who he wanna fight
i wouldn't mind seeing pacquiao vs jmm part 3. i still think pacquiao is a more polished and better fighter than he was then and he'd take him outearly. it would be exciting to watch nontheless.

BUT, that's not what the people or promoters want to see.

pacquiao vs mayweather = $$$ = fight of the decade. we have all been salivating over this.
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by DubA169

Sir Rob A Lot wrote:

Pac has lost in this decade, "Pretty Boy" hasn't.
that tends to happen when you duck the best competition available

If look at PBF's career, he did take some chances. Angel Manfredy (this was his first title defense), Chico, JLC, Zab, even DLH @ 154.

Originally Posted by TCERDA

Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by DubA169

Sir Rob A Lot wrote:

Pac has lost in this decade, "Pretty Boy" hasn't.
that tends to happen when you duck the best competition available

If look at PBF's career, he did take some chances. Angel Manfredy (this was his first title defense), Chico, JLC, Zab, even DLH @ 154.

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

Originally Posted by TCERDA

Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by DubA169

Sir Rob A Lot wrote:

Pac has lost in this decade, "Pretty Boy" hasn't.
that tends to happen when you duck the best competition available

If look at PBF's career, he did take some chances. Angel Manfredy (this was his first title defense), Chico, JLC, Zab, even DLH @ 154.


Dude he was great at 130 and 135. 140> Not so much.
Ok, I follow MMA more closely but I want an opinion from a non fanboy.

Does Floyd need this fight and is he right in what he says?
Originally Posted by TCERDA

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

Originally Posted by TCERDA

Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by DubA169

Sir Rob A Lot wrote:

Pac has lost in this decade, "Pretty Boy" hasn't.
that tends to happen when you duck the best competition available

If look at PBF's career, he did take some chances. Angel Manfredy (this was his first title defense), Chico, JLC, Zab, even DLH @ 154.


Dude he was great at 130 and 135. 140> Not so much.

thats is your opinion and you are entitled to that, but that has nothing to do wit the statement whether or not he took chances in his career....
Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

Originally Posted by TCERDA

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

Originally Posted by TCERDA

Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by DubA169

Sir Rob A Lot wrote:

Pac has lost in this decade, "Pretty Boy" hasn't.
that tends to happen when you duck the best competition available

If look at PBF's career, he did take some chances. Angel Manfredy (this was his first title defense), Chico, JLC, Zab, even DLH @ 154.


Dude he was great at 130 and 135. 140> Not so much.

thats is your opinion and you are entitled to that, but that has nothing to do wit the statement whether or not he took chances in his career....
We're talking about the greatest of all time here andthe biggest risk is Chico and JLC???
Boy Stop! Quit Playin!
Not going through this entire thread but PBF needs to fight someone thats a real challenge. Basically PUT UP OR SHUT UP and quit shucking all the big names.Right before he retired he was ducking and dodging Cotto, Mosley, and Margarito. PAC MAN VS PBF set it up because this is what boxing needs and what everyonewants to see.
Originally Posted by TCERDA

We're talking about the greatest of all time here and the biggest risk is Chico and JLC???
Boy Stop! Quit Playin!
Umm....yes. You must have just started watching boxing or have bad memory.

Both PBF and Chico were undefeated when the matched up (and the bout was at 130, why are some of you guys bringing up 135/140?!). And most analysts werepicking Chico....or at the very least give Pretty Boy problems. Go watch that fight....HE BLEW HIM OUT THE WATER.

Both, PBF and Pac will enter the HOF. PBF needs this fight if he wants to be cemented as the greatest of his era.
Originally Posted by EdWord

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

how is this dude floyd gonna point him out about that ask my promoter comment when im sure he did the same thing when may had the interview for espn.

naw he say that when they ask about money , he usually tell ppl who he wanna fight
he wasnt saying that after his fight after JMM. all he said "anyone who want it can come get it, if pac wants it he can come get it, ifmosley wants it he can come get it"
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

EdWord wrote:

SuperSaiyan415 wrote:

how is this dude floyd gonna point him out about that ask my promoter comment when im sure he did the same thing when may had the interview for espn.

naw he say that when they ask about money , he usually tell ppl who he wanna fight

he wasnt saying that after his fight after JMM. all he said "anyone who want it can come get it, if pac wants it he can come get it, if
mosley wants it he can come get it"

If he wanted Mosely he could have had SSM his first fight back.
Manny as well as Flyod understands how it works. The SPORT needs it more than either of these two do.

Its a fight that puts legacys on the puts the title of "best pound for pound fighter EVER" above the center of the ring and tells these twoto go for it.

Besides, both these men would see over 100 million from this fight....Tell me you arent stepping into the ring.
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