* The Official Jay-Z: Blueprint 3 Post [3rd single: Empire State Of Mind]

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

DearWinter219 wrote:

I think Jay-z IS above most of his critics, but this is the internet so most people won't get it.Think about it, as NTers we put ourselves on an even
playing field when we come up with anonymous screen names to argue behind. If you take away the screen names and the monikers though, how many of us would
actually have the status it took to argue with Hovkid or Ben Baller and actually make a valid point about the things that REALLY matter?

I can't come at neither one's neck cuz they're winning. I'm not losing, but their "High score" is way past mine right now.

So yeah...certain cats...no, more specifically, certain rappers be tryna diss Jay, and at the end of the day
it boils down to Jay-Z being not only more talented at rap (ya'll acting like he can't out rap these dudes...but it really ain't financially
worth it at this point in his life), or more meaningful to rap historically, but he's also waaaaaaaay more successful at it. It's like DeShawn
Stevenson calling Lebron overrated, except Jay-Z's legacy is closer to Kobe's (if not Jordan's). Who cares what Deshawn has to say about Lebron
. That's REAL LIFE %%%%, but because ya'll look at music like Vince McMahon looks at "rasslin", ya'll fail to see the big picture.
Just cause dude's play the same sport, that don't mean they're in the same league. They don't shoot at the same baskets, as he said
on Already Home. Are ya'll REALLY listening to this man? He's spitting real %%%% left and right on that disk
. Dude is pushing 40 and pushing up
on a billie. WHY...Lord WHY... would he waste money, time, resources, etc recording songs to argue with people 15 years younger than him when he can
channel his focus, make another BP, and continue being successful? Why try to be "The Game" and fight off every hater?

How can Jay-z be above the critics? I hope that's not bull you actually believe. He ain't God.
If you put out a product for people to listen to
then you have to expect criticism. Status has nothing to do with that. If I have ears and you're making music that's trash then expect unkind reviews.
I feel like people give this dude the pass to make some music that's trash. I'm not willing to give him that pass, doesn't matter how much cash he
has or his status. All the other stuff such as money is unnecessary.

P.S. I'm not stalking you.
How isn't he above critics? Who are the critics? Why should they even matter to him as long as they ain't affecting his well being? You think jordan cared whether __s didn't like his ball hogging? He won 6 rings ball hogging
. %%*! what a hater got to say. By the way, all of that that you said is ONLY your opinion. And this is ONLY mine. We aren't giving him a pass. Maybe we just don't think the music is trash. We like it. I never once etched my appreciation for Jay-Z in stone, but every time somebody doesn't like his music (or his face, which is gay
), they think their opinion is innately accurate and absolute.. You say "All the other stuff such as money" is irrelevent? Dude, "all the other stuff" is objective. Sales and success directly correlate to how many people appreciate and like his music. That's the only real scale there is. %%*! opinions and who said what, men lie and women lie. Numbers don't. Only with rappers do we act so much like crabs in a barrel....

There is a huge difference in Jordan and Jay-z. Jordan was winning championships, you can't deny that. You can't deny winning. Now with Jay, he drops an album and some will say it's album of the year but then you got people like me who will say to hell it is. It can be denied, now you can bring up sale numbers and such, but with music unlike basketball numbers don't mean much especially when britney spears and soulja boy are selling. That just means there are plenty of people who appreciate trash.

SO IGNORANT. I just stopped reading... you guys have no idea what it means to have an OPINION on things.
"Everbody can tell you how to do it, but they never did it."
SO TRUE. The funny thing is, most people "doing it" have a huge respect for what he's done.
BP3 WAS AMAZING, I do not regret any song on the album, Favs are Empire State of Mind and Forever Young
, Jay the God
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

SO TRUE. The funny thing is, most people "doing it" have a huge respect for what he's done.
i wish people (not you in particular) would apply this same logic to eminem ... because when it comes down to it, NO ONE in the industry getsthesame amount of respect when it comes to rapping that Em does ...
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

SO TRUE. The funny thing is, most people "doing it" have a huge respect for what he's done.
i wish people (not you in particular) would apply this same logic to eminem ... because when it comes down to it, NO ONE in the industry getsthe same amount of respect when it comes to rapping that Em does ...
Tat's cuz Em has more talent than Me, Jay-Z, Biggie, and everyone else shoot
. Dude is an ANIMAL with rhyming.
Ok..so i have had time to further digest the album..

This album for me might end up getting more play than AG...Its THAT GOOD...i STILL can't get past the Drizzy track,but the rest of this album is FIRE...
He really set a nice tone with AG, and dont get me wrong i think it will be considered a classic one day, but for now, this point in time, Hov has done itagain...Already Home is Greatness..Venus & Mars, catchy, On to the Next One Bangs, Ambitious is Great, and i already loved the singles put out...

I can't wait to copp the real version tomorrow. Man this album put me in such a good mood i might go copp the BP Delux set jus because!
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

DearWinter219 wrote:

I think Jay-z IS above most of his critics, but this is the internet so most people won't get it.Think about it, as NTers we put ourselves on an even
playing field when we come up with anonymous screen names to argue behind. If you take away the screen names and the monikers though, how many of us would
actually have the status it took to argue with Hovkid or Ben Baller and actually make a valid point about the things that REALLY matter?

I can't come at neither one's neck cuz they're winning. I'm not losing, but their "High score" is way past mine right now.

So yeah...certain cats...no, more specifically, certain rappers be tryna diss Jay, and at the end of the day
it boils down to Jay-Z being not only more talented at rap (ya'll acting like he can't out rap these dudes...but it really ain't financially
worth it at this point in his life), or more meaningful to rap historically, but he's also waaaaaaaay more successful at it. It's like DeShawn
Stevenson calling Lebron overrated, except Jay-Z's legacy is closer to Kobe's (if not Jordan's). Who cares what Deshawn has to say about Lebron
. That's REAL LIFE %%%%, but because ya'll look at music like Vince McMahon looks at "rasslin", ya'll fail to see the big picture.
Just cause dude's play the same sport, that don't mean they're in the same league. They don't shoot at the same baskets, as he said
on Already Home. Are ya'll REALLY listening to this man? He's spitting real %%%% left and right on that disk
. Dude is pushing 40 and pushing up
on a billie. WHY...Lord WHY... would he waste money, time, resources, etc recording songs to argue with people 15 years younger than him when he can
channel his focus, make another BP, and continue being successful? Why try to be "The Game" and fight off every hater?

How can Jay-z be above the critics? I hope that's not bull you actually believe. He ain't God.
If you put out a product for people to listen to
then you have to expect criticism. Status has nothing to do with that. If I have ears and you're making music that's trash then expect unkind reviews.
I feel like people give this dude the pass to make some music that's trash. I'm not willing to give him that pass, doesn't matter how much cash he
has or his status. All the other stuff such as money is unnecessary.

P.S. I'm not stalking you.
How isn't he above critics? Who are the critics? Why should they even matter to him as long as they ain't affecting his well being? You think jordan cared whether __s didn't like his ball hogging? He won 6 rings ball hogging
. %%*! what a hater got to say. By the way, all of that that you said is ONLY your opinion. And this is ONLY mine. We aren't giving him a pass. Maybe we just don't think the music is trash. We like it. I never once etched my appreciation for Jay-Z in stone, but every time somebody doesn't like his music (or his face, which is gay
), they think their opinion is innately accurate and absolute.. You say "All the other stuff such as money" is irrelevent? Dude, "all the other stuff" is objective. Sales and success directly correlate to how many people appreciate and like his music. That's the only real scale there is. %%*! opinions and who said what, men lie and women lie. Numbers don't. Only with rappers do we act so much like crabs in a barrel....

There is a huge difference in Jordan and Jay-z. Jordan was winning championships, you can't deny that. You can't deny winning. Now with Jay, he drops an album and some will say it's album of the year but then you got people like me who will say to hell it is. It can be denied, now you can bring up sale numbers and such, but with music unlike basketball numbers don't mean much especially when britney spears and soulja boy are selling. That just means there are plenty of people who appreciate trash.That doesn't define how great the music is. Now I may be hard on this album but thats only because Jay is my second favorite rapper. I expect a lot more from him but dude ain't God to me. If he makes music that I believe is trash then I'm not gonna give him slack. If people didn't give Michael Jackson slack for Invincible(people were returning that @+#% in droves), what makes you think we should give Jay slack? That's the dude who made Thriller son.
People returned his @+#%. Money and status has nothing to do with it and lastly, just cuz I don't like the music doesn't mean I'm hating on dude.
You guys both have points....and both sound ridiculous in your reasonings. I find it hilarious how people try to say sales don't meananything. Uh last time I checked this dude has put out 11 studio albums....and will probably have 11 # 1's. The ONLY artist to ever do that....would be thebeatles. To say he's putting out trash is just hilarious.....also why is it that this sentiment comes primarily from Nas fans? Anyways yes sales do notmean everything, it is very possible to be garbage and sell. However NO ONE will continuously go platinum if they aren't good. It will not happen. Letalone go #1 everytime. And it is beyond ridiculous to think anyone can be above critics....trash is trash no doubt, but to imply its trash because YOUdon't like it....well that's just dumb. Furthermore how are you gonna say you can't deny Jordan winning....but you can deny Hov selling
It's the same thing. We measure success in music with sales. Then use souljaboy as some sort of reference point.....yea ok. Did he go gold his last album? Jay is by far the most successful rapper to ever grace the earth, so bynow....he kinda is immune to alot of the dumb criticism(like on here for example...or rappers who go at him to get their hype up) but not criticism as a whole.
I didn't know Jay wanted to remove "Reminder" from the Album last minute.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

I didn't know Jay wanted to remove "Reminder" from the Album last minute.
He should've taken it off.

Angie was right. The verses were hot, the hook was garbage.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

I didn't know Jay wanted to remove "Reminder" from the Album last minute.
Why didn't he?? that shoulda been scrapped, the hook sounded like he needed a hit from Alpha 5


but the song was ill, minus the hook
TH0MAS CR0WN wrote:
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Im probably in the minority but i think AG is one of Hov's best produced albums.
Aside from the production on the first BP, I agree. The production was dummy on AG.

agree with both of you American gangster definitely IS one of his best produced albums along side BP1
Production on American Gangster was so on point

Yo, TC... I know you gonna be like "this dude SHUGES is wild with his opinions".... but Inever felt AG like that. It's one of my least listened to Hov albums.

SylvesterMcGrizzly wrote:
As you said, it is subjective...I just feel certain songs on KC more than on here...that may change but i still bump The Prelude, Minority Report, Do U Wanna Ride?, Dig A Hole, Trouble, Lost One, and Beach Chair faithfully...BP3 may get there but like i said before as of today, i like KC more. I would put BP3 behind Blueprint, RD, AG, Black Album, and KC
Add Oh My God, Kingdom Come, and I Made It (or Show Me What You Got) and I swear I can't see what there is to NOT like about KC.

As far as ranking the albums... Top 5 ("recent" albums) right now is BP, TBA, KC, BP2, AG.... with BP3 even with KC for now.

JsindaA wrote:
You guys both have points....and both sound ridiculous in your reasonings. I find it hilarious how people try to say sales don't mean anything. Uh last time I checked this dude has put out 11 studio albums....and will probably have 11 # 1's. The ONLY artist to ever do that....would be the beatles. To say he's putting out trash is just hilarious.....also why is it that this sentiment comes primarily from Nas fans? Anyways yes sales do not mean everything, it is very possible to be garbage and sell. However NO ONE will continuously go platinum if they aren't good. It will not happen. Let alone go #1 everytime. And it is beyond ridiculous to think anyone can be above critics....trash is trash no doubt, but to imply its trash because YOU don't like it....well that's just dumb. Furthermore how are you gonna say you can't deny Jordan winning....but you can deny Hov selling
It's the same thing. We measure success in music with sales. Then use soulja boy as some sort of reference point.....yea ok. Did he go gold his last album? Jay is by far the most successful rapper to ever grace the earth, so by now....he kinda is immune to alot of the dumb criticism(like on here for example...or rappers who go at him to get their hype up) but not criticism as a whole.

This was a good post. A lot of excellent points I felt. Especially the part about no one continuously going plat unless they are good. I mean, 11TIMES number 1?? Numbers definitely mean something in that regard. You just can't deny that....

Ralf Loran wrote:
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

I didn't know Jay wanted to remove "Reminder" from the Album last minute.
He should've taken it off.

Angie was right. The verses were hot, the hook was garbage.

I think that's the general consensus when it comes to Reminder. Verse and track were good. But that hook is EL GARBAGO.

Oh, and thanks for that Letterman link TDot.

Anyone got the re-up of the Mauer interview?
ima go cop the cd tomorrow and give it a listen, since ive only listened to the singles that have come out. hope im not dissapointed
I haven't listened to this since Kid Cudi dropped...its a lot better than I gave it credit for. but still kinda ehhhh

and yes REminder has an awful chorus
Originally Posted by CashmereThought96

My barber forced me to listen to 3 songs that i haven heard and they were all
.. cant wait tull tommrow

you do realize it released tuesday right?
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

Im just saying

The Hook on Empire State of Mind =

I actually thought part of the hook came from this track,

sorry embedding was disabled.
I knew I was right about that trash Reminder. Even that ol head opened to his eyes and was like why and how did I do that hook like that? Why is the beatI'm spitting on so lukewarm?
Originally Posted by awwsome

Why does Flex suck Hov so much everytime son come on Hot 97?

The real question is why does Flex suck everyone that comes on his show....dude drops a million bombs on Fat Joe tracks
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

SO TRUE. The funny thing is, most people "doing it" have a huge respect for what he's done.
i wish people (not you in particular) would apply this same logic to eminem ... because when it comes down to it, NO ONE in the industry getsthe same amount of respect when it comes to rapping that Em does ...
benzino begs to differ.
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