**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

check this out NT. i bought the land for round 100gs spent another 400 of my $$ - got promissary sales for 60% and the bank gave me 1mill to finish it. Its gonna be 28 one bedroom apts in montego bay - Selling for 125gs each. Building is where the $$ is, If you got cash there are lots of opportunities globally. Expand out of the US only thinking can get you rich too.
Even though, this property development talk is what's interesting me the most in here.....wth is going on in here? Lol

Official diversify your bonds thread in disguise?

Misa are you using US finance? I may be wrong,but I'd think US banks would be very risk averse right now...

You living that side or just going there to do the development?
check this out NT. i bought the land for round 100gs spent another 400 of my $$ - got promissary sales for 60% and the bank gave me 1mill to finish it. Its gonna be 28 one bedroom apts in montego bay - Selling for 125gs each. Building is where the $$ is, If you got cash there are lots of opportunities globally. Expand out of the US only thinking can get you rich too.


I want in

Looks at bank account :smh:

Ill be back
check this out NT. i bought the land for round 100gs spent another 400 of my $$ - got promissary sales for 60% and the bank gave me 1mill to finish it. Its gonna be 28 one bedroom apts in montego bay - Selling for 125gs each. Building is where the $$ is, If you got cash there are lots of opportunities globally. Expand out of the US only thinking can get you rich too.

True but local labor and what not is a real crapshoot.
check this out NT. i bought the land for round 100gs spent another 400 of my $$ - got promissary sales for 60% and the bank gave me 1mill to finish it. Its gonna be 28 one bedroom apts in montego bay - Selling for 125gs each. Building is where the $$ is, If you got cash there are lots of opportunities globally. Expand out of the US only thinking can get you rich too.

True but local labor and what not is a real crapshoot.

Not if you have people on the ground. If he has fam on the island or stays out there he can put together a good team.
I believe he is on the ground, my point being is most arent and while there are many deals to be had with land in LDC's, there are many pitfalls as well
Realistically though I'd say contribute to your work 401k, choose a Roth 401 if they have the option. Not to say others aren't viable but this is most common and shouldn't be neglected IMO

Also find an advisor or go online and open a Roth IRA

Direct deposit so you never see it. Stack that 21.5k a year and let that baby grow tax free over time
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Yeah man. You are right workforce makes and breaks any business in a 3rd world country. I am litterally over them with goons all day while I smoke ma dutches.
JFK Rolex for real 

"According to every verifiable Rolex serial number list, the "Monroe JFK Rolex" with a serial number of 1296419), should be from the third quarter of 1965, 2 years after President Kennedy was assassinated."

Found by quick google search no idea if it's true. I read in an actual book once that Jack and Bobby killed Marilyn with a poison enema because she was pregnant by one of them. It was a book that had stuff about J. Edgar Hoover and MLK too I forget the name
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"According to every verifiable Rolex serial number list, the "Monroe JFK Rolex" with a serial number of 1296419), should be from the third quarter of 1965, 2 years after President Kennedy was assassinated."

Found by quick google search no idea if it's true. I read in an actual book once that Jack and Bobby killed Marilyn with a poison enema because she was pregnant by one of them. It was a book that had stuff about J. Edgar Hoover and MLK too I forget the name
JFK and Marilyn & Rolex

In 2005 a gold Rolex that was given as a birthday present to John F. Kennedy by Marilyn Monroe, inscribed “Jack with love as always Marilyn May 29th 1962″, was sold on auction for $120,000 to an anonymous American collector.
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Bogus memorobilia of 2 dead celebrities must be a real good come up :smh:
Whoever did that should've got a Rolex from a few years earlier. no way to prove it.
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