**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

period ^. Plus cam cant really get himself poppin outside of ny, he damn well cant do it for vado

Vado isn't gonna' pop outside of New York even if the label throws millions behind him. New York rap is dead at the moment. Unless you are biting the South's sound, you ain't moving units. ****, even French tried his hardest to bite the South and still couldn't sell.

cam just aint being a leader..if he organized everyone it would still be a problem..i dunno if i would be extra cozy with j****

if i was vado...im from da old school loyalty era..not to say he can't take a pic with jay-z or show da upmost respect, but

just outta respect for cam, talkin to rivals has always been funny if da leaders aint ever really squash da beef....

cam probably still has his rocafella chain in da vault..
To be honest, that's the worst shaped Cuban I've ever seen.
daniel makes em more traditionally & look better...my preference IMO.

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To be honest, that's the worst shaped Cuban I've ever seen.
daniel makes em more traditionally & look better...my preference IMO.

It's not even comparable. Daniels is probably the best. But I'm saying the IF and Co one looks off compared to even the average Cuban.
thats because its not a traditional cuban link...


when you see da cover of this month's source magazine birdman has da same type of chain, its a more flatter style of cuban

that i guess its more used for paving purposes...
To be honest, that's the worst shaped Cuban I've ever seen.
daniel makes em more traditionally

It's not even comparable. Daniels is probably the best. But I'm saying the IF and Co one looks off compared to even the average Cuban.
thats because its not a traditional cuban link...


when you see da cover of this month's source magazine birdman has da same type of chain, its a more flatter style of cuban

that i guess its more used for paving purposes...

Maybe that's why.
Yeah he might have made a little if that was the case, not likely tho.It is never a good investment to buy a gold chain or some diamonds. When people invest in gold, they aren't talking about copping a cuban and a Jesus piece. :lol:

Some people are just that dumb, b.

Why did he deny it? It just makes him look stupid. Anyone can get it, whether or not he is about that life.

In fact, I'll go so far as to say that I don't personally know a single "real ninja" who has never been got... for something. If you live that life you spend enough time around that element and sooner or later, you're going to get caught slippin, set up, or just on some outta left field randomness. It has nothing to do with being hard, real, about that life, etc. ...In fact, the best way to avoid the jux is to NOT be about that life because you reduce your exposure to those elements.
I know, getting jacked at gunpoint doesn't mean you look any less "credible" ... But to continuously deny it does
Your money is most likely going down that hole either way.

" economic studies have demonstrated over and over that houses (1) cost more than most people make when they sell and (2) rarely match the long-term returns of stocks or other investments."


" Unless you need the security blanket of owning your home, it is nearly always a better financial move from an investing standpoint to rent rather than buy."


"Q: But it's certainly better to buy a house than to pay rent.

A: That depends on when you buy, and how long you own. Buy at the wrong time -- like during the kind of buying frenzy that much of the country has just experienced -- and you could well end up wishing you had rented instead.

Boom market or bust, home buying has so many extra costs -- from upfront "points" paid to a lender to title insurance and appraisal fees -- that over the first five to seven years, a renter who invests the equivalent of a down payment in stocks could easily do better overall than a house buyer. Compounding that problem: Most homeowners move within seven years.

As the ownership timeline stretches out to 15, 20 or 30 years, however, the buyer will almost certainly do better than the renter, especially given the tax benefits of paying mortgage interest over traditional rent and the big rebate when the owner finally sells.

But the typical buy vs. rent argument clouds the more important point: A house is an inefficient way of building wealth."

That's all I am really saying. If you wanna' buy a house, then buy it, but don't act like it is some sort of investment or that you are doing better or investing more wisely than someone who rents.

"Q: But I have to live somewhere! And I have to pay something for a place to live. Certainly it's better to pay "deductible" mortgage interest than rent.

A: Buying a house with a long-term mortgage is just another form of renting.

Mortgage interest is rent that you pay to your lender for the use of its money rather than to a landlord for the use of his house. Yes, the government picks up a portion of that with the tax deduction, but most of your monthly payment neither builds equity nor is deductible. It just goes down the same black hole that sucks up any other renter's money. And it takes 20 years before a typical borrower pays more principal each month than interest.

"I have to pay something" is a rationale that home buyers use for going deeply in debt and paying tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest to buy a house that, they mistakenly believe, will make a big profit for them down the line."

"Q: That's still money that I wouldn't see otherwise. Even getting just some of my money back is better than getting none.

A: But there's another kicker. You haven't gotten any money back yet. All you have is a house that's 30 years older than when you moved in. In order to realize your windfall, you'll have to borrow against it or sell it.

If you borrow against a house you've paid off, then you will start mortgage payments all over again.

If you sell it, what are you going to do with that big check in your pocket after you've walked around for a couple of hours feeling richer than you've ever been? You'll probably spend most of it in just a day or so buying another house."
I've been mulling this over and I'm pretty convinced by what youve said. I was overlooking/not taking into account all the factors. Too ready to accept the 'conventional wisdom'--glad this issue came up
Where did you get this picture from? I saw it earlier today but can't recall where if my life depended on it.
I was googling the other Birdman.

Speaking of, it might have just been the doja but I was convinced the Heat were throwing the game in like the 3rd quarter of the last game. Anyone else think the same? Obviously the Spurs were frying from three but they the Heat looked like how I think I'd look if I was point shaving or trying to lose. Even down to facial expressions. 

Regarding Baby's jeans-- I'm bullish on the lighter washes. Even acid wash potentially. Though al dente probably has a better angle on it
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the robber shoulve lurked this thread more...i thought we came to the conclusion that all of those chanel chains were fake, i wouldnt rob someone for $8 in scrap value of stainless steel
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