**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**


that maroon leather looking kinda clean though

edit: yall can say what you want about prince but im sure dude has had plenty of women in his career.
New to the forum .. just got hired by JBH. Seen some great pieces (especially Ben's) on NIKETALK. Heres a piece we just did for Chris Brown. LED lightsin the eyes!!

so is Jason of Beverly personally on this site then??? who was the first person who put up the first picture of Tyga's garfield piece and said somethinglike good night lololo???
Originally Posted by michael32

New to the forum .. just got hired by JBH. Seen some great pieces (especially Ben's) on NIKETALK. Heres a piece we just did for Chris Brown. LED lights in the eyes!!

Good stuff, congrats.
those jewelryking ebay pieces are beyond trash.... i2 quality microscopic stones on lightweight 10k hollow gold, jojo status
I still havent seen someone rocking a "black gold" chain I see it in all the jobh pics but ???
Originally Posted by NLV esq

^^^^State your status BigL. Did you get that heat in yet?^^^^

i got all the watches in, but not the cuban yet, When the cuban comes in I will post pics of everyhting when it comes in , should be this week coming up

I need to stop being lazy and take pics of the new watches.
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