**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Ok well yes if you're getting cars repo'd that means you cant afford them, do you agree?

His car was repod when he was dealing with the child support situation, sometimes you have to lose now to win later, I'm sure you understand that

Judges look at all that stuff
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Good friend of mine is the CEO of a huge dance competition that hosts show's all over the US. He took a hit on a house that lost a significant amount of value when the recession hit. Mind you, he could've payed it all off but decided to let the bank take over while paying back a SMALL fraction of what he originally owed. (Owed 70g, payed collection agency 15g)

Long story short, he just bought another house in Seal Beach next to his father's. Knowing when to cut your loses does not mean you're broke. And since you're the one infatuated with Bow Wow, just remember who his uncle and cousin is. That little guy has money.
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Soulja Boy is far from an idiot.. don't let what you see in videos, IG etc fool you.
Now thats a winner right there 
. Guys a junkie.
Jealous of what exactly? Dude made a boat load of money at a young age, I salute that. 

He makes garbage music and that picture is laughable. That is all. 
What's so funny about the price? Unless that's a markup on the retail price?

I know all stainless steel model Rolexes such as the subs are retailing for as high as $10k so it wouldn't surprise me if $92k was retail price.
19k. After market band. Way nicer imo.

I disagree. Rolexes with aftermarket parts like the band are considered counterfeit and have little resale value.

Also, for $19K, you are probably dealing with some crappy diamond setting that will have diamonds falling out all over the place. Can't even eat a bowl of cereal without dropping diamonds in your milk.
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19k. After market band. Way nicer imo.
I disagree. Rolexes with aftermarket parts like the band are considered counterfeit and have little resale value.

Also, for $19K, you are probably dealing with some crappy diamond setting that will have diamonds falling out all over the place. Can't even eat a bowl of cereal without dropping diamonds in your milk.
Ya i just like that style better with the smaller diamonds. Nothing beats a plain gold one though.
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