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Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by itsmedamien

Originally Posted by tdog91184

Boost, check my stats in-game. I need to be on the NT KL clan. I'm in the top 10,000 people and I've got pretty good stats. This is my resume, lol.

God damn shotty...
was putting work on me, then again NT Kl didn't play around last night.

Truth. Well, except for Boost...

6-18 Mike? Come on.

Me: "Hey, hey, hey,hey, can I get the rest of you to hold on for a second and check Boost's score right now, please."

TDog, Jason, jrp, and the rest of my team: " BAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Me: "How are you not going to ACCIDENTALLY get at least 10 kills by now"
shots fired... literally

it takes boost the longest amount of time to get good at a game. just look at cod4... he finally gets a freaking championship ring after 7 tries.
Originally Posted by Battousai701

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

itsmedamien wrote:

tdog91184 wrote:

Boost, check my stats in-game. I need to be on the NT KL clan. I'm in the top 10,000 people and I've got pretty good stats. This is my resume, lol.

God damn shotty...
was putting work on me, then again NT Kl
didn't play around last night.

Truth. Well, except for Boost...

6-18 Mike? Come on.

Me: "Hey, hey, hey,hey, can I get the rest of you to hold on for a second and check Boost's score right now, please."

TDog, Jason, jrp, and the rest of my team: " BAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Me: "How are you not going to ACCIDENTALLY get at least 10 kills by now"

shots fired... literally

it takes boost the longest amount of time to get good at a game. just look at cod4... he finally gets a freaking championship ring after 7 tries.

There are still no pics of that "Championship" match
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

is it just me or is this game getting way too wild now that every match is getting dominated by people with rocket launchers and grenade launchers, every match is non stop grenades and rockets
That gets really annoying. When y'all make the NT room tonight, don't include rocket launchers please.

Dudes OD on it.

OMFG I hate that %!!#. Its so cheap its not even funny. They should take it out of the game like they did with Socom. (I think)
Wow y'all doin boost dirty, but I don't feel bad for thinkin the same thing. Dudes like the fountain of info when it comes to the ps3 thread so Iexpected him to be dumb nice. In fact when I first started playin wit y'all I would always compare how I was to doin him until I noticed he was always atthe bottom or the other end of my gun, LOL!

Just playin cuz in his defense he said he couldn't hear at first then once he could he started to go in!
I seriously hope that the shotgun's strength is toned down like Epic did for GOW. People who suck at the game are having the time of their lives with thatgun.

Re: Rocket launchers

That was one of my biggest complaints during the beta. It makes the game get ugly very fast. Its up to the person who creates the games to include it or not.
I like using the shotgun, but I don't stay on it. I switch classes during the entire match for the most part.
the only thing i want changed is assist points. cause it takes a whole clip to kill someone so half the time i either jump in and get the kill or else someonetakes mine.
Originally Posted by dugtrio

the only thing i want changed is assist points. cause it takes a whole clip to kill someone so half the time i either jump in and get the kill or else someone takes mine.

totally agree
Cod WAW did it the best
my k/d ratio is already shot to hell. so i just want my points so i can get to a better class and fix it later.
After my son goes to bed I'll be on. Anyone else pulling an all-nighter?

I'm planning on playing until about 4 AM CST or maybe a little later.
Originally Posted by tdog91184

After my son goes to bed I'll be on. Anyone else pulling an all-nighter?

I'm planning on playing until about 4 AM CST or maybe a little later.

sounds like a plan come friday/saturday night. (if i can see straight of course)
I don't get the shotgun.

I swear on several occasions I've shot point blank at people and didn't take them down. Then I just get wasted by them at medium range. Now I realize alot of this has to do with me being sorta garbage, but I don't see it as being as powerful as you guys are saying.
Originally Posted by swendro88

I don't get the shotgun.

I swear on several occasions I've shot point blank at people and didn't take them down. Then I just get wasted by them at medium range. Now I realize a lot of this has to do with me being sorta garbage, but I don't see it as being as powerful as you guys are saying.

Same here... I see how powerful it is... but I have NOT had any auto-aim assist at all...

Done with it once I get my turret perk completed.
I'm workin on finishing my repair badges.

Once I do that I'll move onto something else, but I'll still be in my rotation throughout the game of different classes.
Whaaaaaaaaaa the +$%%?! Yall +@%#*+ stay TALKING *###
about me?! HOLD the +$%% up!

First off, FIRST OFF! I'm nice at Killzone 2, TRUTH. When I'm not on the phone or texting... im a ruthless !@*####+%%!*, ill $%%!#% throw eggs at yournewborn type *###. Now, If ANY of yall notice, I have a good 2 -3 games where im top #1, right, RIGHT RIGHT? All the sudden yall be like "damn, how boostdie soo quickly" or "why is his score soo low" and all the sudden, I log out the game, its because im on the phone. I aint giving 2 *++@@ aboutthe game, im not even paying attention

Everybody who I run with on COD4 knows I stay on the phone talking and it *#*#@ with my gameplay, I go from top to $%%!#% wack as *###. Chris, Mo, Batts, iKoN,Nino, they know, they always say "boost, get off the $%%!#% phone and PLAY"

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