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You cant be serious. You HONESTLY think more people with x1 and p4's who KNEW about the shoes, passed on them, than ALL the people who bought nba 2k14 on ps3/x360 who were alienated from this shoe altogether? Not too mention those who love lebron shoes but dont play 2k?! Smh. Wow. The more responses I read, I'm becoming more confident I'm speaking to teenagers in high school.
Not to throw shade, but I honestly thought you were a teenager. If you got the shoes, no point in responding to every one on this thread. Just wait for the shoes to ship like the rest of us, and be cool. In the end, it doesn't matter, those of us who got them, got them, we are just playing the waiting game and waiting for new information.
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You cant be serious. You HONESTLY think more people with x1 and p4's who KNEW about the shoes, passed on them, than ALL the people who bought nba 2k14 on ps3/x360 who were alienated from this shoe altogether? Not too mention those who love lebron shoes but dont play 2k?! Smh. Wow. The more responses I read, I'm becoming more confident I'm speaking to teenagers in high school.
I'd also hate to break it to you, but I'd be willing to bet my house that there are more than 2,014 pairs roaming around.  Once Lebron and his boys get pairs, the dudes at 2K, people at Nike, there will probably be a lot more than 2,014.
You cant be serious. You HONESTLY think more people with x1 and p4's who KNEW about the shoes, passed on them, than ALL the people who bought nba 2k14 on ps3/x360 who were alienated from this shoe altogether? Not too mention those who love lebron shoes but dont play 2k?! Smh. Wow. The more responses I read, I'm becoming more confident I'm speaking to teenagers in high school.
It always possible I know I had a couple friends who played the game and got a code and called me about it because they were confused about the whole thing and knew I was into shoes.  When I told them what it was about they thought it was crazy to spend $220 on a shoe especially when they didn't know what it looked like. I'm not saying more people passed but I bet a fair amount did.

yup and members on here posted how they got their codes for the cheap from members on video game forums that honestly gave 2 cents about the brons.
yup and members on here posted how they got their codes for the cheap from members on video game forums that honestly gave 2 cents about the brons.
Exactly, codes were going for 25-50 at the beginning. Not until gamers saw how crazy "sneakerheads" were did the prices jump and then resellers got into the reselling code business and that's when it jumped to 100-300 for a code 
yup and members on here posted how they got their codes for the cheap from members on video game forums that honestly gave 2 cents about the brons.
Exactly, codes were going for 25-50 at the beginning. Not until gamers saw how crazy "sneakerheads" were did the prices jump and then resellers got into the reselling code business and that's when it jumped to 100-300 for a code 

you must be a teenager for making sense... I swear... all I talk to is teenagers these days :lol:
I got my code for free. Guy on video game forum asked why he had to pay $235 AFTER unlocking the code. He thought they would be free after unlocking the code. Otherwise he wouldn't have done it. Gave me the code without hesitation. I did play through the 2K14 MyCareer though, just to see the process. 
 Complete waste of time.
I got my code for free. Guy on video game forum asked why he had to pay $235 AFTER unlocking the code. He thought they would be free after unlocking the code. Otherwise he wouldn't have done it. Gave me the code without hesitation. I did play through the 2K14 MyCareer though, just to see the process. 
 Complete waste of time.
Dang. You came up.
What hell is going on here? Lol these new cats......

If you go to a actual 2k message board there's a lot of people that passed on these for whatever reason.

As far as hype. IMO these aren't all that hyped up. Sure it's there, but not comparable to other releases that have been mentioned.
It always possible I know I had a couple friends who played the game and got a code and called me about it because they were confused about the whole thing and knew I was into shoes.  When I told them what it was about they thought it was crazy to spend $220 on a shoe especially when they didn't know what it looked like. I'm not saying more people passed but I bet a fair amount did.
Not even close. Almost everyone who passed on them either A. arent into sneakers (or lebrons), B. couldnt afford the sneakers at the time C. Dont like Lebron, Most people ignorantly thought they were getting a $220 dollar pair of shoes for free, when they found out they weren't, they gave codes away. in which case I can somewhat understand selling, and i dont care to check but do the numbers on the sales of nba 2k14 on ps3/360, i can bet you their higher than those of next-gen, Maybe even double. lets roundball and say on both consoles they sold a million copies. Thats a MILLION people were never even able to buy the shoe, that greatly outweighs those who simply didnt want 1 of 2014. Sorry.

Most people didnt even UNDERSTAND the process or that the shoes were limited editions, and in limited quantities.  Only after people started realizing what the codes were for, did people wake up.

Most people in thread would cry bloody murder if Jordans were $220. But will sell a pair for $300 without question. Its hypocrisy at its finest,  People arent in this game anymore for the love of shoes, but for the love of selling shoes. smh. but this was fun, I dont have the time like most of you to commentate on this board on a daily basis day in and day out, my life is just set up a bit differently, but its always entertaining to hear random opinions from people behind computers.
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Not even close. Almost everyone who passed on them either A. arent into sneakers (or lebrons), B. couldnt afford the sneakers at the time C. Dont like Lebron, Most people ignorantly thought they were getting a $220 dollar pair of shoes for free, when they found out they weren't, they gave codes away. in which case I can somewhat understand selling, and i dont care to check but do the numbers on the sales of nba 2k14 on ps3/360, i can bet you their higher than those of next-gen, Maybe even double. Most people didnt even UNDERSTAND the process or that the shoes were limited editions, and in limited quantities.  Only after people started realizing what the codes were for, did people wake up.

Most people in thread would cry bloody murder if Jordans were $220. But will sell a pair for $300 without question. Its hypocrisy at its finest,  People arent in this game anymore for the love of shoes, but for the love of selling shoes. smh. but this was fun, I dont have the time like most of you to commentate on this board on a daily basis day in and day out, my life is just set up a bit differently, but its always entertaining to hear random opinions from people behind computers.
Bro i had 2 codes, i passed on them because of the process. These are purely hype machine at its finest. I mean we havent gotten one picture of the shoe, box, hell even the paper liner, smh.. and were expected to front 220 and wait 2-3 months.. naw im good, i sold them codes faster than it took me to create that corny my player. lol. If you buy a shoe you cannot see your buying it soley for the rarity, resell, or to make a argument like the one you've been spewing all morning.

And kill the reseller talk, it aint no different than you buying these pampering/hoarding them for 2 years then selling or trading at an inflated price.. thats the hypocrisy. 
Bro i had 2 codes, i passed on them because of the process. These are purely hype machine at its finest. I mean we havent gotten one picture of the shoe, box, hell even the paper liner, smh.. and were expected to front 220 and wait 2-3 months.. naw im good, i sold them codes faster than it took me to create that corny my player. lol. If you buy a shoe you cannot see your buying it soley for the rarity, resell, or to make a argument like the one you've been spewing all morning.

And kill the reseller talk, it aint no different than you buying these pampering/hoarding them for 2 years then selling or trading at an inflated price.. thats the hypocrisy. 
How did you get two codes? I read that somewhere earlier in the post. Did you go through two story modes?
How did you get two codes? I read that somewhere earlier in the post. Did you go through two story modes?
yea i went through the story mode, more so as a challenge.. i was on the fence about the shoe.. By time i got the code its was hyped.. Dude paid 400 for the 1st one (paid fo my ps4), so i knocked out the 2nd one one a newly created psn account, same ps4 and sold it too for 375. easy money from the sheep.

matter of fact i sold it to a reseller who had like 40 of them. so i resold it to a reseller, who in return will resell the shoe. 
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How did you get two codes? I read that somewhere earlier in the post. Did you go through two story modes?
Look on the 1st page a lot of us got multiple codes. Just had to make a new account each time. There's some people who bought multiples. I want to say there's a dude on the NT FB group that got like 50-80 pairs.
Question for those that are planning to resell.. If they come in a box with a deadstock seal like the Paranormans will you open the box?
Question for those that are planning to resell.. If they come in a box with a deadstock seal like the Paranormans will you open the box?

they shouldn't. like the paranormans, a few sellers did. a few didn't. its up in the air what the general people will do.
Question for those that are planning to resell.. If they come in a box with a deadstock seal like the Paranormans will you open the box?
Not a reseller. I plan on wearing these shoe's the day I get them. (Unless they have an ugly colorway/fat 2k logo on them anywhere but the insole lol)

I won't even hesitate to rip the seal the second I open the box. Again I'm not a reseller tho. I think it would be a dope thing for Nike to do. Hell I could see them doing it so that this project stayed under wraps at the warehouse. 
they shouldn't. like the paranormans, a few sellers did. a few didn't. its up in the air what the general people will do.
I saw a kid at sneakercon carrying around his paranorman foams with the box.

what he did was he peeled off the side end side of the box so that the seal was still intact.

all he had to do was fold it back up and stick the side shut.

pretty smart kid.
No need to argue while we wait....

Drink Sprite!

Plot twist. 2k14 Lebrons are sprite inspired and come with a limited edition can of Sprite 

That's why they've been preparing to ship so long. Nike needed that OG first run Sprite x LBJ shipment in.
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