The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

Originally Posted by JJGRT5

Ok bare with me here's my situation.

When I Dl'd software applications (legally and free of course) on my Mac (i.e. Coversutra) this is what happens:

- When I dl it saves as a dmg file on my comp, when I click the dmg file a folder opens up for that program with anicon to start up the program.
- After that a notice pops up asking if I want to open it or cancel so I continue and open the program.
- When that happens a small kind od hardrive like icon come son my desktop with the application's name and the program opens up.

So I'm done using my computer, I turn it off now when I'm ready to use it againand turn it on nothing appears in my dock so I have to re-click thathard drive icon on my desktop which leads to a folder to open up the program I just dl'd.

2 things..

1) I can't delete the dmg file or the program wont work.
2) when I try to remove that hard drive icon with the programs name I can't it always stays on my desktop.

Now I've tried to right click and use the "keep in dock" feature, but again when I turn my computer off and am ready to use it again sometimesthe icon will be in the dock and when I click it that notice comes up asking if I want to open the program or close it OR my dock will have a space with a faint "?" symbol.

So basically what I'm asking is when I DL software how do I make it easy that the dmg and the hard drive icon are gone while also making sure the programis saved on my dock AND after I turn my computer off and then on again what do I do so that when I click a new DL'dprogram that's in my dock that notice asking to "open or cancel" doesn't appear at all. All I really should be doing is clicking the programI want to use and it should automatically open with no notices or icons appearing on my Desktop.

If all this is confusing sorry.
drag the icon into your applications folder. after that, just delete the dmg file and w/e other files you wont need. since the app is in the app folder youwont need the rest. your problemw as that you were booting the app from the installer and not from your computer.

so basically, when you open the .dmg file, once you see your icon/folder drag.. open finder and drag the app icon into the applications folder and it'llcopy/install the app into the computer. after that, u can delete the .dmg as i stated before.
anyone ever have a word or something almost "stick" to their cursor and they can't click on anything else? that happened to me last night and ihad to manually shut down. really strange.
they JUST dropped the new MBs like 2 months ago, i wouldnt expect another upgrade for a while.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

how does limewire run on mac...?

bro has it and it runs fine. i prefer torrents though
I too prefer torrents.

Yeh, I'm not big on DLing music, I'm just looking for a couple singles.

Also, I just bought a new MBP about a week ago and I went to pick it up (while it was on) and noticed a small click noise, is this normal or should I beconcerned? It sounds like its coming from the lower right side of the machine and it only happens when its turned on...
Originally Posted by TOUCH MONEY

my desktop
I need change tho


Damn Bro..lmao...I like to keep my desktop neat as hell..I would get sick if that was my desktop..Lol.. Heres Mine

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