The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Also best program to burn movies from your comp onto DVD?
I use TOAST...... its great.... try it out or purchase it
yeah doc is def the go to guy for all questions/concerns on mac apps.

this thread is keepin mac users busy customizing

KeyCue 4.3
Displays all menu shortcut commands.

KeyCue helps you to use your Mac OS X applications more effectively. Just hold down the Command key for a while - KeyCue comes to help and shows a table of all currently available menu shortcuts. When you have found the desired shortcut in the KeyCue table, just type it and continue working as usual. The KeyCue window will disappear automatically.

You no longer need to memorize and remember key combinations, just press the command key and KeyCue tells you what you want to know.

Over time, you will automatically remember frequently used shortcuts and become a power user of your favorite applications, working much more efficiently.

Version 4.3:
The key combination for activating KeyCue is now a user-configurable option.
Double-tap option to activate KeyCue only when a selected modifier key is pressed twice.
KeyCue displays the activation key combination at startup.
Menu shortcuts and Keyboard Maestro macros can now be shown together in a single table.
Improved handling of license key entry avoids common errors during registration of KeyCue.
Improved messages when a license key does not cover an upgrade.
New technique for flexible adaptation to peculiarities of certain applications.
Fixes an alignment problem with the splash animation.

Mac OS X 10.4 or later.
this APP is great... check it out.... try the trial or purchase it
Originally Posted by shake n bake718

Originally Posted by Da Doc03

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Also best program to burn movies from your comp onto DVD?
I use TOAST...... its great.... try it out or purchase it

Will this work if you used handbrake to burn dvds to your comp?
yea.... i have handbrake and toast installed.... i use handbrake for movies only... and use toast for movies as well as files.... try the trialor purchase it
Just wondering...... any of yall have a windows mobile phone that you would like to sync to your MAC?
  • Acquisition - Gnutella file sharing client
  • Adium - Multi-protocol instant messenger client
  • Address-o-sync - Sync multiple Macs without .Mac
  • Amadeus - Great tool for audio enthusiast
  • Audio Hijack Pro - Custom audio output filtering
  • Backlight - Menu extra toggles screensaver as your desktop
  • BurnX Free - Burn multiple sessions on CD
  • Butler - Get more out of Finder
  • CandyBar - Change your application and system icons
  • Carbon Copy Cloner - Easy-to-use backup/cloning utility
  • Chmox - An OS X native CHM file (Compiled HTML/eBook) reader
  • Cocktail - Simplifies use of UNIX functions in OS X, and more
  • Colloquy - IRC client
  • CSSEdit - Visual CSS style editor
  • DeepVacuum - Download entire websites
  • Default Folder - Expanded functionality in "Save As.." dialogue boxes
  • Deja Vu - Schedule regular file backups
  • Delicious Library - Catalogue your books, cd's, games, dvd's
  • Dimensionizer - Contextual Menu to display an image's dimensions
  • DeskShade - Hide desktop icons, terminal lock, and more
  • Desktastic - Doodle on your desktop
  • Dock-It - Add multiple multi-fucntion docks
  • DragThing - An alternative to the dock
  • DV Backup - Use your DV camera as a backup medium
  • Evocam - Webcam application with built in web server, FTP, etc.
  • FileJuicer - Extract images from Powerpoint, PDF, HTML, and CAB files
  • Fink - Unix Ports for X
  • Firefox - Open source web browser
  • Fugu - An SFTP, SCP and SSH frontend
  • Huevos - Customisable search engine helper
  • HyperEdit - live previews of HTML and PHP pages
  • iBank - Intuitive personal finance manager
  • iBiz - Self-employed time billing manager
  • iConquer - 1-to-6 player world conquest game
  • iPodDisk - Utilize your iPod as an iDisk
  • iRooster - Great free alarm clock
  • iWipe - Secure disk and file deletion
  • iZoom - Crop and resize your photos
  • LiteSwitch X - Keyboard application switcher
  • Little Snitch - Alerts you of outgoing network connections
  • MacJanitor - Great tool for running & rescheduling OS X maintenance tasks
  • MacMame - Multi arcade machine emulator
  • MacSniffer - View all traffic on a network connection
  • MacTheRipper - Go Ahead, Back that DVD up
  • MacTracker - Database of all Mac models
  • Mac Vim - The aqua version of Vim
  • Mail.appetizer - Enhance Mail with this small but handy notification plugin
  • Mplayer for OS X - Another great video player
  • Net Monitor - Network throughput monitor
  • Net Tool Box - Handy tool for the toolkit - for network issues
  • NetNewsWire - RSS aggregator (If you're gonna use one, use NetNewsWire)
  • Onyx - System tweaks and configuration
  • OSXvnc - VNC remote control protocol
  • PDF Browser Plugin - Allows web browsers to display PDF files
  • Pixen - Pixel graphics editor
  • Quicksilver - Application launcher and much more
  • RCDefaultApp - Preference pane to set default applications
  • Renamer4Mac - Rename files en masse. Useful for digital cameras
  • SideTrack trackpad driver - Enhanced trackpad driver for Apple Laptops
  • Simon Extreme - Classic Milton Bradley Simon game
  • Skype - Uses P2P for phone-over-internet talking
  • SubEthaEdit - Use Rendezvous for collaborative editing
  • Synergy - Adds iTunes controls to your menu bar
  • Transmit - FTP client
  • Unison - Usenet newsreader handles messages, files, & media
  • Virtue - Virtual desktop manager
  • VLC - Play DivX encoded movies (and more).
  • VoodooPad - Notepad with many advanced features
  • Word Browser Plugin - Allows web browsers to display Word files
  • xPad - Notebook/scrapbook supports drag & drop
  • XRay - Expanded version of the Finder's "Get Info" window
  • xScope - Suite of screen tools for UI designers

some are free and some u have 2 pay for...
Originally Posted by Da Doc03

Originally Posted by msw1233

Well I've tried GIMP as well and really can't get anything done on it.

what about photoshop? or the other 2 i posted...

also, try paintbrush
Photoshop would be good if i had it - i've used it more than GIMP (which had me confused).

Thanks for the list of apps btw.

Mac users should also check out MacHeist for the occasional free app. Got a few for free a couple weeks back.
Originally Posted by msw1233

Originally Posted by Da Doc03

Originally Posted by msw1233

Well I've tried GIMP as well and really can't get anything done on it.

what about photoshop? or the other 2 i posted...

also, try paintbrush
Photoshop would be good if i had it - i've used it more than GIMP (which had me confused).

Thanks for the list of apps btw.

Mac users should also check out MacHeist for the occasional free app. Got a few for free a couple weeks back.
Originally Posted by Dam itz Lou


Here's mine...How do I change the icon for my hard drive? It doesnt come up on candybar...
just open a folder in finder & highlight the harddrive, then press command+i, click on the harddrive icon, then just drag your new icon overthe old one.

at least thas wat i did
anyone know of any good deals on photoshop?

Here are a couple random links I had on my favorites that may help some of you - some cool, free Mac Apps - nice blog with reviews of programs as well as the latest news - really awesome free online storage (i believe it's still free, when I signed up itwas 2 gb) This site has nice a nice web to desktop interface. Watch the video. ->>>
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