The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

What browser do you guys use? I've been using Chrome since forever, but decided to a test run with Safari...Which do you prefer? Kind of torn now since I realized it's a memory hog.

Oh yeah, for those that use Safari, any one having issues where a problem occurred while browsing NT and it refreshes automatically?

I use Safari since its better integrated for Mac. Don't have that refresh problem I'm on maverick.
I use Safari since its better integrated for Mac. Don't have that refresh problem I'm on maverick.
Hmm, I'm on Safari too. I wonder if I should just clear the cache and test it out then. Its been really irking me, since NT is the only site that I have this issue on.
Which is a better browser google chrome or safari? I'm talking overall speed and efficiency? I got a Mac desktop and I'm curious to know if I should download chrome
Hmm, I'm on Safari too. I wonder if I should just clear the cache and test it out then. Its been really irking me, since NT is the only site that I have this issue on.
I literally didn't have

I literally didn't have this issue until this morning trying to post in the Kobe Prelude thread. It was weird, it saved the portion of the reply I made through that refresh point but it did that maybe 8 times before I had my response in(maybe 20 words). Doing this currently on Chrome since the same happened when trying to respond in this thread via safari, idk what the deal is. I've been using my Mac since the new ones came out in October so I'm still pretty new to all of this, just figured I'd add
Which is a better browser google chrome or safari? I'm talking overall speed and efficiency? I got a Mac desktop and I'm curious to know if I should download chrome
I've used Chrome for years and never had any issues. I just noticed recently that it took up alot of RAM and decided to test out Safari. Try it out, it's a really good browser that you can add alot of extensions. Plus, they have incognito mode for your secret browsing.
I literally didn't have

I literally didn't have this issue until this morning trying to post in the Kobe Prelude thread. It was weird, it saved the portion of the reply I made through that refresh point but it did that maybe 8 times before I had my response in(maybe 20 words). Doing this currently on Chrome since the same happened when trying to respond in this thread via safari, idk what the deal is. I've been using my Mac since the new ones came out in October so I'm still pretty new to all of this, just figured I'd add
You described the exact issue I'm experiencing with Safari. Haven't had the issue with Chrome ever. 
Called Apple Care tonight for a simple issue that I noticed on my 2010 MB, little hairline cracks around the hinges. They set me up with an appointment tomorrow for repair or replacement, so we'll see how that goes.
It's annoying bringing my charger to and from work everyday, so I'd like to buy a 2nd one and just leave it there. Can anyone recommend me a good and relatively cheap one? I see the "official" ones are like 80 bucks and I don't really wanna spend that much on a charger :lol:. If it matters, I have a mid-2013 MacBook Air. Thanks in advance!
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You should check Amazon I bought a charger from there was skeptical because the charger was from China and cheap, but I've had it for a month now and its still works.
Can someone help me out with this issue? I always would get my email notifications that would either say "open" or "close" and I don't know what I did, but now I see the "reply" button instead of the "open" and it's annoying lol. I want to get the "open" button back.
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got a mac mini...

anyone know how to change the windows keyboard configuration so it more or less resembles the functionality of a mac keyboard?

Does apple care cover a charger with frayed wires?

Any of y'all upgrade to Mavericks? Don't see much of a difference.
^ Check this out:

I have a question of my own about AppleCare.

I bought my MBA off of some guy on Craigslist, and when checking the serial number on Apple's website, I noticed that it has a 3 year AppleCare plan. But when I bought it he didn't include any of the AppleCare paperwork and I don't have his number anymore to get it off of him. Do I need that paperwork when filing a claim or will Apple just be able to pull it up and see that it's insured? I don't currently have any problems but it'd be nice to know that everything will be cool if something ever does go wrong.
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^ Check this out:

I have a question of my own about AppleCare.

I bought my MBA off of some guy on Craigslist, and when checking the serial number on Apple's website, I noticed that it has a 3 year AppleCare plan. But when I bought it he didn't include any of the AppleCare paperwork and I don't have his number anymore to get it off of him. Do I need that paperwork when filing a claim or will Apple just be able to pull it up and see that it's insured? I don't currently have any problems but it'd be nice to know that everything will be cool if something ever does go wrong.

You just need the mac itself, the serial number tells them everything they need. I bought one with the same going on, brought it into the apple store with no questions asked.
Can someone help me out with this issue? I always would get my email notifications that would either say "open" or "close" and I don't know what I did, but now I see the "reply" button instead of the "open" and it's annoying lol. I want to get the "open" button back.

I don't think you can because it's a result of updating your software. However, I could still be wrong.

which music widget you guys using?

I use the app vox, not even iTunes. If you don't have it, try it. It is a much lighter program for your computer to run while giving you the full access to your iTunes library. I highly recommend it, there's a slight learning curve with it though.
While watching movies on my iMac after an extended period of time, my wireless keyboard and magic mouse become unresponsive. The only way that I'm able to get both to function again is to do a hard restart by holding down the power button. Does anyone have any tips on how I can solve this issue? I even had the issue after not using the mouse for a minute. I tried to troubleshoot but I can't find the cause of the issue.

I am frustrated to the point where I was going to buy the Logitech Solar keyboard and Performance MX mouse, but I've read nothing but issues with those devices and OS Mavericks.

If anyone has any input, it would be helpful.
just discovered USB Overdrive and it's :smokin

got my dell keyboard fully functioning, sound wheel and all

def recommended for anyone wanting to use windows hardware with their macs
youtube vids stop at 7 seconds and there's no sound. my browser is safari. i understand that i can use firefox or chrome but i prefer safari. is there a solution?
everytime i try to update adobe flash there's an error. its been like that for awhile now...
YouTube should def work on Chrome. It's Googles company. Maybe try clearing your cookies or signing into your Google account. Sometimes Chrome screws with me when I'm using it for work but logging into my gmail account will fix the issue. Just weird overall.
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