The Official Metal Gear Solid 4 Thread Vol. Snake's Last Hurrah | It's Out | Don't Post Spoilers!

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by Purple Face

@ Raiden's breakdancing skills - dude pulled a 1990 and a windmill with those Gekkos

How did Solid get half of his face burnt and his moustache is still intact?

Anybody think there's a symbolism with the eggs?

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Akiba looks like a young Snake
How do you use the plus sign to hide text?
(spoiler)TEXT(/spoiler) but with brackets instead of parentheses

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How did yall beat the boss in chapter 3? whenever i shoot her it does minimal damage. and she dodges the rpg and javelin shots
Originally Posted by I FR3SH I

How did yall beat the boss in chapter 3? whenever i shoot her it does minimal damage. and she dodges the rpg and javelin shots
Spoiler [+]
Wait until she hovers indoors and start RPG'ing
Naomi is a ****
Otacon = friend zoned'd
Originally Posted by KneeNoh

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by Purple Face

@ Raiden's breakdancing skills - dude pulled a 1990 and a windmill with those Gekkos

How did Solid get half of his face burnt and his moustache is still intact?

Anybody think there's a symbolism with the eggs?

Spoiler [+]
Akiba looks like a young Snake
How do you use the plus sign to hide text?
(spoiler)TEXT(/spoiler) but with brackets instead of parentheses

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Spoiler [+]
Thanks, Ikon!
ok nevermind i just beat. for those of yall that havnt got there yet. stay on the 1st floor. it makes the fight ALOT more easier
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by NCTwin

I don't think I'll be checking out Liberty City again anytime soon...
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GTA IV sucks !@#, Snake > Niko

You had me scared there. I sat and stared at it for a while before I finally decided to click on it.

You guys are still saying too much...I'm going to have to back out of here. Ya'll have fun.
How i beaten boss 3

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stay on the first floor and hide under the staircase. When she comes, just spray her with an assault rifle or sub machine till she goes away. If you have no ration or other health boost(like i didn't have) go to the top of the staircase to recover. When her health is more than half gone, pull out a rocket launcher or air missle to finish her off
just got done beating the game, WOW...thats all i can say. one of the most intense games ive ever played....
Originally Posted by MastaAce718

Anyone wanna help me try to beat crying wolf?

I havnt gotten there yet but if it runs around alot like in the middle east would setting mines work?
Originally Posted by SixXRocKZ

just got done beating the game, WOW...thats all i can say. one of the most intense games ive ever played....

That's cool. So not sleeping or doing anything for 48 hours worked for you? niiice. Hope those bifocals feel good later on in life. Or next year dependingon how close you were sitting
Originally Posted by SixXRocKZ

^Sure did! Got paid for playing the game, I cant complain.

Wait... what? I retract my statement. You can get paid for playing a video game? Details?
I just beat Crying Mantis. I have to go to work though. How close am I to finishing the game?
Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by SixXRocKZ

just got done beating the game, WOW...thats all i can say. one of the most intense games ive ever played....

That's cool. So not sleeping or doing anything for 48 hours worked for you? niiice. Hope those bifocals feel good later on in life. Or next year depending on how close you were sitting
that so was not called for
Man, people OD'ing with the spoilers.

Anyway...I don't think anyone has mentioned this, but the flashback button is a nice touch and definitely takes me back to the other games.
only click if youre past chapter 4

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I beat Crying Wolf on my first try, easiest boss battle so far. Im mad i had to kill her tho, she was fine as hell
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Im copping first thing tomorrow morning.... On a scale of 1 - 10?
I give it a 10. Single player is
and MGO isnt bad either.
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