The Official Metal Gear Solid 4 Thread Vol. Snake's Last Hurrah | It's Out | Don't Post Spoilers!

Originally Posted by I FR3SH I

Anyone know how to damage Screaming Mantis? Ive been running around now for about 10 mins and she still has all her health. The sniper rifle does not work
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Shoot the two dolls that are near her until they fall off. Use the Mantis doll on her and shake your controller up and down
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

After 7 hours of playing, I must say....


So true. Being a Metal Gear die hard fan I must say that after the few hours I have had with the game it has more than succeeded my expectations. AlthoughI was really pissed about the delay several months ago, I am so happy they held the game back. PERFECTION!


My new desktop FTW!!!
Originally Posted by parada45

Anyone wanna help on how to beat Vamp?

Dude keeps pulling a Makavelli
when you knock him out, go behind him and hold R1 and make sure you got the syringe equiped then when youre holding him press triangle
click if youre in act 5 or beat the game
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did anyone make it accross the microwaves without your life and psych going all the way down? is this like the MGS 1 torture chamber like if you didnt make it the outcome is affected? im at the title screen where u gotta press start but i may go back and re-do it if thats the case
I feel bad for anybody who isn't playing this game in Dolby Digital.

I mean, I only have a 3.1 set-up (wouldn't know how to hide wires for surrounds), but the sound is still magnificent. The sound staging from left to center to right is superb. I can only imaging how the sound staging is with 5.1 or 7.1.
Originally Posted by I FR3SH I

click if youre in act 5 or beat the game
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did anyone make it accross the microwaves without your life and psych going all the way down? is this like the MGS 1 torture chamber like if you didnt make it the outcome is affected? im at the title screen where u gotta press start but i may go back and re-do it if thats the case

I would like to know
Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

Am I the only one who goes through MGS games dumb slow...sometimes waiting for minutes, watching the radar and formulating a course of action before acting.

I mean, I have 7 hours in and I am just in the middle of act 2.
I'm like that too. I actually look around and stuff... not just complete the objective. I finished Act 1 last night and watched all the stuff for Act 2 so I'll start that when I get home later today. Today sucks though... Calculas + MGS + gym time =
Ditto. In those 7 hours I played last night, I only finished Act 1. With games like this, they're so ill that I don't want them to end, so Itake my sweet time with 'em. Plus I have a tendency to want to NOT avoid confrontation and instead bust dudes in the head with the silenced P90, whichoften leads to multiple alerts when they find the bodies.

Well, back to work on Act 2. Gotta love when the wife works weekends = no hassling about me playing games all day and night.
Originally Posted by I FR3SH I

Originally Posted by parada45

Anyone wanna help on how to beat Vamp?

Dude keeps pulling a Makavelli
when you knock him out, go behind him and hold R1 and make sure you got the syringe equiped then when youre holding him press triangle

Thanks man
Originally Posted by finnns2003

i'm really slipping, JUST picked the game up. snakes are ready

So clean! I need to get the 24 pack of Kubrick' you have the stealth Snake and Raiden?
I'm mad late but here are my pics from the Uniqlo event on thurs #3 out of 400
me being interviewed


Mr. Kojima himself while about to shake my hand




just beat the game. last battle was pretty cool. gotta admit i was dissapointed with the length. almost half of it was watching cutscenes
they only let one item to get signed per person luckily my sister and her boyfriend were #'s 4 and 5
Wow, watching that radien scene in 1080p put a huge grin on my face, game is on real, seriously. Oh yeah, does anybody know if you can play your own musicthrough the iPOD on this game? I don't have any music on my 60GB.

I'm about to start Act 3, but Act 2 took me 10+ hours, I was on some real sneaky - look in every corner, find every item, kill all frogs and PMC's typesteez,

Oh yeah, some of yall slippin,
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Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Wow, watching that radien scene in 1080p put a huge grin on my face, game is on real, seriously. Oh yeah, does anybody know if you can play your own music through the iPOD on this game? I don't have any music on my 60GB.

I'm about to start Act 3, but Act 2 took me 10+ hours, I was on some real sneaky - look in every corner, find every item, kill all frogs and PMC's type steez,

Oh yeah, some of yall slippin,
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Honestly, that Raiden scene was unreal!
Originally Posted by Purple Face

10 hours for Act 2?

I beat the game in 17 hours... Did I miss something?

He might have been thinking the time at the end of the act was for that act instead of the cumulative time
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