The Official Metal Gear Solid 4 Thread Vol. Snake's Last Hurrah | It's Out | Don't Post Spoilers!

This game is a 30 so far. Its like watching a movie
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

can someone help me i still cant find a way to get past all the blocked ways im trying to get to liquid but all the paths are blocked

Follow the streets and refer to your map.. can anyone help me too tho,
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I'm in South America and Otacon wants me to go to Naomi's last known location or something like that, but all the ways to her part of the compound is blocked. Its right at the point where the Rebels used their bull dozer to run down the barrier..

Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

can someone help me i still cant find a way to get past all the blocked ways im trying to get to liquid but all the paths are blocked

i had the same problem...

look at the map, follow the arrow and just go straight. at first it may seem that the wall is blocking ur way but theres a RED DOOR close to the corner ofthe wall. go through the door and u should be good
Originally Posted by JordanHead2

Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

can someone help me i still cant find a way to get past all the blocked ways im trying to get to liquid but all the paths are blocked

Follow the streets and refer to your map.. can anyone help me too tho,
Spoiler [+]
I'm in South America and Otacon wants me to go to Naomi's last known location or something like that, but all the ways to her part of the compound is blocked. Its right at the point where the Rebels used their bull dozer to run down the barrier..


You gotta go inside the house in the middle, when youre in the house i think you go down the steps into the basement and theres a ladder that leads to herpart

Also is it just me or are these boss battles easier than the first 3 MGS? Theyre just long, i mean I think I spent 20-30 mins fighting against crying wolf butthats only because i had trouble finding her, she wasnt even difficult
yes i beat act 1 a while ago, enough for one day. I will pick up in south america tomorow night, what a game!
Just beat it. Wow. Awesome Game. I'm still a bit confused with some of the stuff explained in the ending. I'll probably have to read up on it.
How the hell did you guys beat this already!?!?
I bought it after work, havent even gotten a chance to play it yet. Hopefully its as good as everyones saying.
Only my 2nd game for my PS3
Am I the only one who goes through MGS games dumb slow...sometimes waiting for minutes, watching the radar and formulating a course of action before acting.

I mean, I have 7 hours in and I am just in the middle of act 2.
Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

Am I the only one who goes through MGS games dumb slow...sometimes waiting for minutes, watching the radar and formulating a course of action before acting.

I mean, I have 7 hours in and I am just in the middle of act 2.
I'm like that too. I actually look around and stuff... not just complete the objective. I finished Act 1 last night and watched all the stuff forAct 2 so I'll start that when I get home later today. Today sucks though... Calculas + MGS + gym time =
Anyone know how to damage Screaming Mantis? Ive been running around now for about 10 mins and she still has all her health. The sniper rifle does not work
Originally Posted by I FR3SH I

Anyone know how to damage Screaming Mantis? Ive been running around now for about 10 mins and she still has all her health. The sniper rifle does not work
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