The Official Metal Gear Solid 4 Thread Vol. Snake's Last Hurrah | It's Out | Don't Post Spoilers!

Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by Battousai7o1

here's lil secret thats funny and cool...

equip ur camera and take a pic of the bosses in their beauty mode while the background is all white

ur welcome

That does what now?
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

I'd smash the 2nd B&B broad you fight. Mad provocative. SMH at me.

It's ok. I said the EXACT same thing
. Raven is baaaaaaaaaaaad. Did they use an actress for her likeness? Easily top 5.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by Battousai7o1

here's lil secret thats funny and cool...

equip ur camera and take a pic of the bosses in their beauty mode while the background is all white

ur welcome

That does what now?

if i tell u guys... it be kinda spoilerish (although it doesnt really effect the plot of the game)

trust me, just do it and u'll know wat i mean, nahmeen!
Originally Posted by MoMoney848

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

I'd smash the 2nd B&B broad you fight. Mad provocative. SMH at me.

It's ok. I said the EXACT same thing
. Raven is baaaaaaaaaaaad. Did they use an actress for her likeness? Easily top 5.

yeah shes Yumi Kikuchi... shes was at the virgin megastore and uniqlo signing

all of the bosses are based on real people
My thoughts:
Spoiler [+]
-this game is unmatched. nothing will be able to touch this in terms of the complete full package of a game. best game ever until further notice.
-the end of act 3. that was absolutely incredible. better than many action flicks
-the scene where snake is crawling through the microwave. i honestly thought everyone was going to die. i was like, "how the hell can this end with everyone dead?"
-the final boss fight is one of the of the greatest battles ever. the whole fight was incredible. injecting each other with the syringes so they could continue their battle to the death?

-i thought snake had actually died. i knew better, but i didn't even think they'd take it that far.
-everything raiden did was unbelievable. guy would just not quit. i would love to continue the mgs series with him as the main character
-the screaming mantis fight was great at the end with the nod to MGS. i changed the controller to slot 2 right away.

-wow@ big boss showing up at the end. almost got a little too crazy
-great way to end the series. lived up to all the hype and then some. everything was top-notch
@ mo for making fun of people that have strategy guides

i just beat this game for the first time

and now i can finally open my special limited edition HARDCOVER strategy guide for my 2nd3rd 4th etc playthrough

even the guide is straight pifff

comes with a limited art painting of snake

i will post pics soon
Originally Posted by HighRiser07

Yo how do you kill Vamp? I must have been trying for like 10+ minutes already lol
Juss shot him till he falls on the ground like if he is dead. As soon as that happen stand behind him withnutin the syringe(sp?) equiped.Then grab him into a choke hold (CQC) while you have him like that hit triangle.
Just beat the game...bought it Saturday night and finished in 18 hours

Absolutely brilliant...the quality of the story/production made me forget how beautiful the graphics are.

Spoiler [+]
Things I'm wondering...

Is the series going to follow Raiden or Akiba from here on out? Maybe both?

What significance do Sunny's eggs play? A metaphorical reference to the sun, but also maybe her children become important in the future (maybe im thinking too much into it

As a long time student of politcal science, Kojima's grasp of modern global politics and political history blows me away...there is a whole nother level ofissues past what most of us study in the textbooks, and although this game is fictional, it is entirely based on those issues.
WOW......... Ending of Act 2
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That has to be one of the best fight scenes I've ever watched, game or movie! Raiden is tapped.... I'm definitly gonna watch that scene a coupple more times!
Man, that Crying Wolf battle was fun. Probably one of the better ones I've played. The atmosphere was epic.
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

Originally Posted by krazyg

Anyone get the Solar Gun yet? What does it do?

its like furtunes gun in MGS2 aint it

�no fortune's weapon is the rail gun

the solar gun depletes the targets psyche gauges and causes soldiers or even corpses to drop items that they would not usually possess... VERYUSEFUL

this shows the solar gun in action... ( a lil spoiler but notpertaining to the games plot)

im trying to obtain this along with the bandanna and stealth camo
dam just beat the game for the first time, game is craaack. about to do another run through and try to use the tranquilizers instead of killing the beasts.
Originally Posted by Burn916

Just beat the game...bought it Saturday night and finished in 18 hours

Absolutely brilliant...the quality of the story/production made me forget how beautiful the graphics are.

Spoiler [+]
Things I'm wondering...

Is the series going to follow Raiden or Akiba from here on out? Maybe both?

What significance do Sunny's eggs play? A metaphorical reference to the sun, but also maybe her children become important in the future (maybe im thinking too much into it

As a long time student of politcal science, Kojima's grasp of modern global politics and political history blows me away...there is a whole nother level of issues past what most of us study in the textbooks, and although this game is fictional, it is entirely based on those issues.
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I would say the eggs represent the dawning of a new era without the patriots. Throughout the game she could never get them right and she said she uses her eggs as a way of fortune telling. Then at the end she gets her best results which means that everything is right with the world again. Also the fact that naomi mentions how she makes sunny side up which is the simplest form of cooking eggs can also be seen as the future going back to zero and back to simplicity without the war economy and the struggles of Big Boss, Liquid, Solidus, The Patriots and war in general.
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