The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

  • Dubs

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  • Cavs

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Yall better chill with this Kevin slander. He's real

He is.
And he can play defense, he just puts little thought and effort into it.
So many fall victim to lack of effort/concentration and wear the bad defender title like a badge of honor.
W/o bogut, they lack some serious rim protection and their vaunted "death lineup" becomes their only real dependable lineup, which isn't ideal.

Problem is bogut is on the verge of being dead. 

Gotta upgrade the 5 position. 

We not calling it no "death" lineup when it got outplayed in back to back series.
Klay was def frustrated w/ Steph's play. It's hard to get things going when the dude that handles the ball makes dumb passes and takes terrible shots. \

The league also needs to look into being more strict on the PnR, the PnRs in this series was terrible. Have no doubt 90% would have been called in college or lower.

At what point does a team go back to fundamentals and actually box out for rebounds?
I don't know if it's arrogance or showboating, but man Steph (and the warriors as a whole) just hunt for 3's even when they aren't falling.

I legit think steph can go to the rim far more often than he does, but would rather make a crossover hail mary 3 point bomb which backfired big time when it mattered most. Klay too. He had a 3 that rattled in and out in the 4th, but that 3 was an awful, awful shot. Hell the long two he made over Iman was a terrible shot.

They are still a juggernaut offensively, but man do they struggle to win when they don't have size and their 3 ball isn't going. As the NBA continues to evolve and teams switch more and more on GSW to take away the 3, I wonder if their potency will diminish just a tad bit moving forward. 

Literally in the first half of last night's game they were getting beat in just about every category except the 3 point line. The only reason why they were in the finals in the first place was because of the 3 point line in games 5 - 7 against OKC. 
If Bogut was healthy games 5-7 GSW might be b2b.

Worst part of prolonging a series is leaving room for injuries, not so much operator error.

By no means do I point to Dray as being at fault, I point to Kerr and Curry and Klay and Dray.

The way THEY LAID DOWN IN GAME 3 presumably on purpose, was disgusting, disgusting
dudes acting like klay is jamming and gs needs to blow this team up or something . prisoner of the moments.
upgrade the center position and they still right there at the top of the west. either way , i gotta find a new favorite player. i cant f with curry anymore. dude is overrated. 

GS will be fine. Curry needs to become a better all around PG. Offensively he's great. His decision making running the offense and finding his teammates needs to improve.
would okc have stand a chance vs. cavs? :nerd:
dudes were saying how okc wouldve ran thru the cavs
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would okc have stand a chance vs. cavs?

dudes were saying how okc wouldve ran thru the cavs
yes. wouldve went 7 as well. okc has good bigs. 
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Bron with the Ultimate Warrior shirt tho
. Gotta be a low key shot at GSW
There is nothing low key about it.

Dude's been cold as a MF'er since the Dray incident.
Respect to @iLLoQuent aka DSK and whatever sn Victor Page is using now. Rest of that group can go play in traffic.

2013 hurt like a ***. This time I reached the acceptance stage after G6. Fait accompli.

There are consequences to actively rooting against the greatest player of our generation. I learned to accept them a long time ago (the hard way).

We not calling it no "death" lineup when it got outplayed in back to back series.

yup, that's why I put it in quotes. Jig may be up on that lineup. May be fine to play in like the final 6 minutes or something sparse like that, but I felt like GSW has gotten so dependent on Dray playing the 5, that they are now relying on it which I don't agree with. 

You can be cute and have lineup versatility, but you need a playable 5 w/size. I'd imagine LAC with Cole, DJ, and Blake would have given them trouble upfront too if Serge, Adams, Kanter, TT, and Bron were doing the same.
Is Curry still the top player in the world after getting thoroughly outplayed by Kyrie?

Curry showed zero heart man, dude gave up on D countless times. Made one mistake then would watched the play happen instead of hustling to get back into the play. Disgusting.

Klay needs more help.
curry was still the best player in the world all year. lebron is now the best again after these last 3 finals games. but people acting like it was lebron all along and it wasnt. had curry pulled it off this year, wed be talking about lebron needing more help. remember, dont let ur opinion be swayed by a single series.
would okc have stand a chance vs. cavs? :nerd:
dudes were saying how okc wouldve ran thru the cavs

anything can happen, but Cavs beat OKC 7 strait times I believe.
Bron has the mental edge on KD already. SOn looks up to Bron
and trains with him in the off season. That means ownership.
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curry was still the best player in the world all year. lebron is now the best again after these last 3 finals games. but people acting like it was lebron all along and it wasnt. had curry pulled it off this year, wed be talking about lebron needing more help. remember, dont let ur opinion be swayed by a single series.
Strength in Numbers my ***. Guys were doing too much dancing in the videos. Too much talking in the press. 
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curry was still the best player in the world all year. lebron is now the best again after these last 3 finals games. but people acting like it was lebron all along and it wasnt. had curry pulled it off this year, wed be talking about lebron needing more help. remember, dont let ur opinion be swayed by a single series.
nah honestly even if the cavs wouldve lost in the last few minutes which they couldve of. lebron showed out when it mattered , when he was down 3-1. thats impressive. it just showed that he doesnt put to much into the regular season but that when it matters  hes the best and curry showed the exact opposite. two straight meh finals is not a coincidence. 
Would have picked the Cavs over OKC.

Homecourt and Russell's ineptness on defense would have been two of the major differences.

Also, we gotta stop saying Curry can't guard because he got hit up a few times by Lebron and Kyrie. He slipped in the playoffs defensively, but He was really good on the ball this year, and was one of the best defenders at his position. 
OKC would implode. KD aint the got heart to fight, Russy is too unpredictable. You know what to expect out of Adams and Ibaka which they would've cancelled out Thompson, Love, and stopped LeBron going to the paint. If Kyrie is a emotional player, Russy is the epitome of one, Kyrie would be gettin off and Russy would feel like he had to match it. KD wouldn't say anything, be docile, and they'd implode.

I still think it'd make a great series though but OKC has a history of inconsistency when it counts
curry was still the best player in the world all year. lebron is now the best again after these last 3 finals games. but people acting like it was lebron all along and it wasnt. had curry pulled it off this year, wed be talking about lebron needing more help. remember, dont let ur opinion be swayed by a single series.
Curry was never the best player in the league thats been Lebrons title for the past 7-8 yrs.
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