The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

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  • Cavs

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I would love to see a list of all the things Kobe does better than LeBron.
I would say prime Kobe was a better defender and had a much more well rounded scoring game.  LBJ is better at getting teammates involved, rebounding, driving.
He can be a douche.....
MJ is an *******.....
Doesn't change the fact that the kid is an all galaxy player. PERIOD. If someone wants to argue that he's better than this person or that person, I'm not arguing. Young man led both teams in points, rebounds, assist, steals, and blocks. That **** is absurd. It's ridiculous. It's videogame-esque. He beat a 73 win team after being down 3-1. The stuff of legend. Unbelievable.
This is my biggest problem with Lebron fans. Whenever his team loses its always some outside factor, and the fault really isn't his, but when his team wins, it's always Lebron Lebron, Lebron. He carries the team, he dragged the team, he led the team, etc. Kyrie had just as big of an impact for the Cavs winning but people are really gonna overlook that? SMH
I asked this question weeks ago.

I asked, "Would we still blame LeBron."

Of course the, "Everything is the superstars fault" crew said yes 
Well everyone is blaming curry for the Warriors loss
Funny thing is I wonder if they had lost but Bron still had his triple double all be it on a Kobesque 2010 Game 7 shooting night, what would the narrative have been today. Good thing he had plenty of help.

Kobe avg 15-4-4 in the first championship. Shot 36% from the field and 20% from 3. Yet people use that championship ring as a reason why he shouldbe consideree better than LeBron. :lol:
Lebron is the better defender, he can guard more positions and adds some rim protection that Kobe never did.
Kobe was also a better perimeter defender too.  People forget that during that three peat run Kobe would consistently guard the other teams best perimeter player.  I haven't seen Lebron do that in a long time.

Either way, I think it is pretty debatable.
Lebron is the better defender, he can guard more positions and adds some rim protection that Kobe never did.

Rim protection ok, the whole guarding multiple is subjective. Better team defender maybe, better on ball defender, no way.
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Yea, I won't get into the Kobe vs. LeBron debate but I think I was just as happy for

LeBron: Last Night

as I was for

Kobe: In 2009 when he won his first ring "without Shaq." (Just to prove he was able to do it).
same here
Calling people clueless and dismissing what they say because they don't agree with you opinion shows your way of thinking and maturity.
These are not opinons tho, these are facts that are backed up with stats & numbers.

All you resort to is championships but that doesn't include all the factors that goes into that. 
Point being,

Kobe's retired. In 10 years he'll probably be remembered as "The cold-blooded MJ-esque assasin scorer who dropped 81 and won 5 titles.

LeBron needs to still win more titles. At least .500 in the Finals. If all stays the same he's the "Elite player with massive physical talent and skill who underachieved in the Finals but still won 4 MVPs and 3 FMVPs."

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