The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

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  • Cavs

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always said, let these guys police themselves and it will completely remove all this nonsense from the gm
similar to hockey, let em scrap for like 30s and give a double foul

But Draymond would be in ICU right now

im a big dray fan, if that's what happens, so be it. he'd stop kicking and flailing, just like the rest of the divas in this league
lebron's antics would've been nipped in the butt ages ago

league aint even try to hide the fact that their athletes have become performers and sports entertainers than competitive athletes :lol:
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Man Lebby wasn't just stepping over him. He was straight tryna teabag him. I swear there was contact. I feel for Dray's forehead.

What if Dray was Lebron and Lebron was Steph?
Dudes we be all on Steph saying he's the man for sonning Lebrick

That's why I'm not buying it

the hell did you just say? you trying too hard.

Alright now, I'm officially calling group think.

Man listen, I'm listening to the local broadcast and my man Desmond Mason is a host right, for those that don't know he's a former Oklahoma St star and a retired NBA'er for the once great Super Sonics(sorry @a55a5in11it was a great franchise and I hated you guys lost it) and this dude says

"Okay it's common knowledge league wide that stepping over someone is a no-no"

His co-host says "Yea but that's not as bad as Dray hitting him in the penis"

This dude Desmond says "no stepover is worse, if you hit someone in the junk that's just a cheap shot, the league is full of cheap shots, if you step over ME, that calls for a backhanded slap"

I call BS.
Desmond is normally a good listen and has a lot to say, but I changed the station.
Gave me that 'I'm just saying this to create a topic for call ins and radio beef.

Not buying it

"You don't see it too much, but, yeah, I think it is looked at as a form of disrespect."

-K. Love

View media item 2066627
kevin love will always be on the outside looking in.
outta curiosity, what would yall have done if you were dray's position? i still don't think he was aiming for lebron's meat but can't defend anymore of his action that involves another man's D lol.

in hindsight, i think everybody would say they wouldn't have done it since he got suspended but shieeeeeeeeeet .
outta curiosity, what would yall have done if you were dray's position? i still don't think he was aiming for lebron's meat but can't defend anymore of his action that involves another man's D lol.

in hindsight, i think everybody would say they wouldn't have done it since he got suspended but shieeeeeeeeeet .

Naw, I think EVERYONE would've reacted the same. It just sucks that Draymond was already know as the nut puncher guy so it was almost inevitable that he'd get suspended for it because it's like the 3rd time he's went for someone's balls in the last two weeks.
outta curiosity, what would yall have done if you were dray's position? i still don't think he was aiming for lebron's meat but can't defend anymore of his action that involves another man's D lol.

in hindsight, i think everybody would say they wouldn't have done it since he got suspended but shieeeeeeeeeet .
you get up and square up not aim for a man's meat
Dray is an idiot. I get LeBron tried to disrespect him by trying to step over him, but he needed to watch himself.
outta curiosity, what would yall have done if you were dray's position? i still don't think he was aiming for lebron's meat but can't defend anymore of his action that involves another man's D lol.

in hindsight, i think everybody would say they wouldn't have done it since he got suspended but shieeeeeeeeeet .

you get up and square up not aim for a man's meat

Anyone else would but Dray's just got some fixation for grabbing/touching folks D :lol: :x
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people have to remember lebron is the same guy who had a tape confiscated because he got dunked on. This dude is emotionally fragile and I promise you he won't show up tonight when it counts. 

Antonio Davis on the radio calling LeBron a B.
This is known

Unless you blinded by his scrotum
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