The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

  • Dubs

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  • Cavs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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why is kevin love getting so much hate? He is not the best defender but kyrie isnt and lebron isnt. This entire playoffs hes been playing good. hes not doing the best in the finals but that happens. Hes like 15 and 9 in the playoffs only taking about 12 shots per. Half of those are threes tho I think he falls in love(no pun) with that shot too much.

I didnt watch last nights game but I will say good numbers for lebron. I kind of figured Ky was gonna do that hes been increasing his points output every game, but we have to wonder if Dray was on the court would Bron have dropped 41? Would they both combine for 80(which is fing impressive out of 100 points). We shall see in Cleveland. I originally said in 7. After the 2-0 lead by warriors I called 5. Given the circumstances with Green I will go back to my original 7. I dont really see the Cavs losing on their home floor, but I didnt see the Warriors losing on their home floor lol.
Sad thing about Love last night is he had 2 points and 3 boards and was still +18. Second highest on the team and he played 32 minutes. Not saying he had a good game because he looked trash. But how does that happen.
Analytics are bs
Analytics aren't BS its just they don't always tell the full story. They are necessary but should not be solely relied upon.
Damn, thread is really dead when LeBron wins. It's pathetic.

Love doesn't suck. He just doesn't fit this team, he's soft and can't handle these moments. He would ball out again on the right team that's not under this much pressure. I've never been a Love fan but he can play.
lmao my girl is trying to talk sports and she just texted me and said I dont know who will win on thursday Ohio sure does have something to prove!! Awww. Lmao
Sad thing about Love last night is he had 2 points and 3 boards and was still +18. Second highest on the team and he played 32 minutes. Not saying he had a good game because he looked trash. But how does that happen.

This is why I don't care about all those new stats. Just some nerd ****. Love is a problem and shouldn't be on the court. Eyes can tell us that, not a ****** equation.
yeah last night love was the guy in a pickup game that is there just because you need a body
I don't get how Klay played only like 7 minutes in the final quarter. He was on fire and then it is like they went away from him in the second half just so they can see if Steph was going to heat up. It just never happened. It isn't like Stpeh played horrible, but it was a substandard performance for him and all of his dancing and celebrations. Klay should be finals MVP. Simple as that, that dude caught fire and GSW put his fire out. It is ugly when the shots stop falling and on top of that Kyrie and Bron doing damage. I think Kyrie was like 17-24 or something, dude played lights out and it looked like he had an extra gear and he just couldn't be stopped. He took everyone they threw at him off the dribble. I thought that Steph's handles were almost just as nice as Kyrie's  but the difference is Kyrie does all this dribbling and gets to the bucket, or as close to the bucket as he can, Steph does all his dribbling, to find room to launch the three. No one can explain to me how he can't shake TT.

Like I've stated before, I am an equal opportunity slanderer, the Dubs got away from what got them going in the first half and they were banking on Cleveland falling off, well, they never did and GSW didn't have any answers. Good game by the Cavs, can't hate on them.
The game was lowkey lost on wide open shots down the stretch. Offensively Bron-rie were brilliant, but defensively, pretty much the whole game, cavs weren't really impressive, but they served when gs failed to take advantage

I counted several WIDE OPEN LOOKS from Steph, Harrison and Klay. If any of them had fallen, might've been the difference. Outside of bron and kyrie nobody else did squat. couple from RJ, couple from JR, tristan was non existent tonight.

Missing wide open looks is the most frustrating thing in the world, especially in a loss. I know I get pissed when I do it at the rec, I can only imagine the anger seeping through the sniper twins veins.
They missed at least 10 wide open 3s in the 4th qtr

Made me even more mad when Breen was like "the tenacious D from the Cavs really helped seal the win"
Like hell no foo, the Dubs had a lid on the basket, Cavs didn't do much to prevent those wide open looks

I hope you also get mad when they say "look at the stifling defense by Curry" as Curry is 10 feet away from the ball and the player happens to slip on a wet spot causing them to turn the ball over
I don't get how Klay played only like 7 minutes in the final quarter. He was on fire and then it is like they went away from him in the second half just so they can see if Steph was going to heat up. It just never happened. It isn't like Stpeh played horrible, but it was a substandard performance for him and all of his dancing and celebrations. Klay should be finals MVP. Simple as that, that dude caught fire and GSW put his fire out. It is ugly when the shots stop falling and on top of that Kyrie and Bron doing damage. I think Kyrie was like 17-24 or something, dude played lights out and it looked like he had an extra gear and he just couldn't be stopped. He took everyone they threw at him off the dribble. I thought that Steph's handles were almost just as nice as Kyrie's  but the difference is Kyrie does all this dribbling and gets to the bucket, or as close to the bucket as he can, Steph does all his dribbling, to find room to launch the three. No one can explain to me how he can't shake TT.

Like I've stated before, I am an equal opportunity slanderer, the Dubs got away from what got them going in the first half and they were banking on Cleveland falling off, well, they never did and GSW didn't have any answers. Good game by the Cavs, can't hate on them.

Finals mvp will be tough if GSW does in fact win. Klay was off first 3 games and exploded the last two. Iguodala, though, is threatening to defend his finals MVP with the way he harassed lebron up until last night.

As for double T, Im pretty sure he doesn't care if Steph blows by so long as it's not for a three. He's got lebron or whoever else to back him if Steph gets close to the rim but if he gives up the three, there's no help. He's just staying very close with active hands, when a guy does that you have to take him to the rack.
So I think Kyrie had a similar game to game 1 stat wise, but he did get cooked on D = trash

Difference with lastnight I think Bron was really good on D as well.
If your the warriors you gotta live with this outcome... you essentially get the game of their careers from Kyrie & Bron, your missing 2/5 starters.. Everyone except Klay seemed to be cold and yet in the 4th they were still a few shots away from keeping the game within 3.. those wide open shots cost them.

Curry had the kind of gme i trash Lebron for having, meaning when they really needed him to be a star the most the buckets weren't coming, and on the other side Kyrie just got in a zone to close it out. luckily for the W's i think the addition of Dray's energy & Curry having 3 days rest & klay finding his shot should leave them fine in CLE
Just bumped into Steve Smith and asked him his thoughts on who would win. He picked warriors in 6. I say it goes to 7 and it's anybody's series of it does.
There was a point in the second half where Love just gave up. His body language was just terrible last night like he already booked his vacation tickets and he was ready to leave. Dude has to play better on Thursday for them to have a chance since Kyrie and Bron most likely arent gonna score 40+ again.
Bron gets the last laugh tonight
I can't wait to see him lose and see if he still got that same smug *** smile on his face then
After Bogut went down, they looked lethargic for the most part. Mo is terrible on defense, Mcadoo sucks on defense and Ezeli make dumb decisions. Warriors need to get a big this offseason. Bogut though he makes bone head plays sometimes is a very good player.

Love doesn't suck, he's just not as good as the media made him out to be. They used to slurp his stats and his outlet passes :lol:
also these are the kind of games that should make it clear as day why people dislike Lebron, **** the results the effort & mindset that he showed today should be there all the time and its frustrating that it's not... i'm going down my TL and realizing that we're fascinated that a Superstar is knockind down wide open 18 ftrs & actually using his 6'8 250 to attack the rim... why are these qualities outliers ?
also these are the kind of games that should make it clear as day why people dislike Lebron, **** the results the effort & mindset that he showed today should be there all the time and its frustrating that it's not... i'm going down my TL and realizing that we're fascinated that a Superstar is knockind down wide open 18 ftrs & actually using his 6'8 250 to attack the rim... why are these qualities outliers ?

Honestly, I think he's tired but won't say it, I think he wants to relax and let someone take the load a few times. It's not discussed that much but he's played a lot of minutes and pretty much year around basketball for 6 years straight
Steven A said and I quote, "Without Draymond the NBA and the networks get what they want. A 7 game series." Hmmmmmm.
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