The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

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  • Cavs

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It's crazy how his greatness is taken for granted
He had a GREAT game last night. No one is taking anything away from that. 

It's one game though chill out
Yeah Bogut injury is key. He's a shot blocking big who has great vision. I see this going 7 games too. LeBreezy & Uncle Drew won't drop 40 each in Game 6 but Cavs are feeling themselves now.

Cavs needs to give Richard Jefferson a multi year contract. Son has been a force off the bench. RJ back in New Jersey Nets mode?! :wow:

Trade Shumpert. He stinks!

Warriors may have blown their chance to repeat. Smh.
Cavs gotta take game 6.
The cavs almost won game 4 before fatigue set in in the fourth. They won game 3 with relative ease.

If they lose game 6 imo it'll he because of fatigue and not being able to match gsw at the 3pt line, not because bron and kyrie cant duplicate last night's performance.

They were up at the half in game 4 w/bron not scoring much at all. They were right there after 3 w/bron and kyrie not being historic.

I think gsw ultimately wins game 6, but the cavs dont need bron and kyrie to go crazy for them to win. Each game is different with their own identity.
^this right here is why i don't believe in game to game momentum and I don't like to base predictions off of only what happened in the last game. At this point we've seen what both teams are capable of and how the different variables (like Curry's potential for early foul trouble ,if love starts, if green can keep his cool, cavs doing to much iso, if the 3 is falling for either team) can affect the outcome of the game each game is its own beast ultimately though.

Also like you've said they have shown they can win without those two having all-time great nights they don't need to replicate that performance to win game 6.
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but we make it mental with him for whatever reason. Maybe because it looks easier when he gets rolling, I don't know.
That might be it (I'm not sure either), but 2011 is what his detractors hold up as a counter to this.

That's the best evidence presented to support the notion that it's somehow all in his head. Who the hell knows though.

But anyways, that topic is beat to death enough as it is. I'm done trying to figure it out, that's for the dwellers of this thread. I just root against the _ for other reasons and hope for the best.
And if anything, in context of personnel and scheme you would hope that makes people realize that all the parts matter. 
Absolutely right about this though.
I don't see the Cavs winning in game 6.  They played exactly the way the Warriors wanted them to.  It was basically ISO's every play, but there was next to no help down low to contest shots.  I don't see Kyrie shooting 80% again or Lebron being that hot with his jumper.  Nothing in that game tells me that the Cavs will win in game 6.
Another funny Mark Jackson thing was when OKC made their run, he kept praising Scott Brooks for building the foundation and setting everything up for Billy Donovan. :lol:

Mark is a funny guy, it's easy to see what he really means when he says this stuff.
LeBron can hit another level from time to time. Like every other great player. He can have some nights where it's not totally there, like every other great player.

Don't have to psychoanalyze it. More of all of the all time greats have more non-impactful games than him, but we make it mental with him for whatever reason. Maybe because it looks easier when he gets rolling, I don't know. Like, he's tried to force the issue at times this series and it hasn't worked.

Shots dropped and he had a better time finding space and angles without Draymond. And if anything, in context of personnel and scheme you would hope that makes people realize that all the parts matter.

Think CLE can win a G6 at home, wouldn't give them a great chance in a G7 but you get to that point and all bets are off.
Not last night, he didn't. But I'd agree overall, and if you're going to keep a big on the floor, why not Frye? Frye has a quicker release to go along with better accuracy - same liability on defense and Love has done nothing on the glass to get any of the value needed out of him.
Rj didn't earn his minutes? Lol come on man

Shump and delly have been dead weight

Rj actually been a positive player for them
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Another thing of note,

As the series goes on, the kyrie problem for gsw is a huge issue. (The bogut absence and draymond playing more center may help in this regard.)

Over 33 a game over his last 3 on like 55%. He's doing whatever he wants out there and making things happen for gsw and it doesnt look like gsw has an answer for him when he plays PnR)

Im bias because kyrie is one of my favorite players in the league and all time, but to me the warriors not being able to corrall him offensively is an issue for game 6.

Myrie figured it out in game 3 and been mixing them ever since.

Only way he can overcome his defensive woes is just by getting an effecient 30-35 every night and he's been doing that.
Another funny Mark Jackson thing was when OKC made their run, he kept praising Scott Brooks for building the foundation and setting everything up for Billy Donovan.

Mark is a funny guy, it's easy to see what he really means when he says this stuff.
 Bruhs hidden agenda really ain't that hidden if your smart enough to pick up on the **** he's saying
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Another funny Mark Jackson thing was when OKC made their run, he kept praising Scott Brooks for building the foundation and setting everything up for Billy Donovan. :lol:

Mark is a funny guy, it's easy to see what he really means when he says this stuff.

****bag coaches who get blessed with HOF talent and still get fired gotta stick together.
GSW been winning under pressure this whole year.

They're still a much better team than the Cavs. Cavs needed a historical performance from their two best players to win while GSW was missing their most impactful player on both ends.

GS still had a chance to win last night, had half of their 3's fallen. Barnes and Curry missed open 3 throughout the 4th quarter which they usually make. Also, not having Green allowed LeBron to drive into the paint.

Can't discount the historical performance by Kyrie as well. I don't think the Cavs can do that again and I don't think the Warriors are going to miss their 3's for 2 straight games.

I still have GS winning this series, but they need to close out in game 6.
I remember going back and forth with all you dudes saying lebron is easily a better all around player than curry :lol:

Y'all argued me up and down that curry can do just as much.
Draymond will be suspended for Game 7 if he gets another Flagrant. :nerd:

Something to keep an eye on
Myrie figured it out in game 3 and been mixing them ever since.

Only way he can overcome his defensive woes is just by getting an effecient 30-35 every night and he's been doing that.

And since that point, it really looks like he's turned the corner. I dont think gsw has an answer for kyrie as long as he keeps the isos to a minimum and playing in PnR lke he's been doing, and getting lost in transition. We already know how great of a finisher he is.

Regardless, none of this matters if gsw hits 3's. Its that simple for gsw.
The iso will get to Irving eventually. Hell of a performance, he was taking and making unbelievable shots. With defenders all over him
Jesus man, you're like a scorned woman.

Bron leaving MIA really cut you deep didn't it?
im loyal to my team. i didnt want him to come originally, then the way he left by making sure we didnt have enough time to recover... its F him forever. his antics dont help either.

and what i said IS factual, yes bron put up a great statline, but he better thank the basketball gods for kyries 4th quarter cuz he was nowhere to be found, aqs usual. that is facts. yall act like having a huge statline is immune to ridicule. had kyrie not snapped in the 4th, yall would be sound exactly like last year... monster statline in an embarrassing  loss. these, are facts.
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