The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

  • Dubs

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  • Cavs

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Yeah I need to make money back from last night

Cmon B you knew we had to skip last night after that joke of a suspension 

Last Friday and this Thursday were/are the sure things 
curry is def struggling but you guys cant tell me that you dont see all his movements at 60%. my man can barely dribble when TT is guarding him.
as a miami heat fan, i refuse to even acknowledge the whole curry is not at 100% narrative. that is made up. depending on wade for 13 years has made me an expert on not playing at 100% and this is not it. curry mentally isnt there. the sheer AMOUNT of low-iq plays hes making.... the LAZY passes he makes every single game.... the bricked open shots. thats all mental.
The open shots he did have, it was when there were lapses on defense, but the paint was clogged. He had no choice but to take the open 3.

Warriors lost their mojo immediately when Barnes threw that pass Klay couldn't handle in the corner for the open 3. Once that turnover happened, Clev and Kyrie went on that unbelievable run.
I've noticed this as well. Curry is bothered by something.
warriors passing has been trash. klay was wide open and barnes passed it at his feet. even if he did catch it, that is most likely a bricked shot. then there was the iggy pass in traffic where he tried to do the and1 leave the pass in the air for your trailer crap. numerous lazy lobs around the 3pt line all game. it was just terrible.

and if the paint is clogged and youre free at the 3....but the 3 isn't falling... take a step in or 2... easy.
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curry is def struggling but you guys cant tell me that you dont see all his movements at 60%. my man can barely dribble when TT is guarding him.
It's too late for this now though. I could see it in the Thunder series a bit too but if he didn't say anything then he can't say anything now.
curry is def struggling but you guys cant tell me that you dont see all his movements at 60%. my man can barely dribble when TT is guarding him.
as a miami heat fan, i refuse to even acknowledge the whole curry is not at 100% narrative. that is made up. depending on wade for 13 years has made me an expert on not playing at 100% and this is not it. curry mentally isnt there. the sheer AMOUNT of low-iq plays hes making.... the LAZY passes he makes every single game.... the bricked open shots. thats all mental.

so you're using wade as an example to generalize for every player from now on? i won't even waste my time having a debate with you then plegiboi.

:rofl: :lol: :rofl:
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Nah don't want to hear anything about Steph being hurt, he's just not playing smart out there and missing shots.
It's too late for this now though. I could see it in the Thunder series a bit too but if he didn't say anything then he can't say anything now.
Cept he would look like a complete ***** bringing that up while down

There isn't a good time to say that period. Bringing that up will make him look Lebron excuse status

The letter that he sent in to USA basketball respectfully declining to participate is very telling
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We can speculate all day on whether Curry is injured and how that is affecting him.

So let's speculate.

My opinion is that, if he's not badly hurt (which obviously he is not because I still see him running and using both arms), then he should still be able to fight through it. Sure, his shot will be off and he'll have trouble with some skill plays, but if he's a good basketball player he can still contribute in many many many ways.

Which is just to say what we all know... Without his 3's, he is a mediocre player.
I hope we get Super Saiyan God Klay in game 6. Clearly I cannot count on Curry to bury LeSnitch.
I'm glad peeps are starting to look at this dude funny in that Finals light.

Unanimous MVP yet the 4th most important player on his team in this series. :lol:
Curry getting Lebron type excuses in here now. Just building them in so if he loses they're already embedded and ready to fall back on. He definitely is a superstar.
Nah don't want to hear anything about Steph being hurt, he's just not playing smart out there and missing shots.

His decision making has been off all playoffs. I think it actually goes way back into the regular season but other teams were never able to make us pay for it. Thr whole ride was so crazy and he was playing at such a high level there wasn't any time or need to analyze it.

Looking forward it's actually kind of scary for the rest of the league. Steph could and should continue to get better, smarter, more efficient. He hasn't peaked yet.
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lol i never used his injury as an excuse for the poor iq plays and won't be made if the dubs loses (won't happen)

i think it should be complimented at how well he's playing tbh and will show that curry will age gracefully in the league. we are used to how shifty he is and how he mixes the best perimeter defenders in L but now he can't even shake klove or TT this series lol but he's 100?
He's definitely not 100 physically. I've been saying this since before he came back in the Portland series, you don't recuperate from structural ligament damage by accelerating the rehab process and jumping right back into heavy over use. That's just not how it works. :lol:

People can call it an excuse if they want, maybe that's fair. It's also one of the realities of sports medicine.
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He just dropped 38 in Game 4 tho with people proclaiming he's back to his MVP self.

That "he's injured" BS went out the window a long time ago :lol:
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