The Official NBA Season Thread

Last year, did the quarters and semis count toward the regular season record?

I know this year they do… but I’m still hella confused

Not sure there's anything the league could do, but there are going to be teams/players in the future who value this kind of rest over advancing in the Cup.
Difference between Bron and the other 2 players you mentioned....Bron is still expected to win and compete for championships at age 40 in year 22 "by the media." Those other 2 weren't expected to do anything of note after age 35.
Casual fans don't even expect Bron to compete for a championship, and true basketball fans haven't expected him to for years. Only people still pushing that are Clutch agents.

Saw on FB Jimmy in a Warriors jersey, would love to see that first practice if Dray there with Jimmy. Definitely not punking him like Poole.

Theoretically have the Lakers made up the money for Bronny contract. I know his jersey is flying off the shelves just wondering with all the middle men if 7 mil has made it back into the Lakers hands. If so then yeah send them both away.
Jalen green in Miami doesn’t stand a chance
Dude going to be new age Shawn Kemp with like 6/7 baby moms.
It kinda adds a gambling element to it, but there's literally nothing to lose, but it will increase the intensity.
You lose integrity when you are casually GIVING wins to teams for Those Final rounds. Increase the pay window if they want to see it be more competitive.
The way Charles be talking, you'd swear he got 11 rings
Charles Barkley has done more than enough on the court to say what he wants to say about anyone without his clout being questioned. You realize who Charles Barkley is right?
if LeBron is really serious about Bronny being an NBA player for real for real and not just his shadow and symbol of his Daddy's influence (not that there's anything wrong with that), why doesn't he force him to a team like OKC known for their development and currently constructed almost entirely of try hard, athletic undersized guards where he could maximize his archetype
Can't protect him like that, needs to have Bronny close to him. He forgets being thrown out there is what made him great. Need to give Bronny the 300 kick, if he fails the James billionaire fund isn't a bad cushion.
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