The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Man I am so TORN, trying to get caught up on all the streaming episodes and shows I been missing. However I want to watch stuff in the season. I think back on those MTV Cribs episodes when people had two TV's right next to each other. LMAO. Nonstop Christmas on the left and shows on the right. About to turn into Mike TV.
Watched Where The Crawdads sing with the old lady. I thought it was gonna be like a murder mystery type movie but it pulled the okey doke and turned into a romantic chick flick. It wasn’t too bad. Once the jurors made their decision, I got up to finish cleaning the kitchen/take out trash etc. My girl was like why aren’t you still watching (there was like 20 mins left). I said “I’m still watching” but really I couldn’t care less, just wanted to know the verdict lol
Prisoners trailer flashed on the screen last night and I was definitely happy I sat through and watched

Wasn’t outdated at all even though it’s like 10 years old

My DAWG :nthat: :lol: Meant to post about this too. On Sunday I saw it pop up as a "New Movie" (new to NFLX) and I decided to give it a chance despite realizing it was 10 years old but man that movie delivered. At the same time, it made me shook to have kids or babysit my nieces doe :lol: |l
My DAWG :nthat: :lol: Meant to post about this too. On Sunday I saw it pop up as a "New Movie" (new to NFLX) and I decided to give it a chance despite realizing it was 10 years old but man that movie delivered. At the same time, it made me shook to have kids or babysit my nieces doe :lol: |l
Yup same feeling I had with Split. Some real disturbing stuff regarding how kids get kidnapped and abducted and ****
Bullet Train was really weird but an enjoyable movie. It's like a goofy, colorful alternative to the john wick movies.
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