The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Watched the first 3 seasons of The Killing. Really enjoy this shoe. Watched all of Stranger Things and kept expecting the "really good" part and it never came. Show was good but couldn't quite see why everybody is so enthused about it.

Guess I'll get ready for Bojack next
Watched the first 3 seasons of The Killing.
The Killing is my girl & I's favorite show we've binged watched so far. The second season ending suffered from lazy writing and the series is a bit repetitive but we absolutely loved the characters and tone of the show.

The execution scene dragging dude to the chair was :nerd: :nerd: :x :smh:

Linden is the worst parent ever.

When Holder went back to his OG gear was :smokin
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Yea I watched the whole season.
Thought it was damn good.

Ended up not being a fan of most of these people including the HC. My favorite was the counselor. Halfway kidding.

For sure was DJs fault for starting the fight between the two... he slapped him in the face mask after he got popped. Could of just taken the 15 and talk sh-t. However for that entire brawl and things that went on after, no... not his fault.

That team was lookin to fight though.

It was, but ultimately it's the HC and the systems fault for that tension. I think running up the score, and HAVING to run up the score to make the playoffs breeds that atmosphere. That plus the ****** refs. If it wasn't DJ, someone else was getting got by the end of the game, good on the team for saving DJ, he could've really been hurt or killed. What bothers me though is the mental fragility of these dudes. They're supposed to be from the hood and play this violent sport, but the smallest thing happens and they curl up. I was sitting there really thinking how to help neighborhoods like that breed mentally tougher men.
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I started binge watching The Flash this weekend.
Why in the the world did I never watch this.
I'm barely on the 16th episode, but :pimp: so far.
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I started Peaky Blinders on Friday.

I'm halfway through the second Series.

Solid watch.
Just binged on narcos. Anything else I can watch on here that's similar? I heard of a Escobar show on here but I forgot the name

Pal lo Escobar, el patron de mal

I just started it, not bad so far
keep seeing people mention bojack. is it a good watch? might be my next binge show :nerd:
is it better than oitnb? stopped at the garbage that was season 3. if its better than oitnb ill add it to my 'to watch' list :nerd:

much better. although even season 4 of oitnb is much better than the garbage that was season 3. you should watch season 4 of oitnb first, then be blown away at the four seasons of wentworth.
am watching Limitless...entertaining but i can see why it was canceled 
Wenworth is a slow start isnt it? After the first episode i didnt even bother watching ep 2.
The only slow start is like the first 10 minutes.
I mean

Someone gets killed by the end of the first episode, like an actual somebody not just a random extra, let alone what happens the rest of the season, let alone glorious season 2 with the freak
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