The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

watching the LA Chappelle standup, man it really shows how great you are when you can release old shows and they are still phenomenal. Glad this guy is back
watching both when i get to the house 
same here bro. Picking up some honey BBQ wings too. " Its a celebration B****es!" 
Not eveybody is caught up on where Dave went, why, where he is now etc......^^^

About the shortest clip I've found that tells most of it.
Had to revisit that "The Honey Trap" movie after finding out it was based on a true story. Smh at them for making the girl out to be this innocent dummy in the movie when she was the complete opposite in real life. Why the play with my emotions like that? Had to change my rating.
Teaser for Naked
Marlon is nothing but a black Adam Sandler. Good chance Essence Atkins will be in this, and I'm convinced all you gotta do is call Regina for her to be in your movie.

Speaking of Sandler, he has a new trailer for some movie, and this guy will never change his style. He really does have a dedicated fanbase.
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Dude is a nice kid and didn't want to skip his reservation. I would've called the place up and cried telling them my date didn't like me. :smh:
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