SMH do the Pats suck now ? Like is it over ? Are we no longer the best team in the L ? This is terrible. 3rd down defense is atrocious. Offense is atrocious. Playcalling. Everything sucks.
i think thats what it is now...
The Pats cant hold a lead to save their lives. Same ******g story with this team.
i think i already told deadset but you guys should follow bill burr on twitter , dude is hilarious



yeah i started following him after i saw your tweet. ive seen him live before, funny as hell.
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Might be the worst I've ever felt after a win from one of my teams. If there's such a thing as a "bad win"...this would be it. I couldn't even get happy when Sanchez pulled a Sanchez and coughed up the ball at the end. We are not an elite team this year.

Might just drink myself into tomorrow.
wow can't believe the D won it. i swear the secondary is being paid to **** it up, thought it was going to be over with the PI at the end.

what was with the offensive play calling?
 Lloyd forgot to bring his hands to work today. 

glad we won though.
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Our D ain't win ****. Hill drops an easy catch at the end of the 4th (NO PATS DB's ON HIM
) that would've led to a W for them and Sanchize was Sanchize.
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bums of the game today:

1) josh mcdaniels
2) brandon lloyd
3) the regular on this list: pats secondary
@DSK yeah, they did win it at the end. lol

you can speculate all you want. if Lloyd would have brought his hands, then it wouldn't have even mattered if Hill caught that pass.

i agree though that the DB's are bad. 
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Might be the worst I've ever felt after a win from one of my teams. If there's such a thing as a "bad win"...this would be it. I couldn't even get happy when Sanchez pulled a Sanchez and coughed up the ball at the end. We are not an elite team this year.

Might just drink myself into tomorrow.
i've had some time to relax after that game. man was i all fired up. ready to put my foot through something. but anyway:

- defense. they played about as well as we can expect at this point. i know they gave up 26 points (23 "earned" imo). but that's expected. they picked off a ball in our end, and got the strip sack and recovery when we needed it. in my mind, they did their job. they gave up yards, they bent, but they made some plays and got off the field PLENTY in this game.

- offense. they almost lost it for us today. and i honestly think it's because of the play calling. once we went up 16-7 in the 2nd quarter, it was like we were trying to kill the clock. run on the first two downs for minimal gain. then try and throw in an OBVIOUS passing situation. mcdaniels made our offense completely predictable. i still don't know what the obsession is with running the ball. are they trying to save brady's arm for the stretch run? he does get a sore shoulder midway through the year usually. are they buying into all the analysts who say the pats need to run 30 times to win? i have to believe it's the former. there's no other reason not to just spread it out and let it rip. i realize we've had some success running earlier...but that's out of the spread and WITH THE PASSING GAME being established. we can't run if the other team isn't in a dime or heavy DB set. someone needs to talk to him about this. you can be balanced on offense without being predictable. and we shouldn't be sitting on two score leads...not with our defense. help the defense out. give them some room for error, force the other team to become one dimensional, and allow our defense to play aggressive. easier said than done, i know...but we can. mcdaniels is driving our lambo like a smartcar. eff the fuel economy...drive it like you stole it, idiot!

- brandon lloyd...the tone of this game could have been set from the start if you brought your hands today, man. that drop on the opening drive...and then the perfect deep pass that you had and i think knee'd out of your own hands. those two plays would have completely changed the tone of the game if you made the play.

- wes welker...whenever he touched the ball, something positive happened. first down, 10+ yards, etc. don't even think about phasing him out for julian edelman. don't even think about it.

- brandon spikes is a bad man (said it before, gonna say it again). this dude makes PLAYS against the run. unfortunately, not so great in coverage :lol:

- rob ninkovich...this guy isn't close to highly talented...but he's got a nose for the ball. he's like a B-grade mike vrabel. big play by him tonight

on to london...need to string together some wins.

bottomline...we won a dogfight. something we haven't been able to do. forget about the fact that it shouldn't have been a dogfight...it turned into one...and we pulled it out. our offense drove the field (twice) to get us the tie and lead. and then the defense made the play that we needed to win it. a win is a win.
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yup, win's a win, especially if we end up needing it to win the division.

before this game all the news was about how the Patriots couldn't win close games, and this shut them up, and the defense ended the game. lol

I think it would have helped a lot if we had Chung and Gregory in, especially in the Seattle game, when they got us deep twice in the end.   As soon as Chung was taken out they started going deep. 
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After thinking about the game im not even sure if we won or lost lol. It always feels good to notch the win column but in reality the offense has to do better. I agree the defense def did bend but they are getting takeaways. If we cannot score at least 25 pts on a team like the jets we have big problems. We will need the d to come up big in some games but i am confident that we can stop the run on ANY team. The pass hopefully the mesh and get better like in the playoffs last year.

Deadset, you def on point with my thinking as well. We are trying to shorten the game by running and keeping our vulnerable defense on the sideline. However as someone else said its too predictable. Running first and second down and throwing on third is not helping. The game couldve been different if lloyd made some key catches. With all the little things we didnt do right we still came out with a big win. Esp. that fumble by mccourty.

All isnt well but at least we won the game!

Chung and Gregory will help when they come back but unfortunately they are injury prone. Dennard didnt play so well but we are getting no cornerback play whatsoever. Im looking at free agents for next year lol. Brent Grimes, tracy porter.

At this point we have to take care of wes welker. Idk if dude plays two more seasons and thats it. The dude deserves to be paid bc no way are we winning these games without him. He is just too important. I know we believe in next guy up and no one bigger than the team but lets be real, we need dude.
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