Thanks subtraxx, Thrubtraxx
I think it is because we are both experts at obtaining shoes... and we refuse 2 help people that will never help in return.
Their idea of help and our idea of help is 2 different things
Originally Posted by William Rivera 3

I think it is because we are both experts at obtaining shoes... and we refuse 2 help people that will never help in return.
Their idea of help and our idea of help is 2 different things

i agree with will 100%
Originally Posted by xTrill

Will thanks for the advice fam

anytime, that is why I'm here.
Your best bet 2 get the black/black Yeezy is 2 find out at least 5 people that have your size in them.
Find out what those 5 individuals want in return, and whichever person you can accommodate, finish the deal off.
Wow! This thread is just drama. Props to will and 160 for doing what they do. There is nothing wrong with it.
I remember when everyone hated on flipjays for buying up Jordan accounts accross Chicago. Flipjays ofcourse was on a different level and still is, but it isvery similar. It is these childish remarks that many connected sneakerheads like solesupreme, flipjays, etcc.. that they do not bother posting up samples aheadof time or even help others get their shoes.

I myself dont bother with posting that much anymore for the same reason. I just comment on things and post a pic here and there.

I mean it is still f'd up for buying up pairs, but that is the game.
Originally Posted by xTrill

^^ Welcome to NT and what a great way to start I must say

lol thanks dude. been stalking this forum for a while now, but only just got an account.
Originally Posted by Uncle Sam 1013

^^^I'm not so sure as the Zens r going for under$400 now.

Please show me a completed auction for Zens under $400 from a legit seller with pics and as far as the Black/pinks I have been selling them for 600 the sameas you and your little compadre did...That number isn't written in stone but nice try...
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