The Official Nike Zoom Kobe VII Thread Vol. 2 - Home 3/31, Elites and PDFs

guy on a FB group had the nerve to try and sell his KOBE USA's for 220
yea right.
1. Not gold medal (which doesnt matter because they were still essentially the same)
2. I would never pay over retail for any 7s (i'm sorry, as much as I liked to ball in them, Casual walking wasn't that great so not worth paying more for something that was a bit uncomfortable)

crazy, when I told him Retail, he immediately said he woudl do it for retail plus shipping (which I still feel isn't worth it)
What is max you would pay for reg USAs
^^^^ dope.

Check your local Ross people. Got dukes a couple weeks ago. Got these xdr tonight. Only pair left.
Scored the same pair last nite at the local Ross in my size. Last one as well. Would've preferred sharks but these will do. I'll need to start checkin Ross more often. Been sleepin on them
^^^^ dope.

Check your local Ross people. Got dukes a couple weeks ago. Got these xdr tonight. Only pair left.


:rofl: its so funny this VII-CW is flooding Ebay 3x the price of Ross,,im pretty sure these "money hungry" douche-bag are trying to profit from it
:rofl: its so funny this VII-CW is flooding Ebay 3x the price of Ross,,im pretty sure these "money hungry" douche-bag are trying to profit from it

Since when is being money hungry and trying to profit from anything in life a bad thing? Seems like folks try to put a bad label on anyone for ANY reason nowadays.
Since when is being money hungry and trying to profit from anything in life a bad thing? Seems like folks try to put a bad label on anyone for ANY reason nowadays.
His point was that anyone trying to flip those particular Kobes for a decent profit is just stupid. After ebay fees and shipping you'd be lucky to get $30 profit from the sale. 
His point was that anyone trying to flip those particular Kobes for a decent profit is just stupid. After ebay fees and shipping you'd be lucky to get $30 profit from the sale. 

I don't know how much they cost, but even if they ran $150, a $30 profit equates to 20% return on investment. That is actually a respectable profit in comparison to the investment. Since when is a 20% return stupid?
guy on a FB group had the nerve to try and sell his KOBE USA's for 220
yea right.
1. Not gold medal (which doesnt matter because they were still essentially the same)
2. I would never pay over retail for any 7s (i'm sorry, as much as I liked to ball in them, Casual walking wasn't that great so not worth paying more for something that was a bit uncomfortable)

crazy, when I told him Retail, he immediately said he woudl do it for retail plus shipping (which I still feel isn't worth it)
What is max you would pay for reg USAs
probably 200 but i really let the viis and still have a few to still get.
I don't know how much they cost, but even if they ran $150, a $30 profit equates to 20% return on investment. That is actually a respectable profit in comparison to the investment. Since when is a 20% return stupid?
 Ok, you definitely aren't very bright if you'd go out and buy a $150 shoe for $30 profit. Get a real job if that's the case
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 Ok, you definitely aren't very bright if you'd go out and buy a $150 shoe for $30 profit. Get a real job if that's the case

LMAO. Very mature buddy. It is you who obviously doesn't have a clue how business works at all. Your response is "get a real job". So, you work for fun? You enjoy 9 to 5 with a boss telling you what to do? Get real. You work to make money. A 20% return on investment is a nice return in the retail world. You can't put your money in a bank and get even close to that, but someone is stupid for doing so? Actually its called letting your money work for you, try it sometime, its great as opposed to be a clock punching zombie who takes orders. Anyone who wouldn't put out money with a 20% return profit is actually the idiot, not the other way around.
Yea, I'm done arguing with someone whose NT name came from that of a gay rapper. Have a nice day and enjoy your full-time hustle of reselling shoes for $30 profit.

By your logic, Walmart, target and most other retail stores are all idiots since that's about what they make percentage wise. Are you 8 years old with the insults? My name is Wayne, so my friends gave me the nick name so I rolled with it if ya must know. But you just express how simple your mind is the more you speak. And no one was arguing, I stated a fact and you felt it necessary to question someone's intelligence because their view differed from yours. So enjoy being simple minded and busting ya butt for 9 to 5 wages and people who have half a brain will let their money do work for them.
Yea, I'm done arguing with someone whose NT name came from that of a gay rapper. Have a nice day and enjoy your full-time hustle of reselling shoes for $30 profit.

Its also always a bad sign when you're having a discussion and have to resort to personal insults. Just a clear sign your brain can't think of an intelligent rebuttal, so you resort to the most primal, immature of ways out.
See, that's why things are the way they are now... Dudes feel the need to double their money when they flip a shoe.

I have a full time job, if I ever buy a shoe to flip, I'm perfectly happy with 30 profit. That makes my next pair $30 cheaper... Right?!

I'm not trying to get rich selling kicks, but making a few $$s here and there doesn't hurt.
See, that's why things are the way they are now... Dudes feel the need to double their money when they flip a shoe.

I have a full time job, if I ever buy a shoe to flip, I'm perfectly happy with 30 profit. That makes my next pair $30 cheaper... Right?!

I'm not trying to get rich selling kicks, but making a few $$s here and there doesn't hurt.

That is all I ever aim to make. I buy a ton of shoes and I will pick up an extra pair to keep my costs down. But I still feel as though 20% is a nice profit. It literally is about what most retailers of all products make. So how anyone who can view making 20% on your investment stupid baffles me.
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See, that's why things are the way they are now... Dudes feel the need to double their money when they flip a shoe.

I have a full time job, if I ever buy a shoe to flip, I'm perfectly happy with 30 profit. That makes my next pair $30 cheaper... Right?!

I'm not trying to get rich selling kicks, but making a few $$s here and there doesn't hurt.

Sounds like you happy taking Ls more times than not

If I get shoes for cheap of course ima pass the savings along, but if I'm going through a struggle, that struggle is gonna be reflected in the price

I'm not always trying to win big time tho
Taking Ls? Naw, not at all. More times than others I sell for what I pay plus shipping and fees... I have no problem with that. Other times, I might raise the price to make a few $$s... I'm not out to get rich off kicks....
By your logic, Walmart, target and most other retail stores are all idiots since that's about what they make percentage wise. Are you 8 years old with the insults? My name is Wayne, so my friends gave me the nick name so I rolled with it if ya must know. But you just express how simple your mind is the more you speak. And no one was arguing, I stated a fact and you felt it necessary to question someone's intelligence because their view differed from yours. So enjoy being simple minded and busting ya butt for 9 to 5 wages and people who have half a brain will let their money do work for them.

maybe the dreamteam was just mad you took all the heat at Ross. lol
I dont understand the hate about making money off of a shoe. It sucks that prices become so high but I refuse ro buy from resellers if the price is too high. Its just the name of the game. Everything is like that why buy a house and sell it to break even.
maybe the dreamteam was just mad you took all the heat at Ross. lol

Nah, I've never even been to a Ross. I simply spoke up when someone said making a 20% profit on a purchase was stupid. I didn't even say anything derogatory, just had a different view. But just for expressing that view, I get insulted over my nickname and called stupid. And the response to someone buying things and reselling for a profit is to "get a real job". That one baffled me the most because I was under the impression one does work to make money. If you can eliminate the work but still make the money, not sure what about that one should be ashamed of. Corporations such as Nike, Footlocker, East bay, etc... make insane amounts of money selling items for a markup, but when an individual does it, they are "stupid".

Having a different view on something is great, but expressing it by insulting or name calling just isn't necessary. Also liking to work 9 to 5 is fine, but its not for everyone. I don't quite follow why one has to judge or look down on another for liking to work for ones self. Each job has its pros and con's, but the end goal is the same, to make money. Perhaps some people don't understand that some people have a certain amount of investment money set aside to put out and see it return with interest. I call it smart business, but others call it stupid.
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