The Official Nike Zoom Kobe VII Thread Vol. 2 - Home 3/31, Elites and PDFs

Originally Posted by snuks5

Originally Posted by aznlurker

Cloaks hands down best c/w and I cant get a pair at reasonable price SMH!

1. Cloaks
2. Sharks
3. ASGs

Pass on everything else thus far.
People super slept on the Cloaks. Prices are now 

i got lucky my guy told me when they came to NT because of a return, 6 days after the release
was surprised they sold out but i was able to get the discount on which it made it 

91 and some change, ftw!!!!
Originally Posted by snuks5

Originally Posted by aznlurker

Cloaks hands down best c/w and I cant get a pair at reasonable price SMH!

1. Cloaks
2. Sharks
3. ASGs

Pass on everything else thus far.
People super slept on the Cloaks. Prices are now 

Sucks for the people that tried real hard to get these. For those that slept.. I don't feel sorry for you, BREAUX!
Originally Posted by JRodski

so whats the final word on the YOTD's?

are they releasing on the 17th and if not whats the new date?

THIS. plus what are the releases for this month???
saw a pair of galaxies for 230 , decided to pull the trigger . I would hate myself for being impatient if prices drop in the following week/month
Originally Posted by snuks5

Originally Posted by aznlurker

Cloaks hands down best c/w and I cant get a pair at reasonable price SMH!

1. Cloaks

2. Sharks

3. ASGs

Pass on everything else thus far.
People super slept on the Cloaks. Prices are now 

Trust me I didn't sleep on 'em lol I was up and clicking away til 3am CST. NDC failed me horribly! Now I can't find anything locally.
Bless my bro! Fingers crossed... Find me some ASGs of any shoe in Berlin, Germany! It would make me feel not as salty not getting the cloaks..
Originally Posted by Skip2MyLou23

Originally Posted by BuddhaShark

Originally Posted by bigj505

I prime example of why resellers aren't the root of all evil. People stay crying tho when they can't get their pair.

I don't mind resellers at all.  If shoes come out in my area, I still get them for retail with no problems.  If shoes don't release in my area, I can cop from a reseller.  I'd rather pay extra than not get something I want.  Luckily I got the cloaks on ndc, because for some reason FC is not an option for these.
If it weren't for resellers, your chances of getting them for retail would be much higher.

Resellers actually help people get pairs that might not have been able to otherwise. Prime example - cheetahs didn't really hit bmore in good numbers. A reseller sold me a pair for 225 and I'm just fine with that price. I'm just glad I got a pair.
Originally Posted by KB24strikesagain

Originally Posted by OnionSlice

Originally Posted by KB24strikesagain

The game winner is the one who gets the go ahead shot.  I know that's hard for the lebron fans to understand

Oh. So if someone hits a shot to take the lead in the 1st quarter, as long as the keep the lead for the rest of the game, that's the game winning shot? Great to know.

The last posession that takes the lead before the end of regulation is known as the game winner.  The article is right in front of you so what's not to understand?  Stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

Lol. Cool story Kobe-tard. If that's the case, Chris Bosh has like 100+ career game winners. Lol
Anyhow.......   Are these bright orange joints actually releasing, of are they just some kinda PE?
Andrew Bynum scored the LAST points of the game, but Kobe scored the LAST basket that put the Lakers ahead of the Celtics 95-94, which ended up as the Celtics final score.

Originally Posted by OnionSlice

Originally Posted by KB24strikesagain

Originally Posted by OnionSlice

Oh. So if someone hits a shot to take the lead in the 1st quarter, as long as the keep the lead for the rest of the game, that's the game winning shot? Great to know.

The last posession that takes the lead before the end of regulation is known as the game winner.  The article is right in front of you so what's not to understand?  Stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

Lol. Cool story Kobe-tard. If that's the case, Chris Bosh has like 100+ career game winners. Lol
Anyhow.......   Are these bright orange joints actually releasing, of are they just some kinda PE?
I'm sorry dude but youre a complete moron. Kobe hit the Go-ahead basket with 40 seconds left. Boston didn't score another basket. What's so difficult to understand? I dont know how you could possibly argue against that my dude. 

And Kobe-tard? We're just stating the facts. You have too much pride in LeBron and your biased opinion is fogging up your ability to state the truth and give credit where credit is due. 
^who cares if it was kobe or bynum that hit the game winner?

@ the end of the day they're BOTH more clutch than bron.

with that being said, take this BS to S&T.

and can somebody please tell me what the hell is goin on with the RD for the YOTD's?!
Originally Posted by JRodski

^who cares if it was kobe or bynum that hit the game winner?

@ the end of the day they're BOTH more clutch than bron.

with that being said, take this BS to S&T.

and can somebody please tell me what the hell is goin on with the RD for the YOTD's?!

Nobody knows anything solid yet. Some release dates were tossed around, but it seems HOHs aren't getting them or aren't aware of when they are getting them. Some managers don't even know if they will get them.
It's all still cloudy.
Originally Posted by snuks5

Originally Posted by aznlurker

Cloaks hands down best c/w and I cant get a pair at reasonable price SMH!

1. Cloaks
2. Sharks
3. ASGs

Pass on everything else thus far.
People super slept on the Cloaks. Prices are now 

I don't think people slept on Cloaks. They sold out and that was that.
We had information on how limited the Cloaks would be until it was too late. Right after they sold out they hit Craigslist and eBay for $200+
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by OnionSlice

Originally Posted by KB24strikesagain

The last posession that takes the lead before the end of regulation is known as the game winner.  The article is right in front of you so what's not to understand?  Stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

Lol. Cool story Kobe-tard. If that's the case, Chris Bosh has like 100+ career game winners. Lol
Anyhow.......   Are these bright orange joints actually releasing, of are they just some kinda PE?
I'm sorry dude but youre a complete moron. Kobe hit the Go-ahead basket with 40 seconds left. Boston didn't score another basket. What's so difficult to understand? I dont know how you could possibly argue against that my dude. 

And Kobe-tard? We're just stating the facts. You have too much pride in LeBron and your biased opinion is fogging up your ability to state the truth and give credit where credit is due. 
Who's talking about LeBron? Lol
Yeah, Kobe put them up by 1, and then Drew put them up by 3. After that Boston took 2 more shots. If it was only a 1 point game, they could have went for a drive. You can't foul them because you don't want to put them on the line. Since it was a 3 point game "thanks to Bynum" their only option is to shoot a 3. Very different situation.

It's just amazingly hilarious that you guys are trying to take away Bynum's moment and give Kobe all the credit. Does he not have enough game winners? Do you really need to take away Bynum's close out?

You don't understand the game at all if you think there's a "game winning shot" when there's more shots made after that. If you wanna say something like "Kobe got the lead, then Andrew closed the deal", then ok.... Fine. But to say Kobe hit the "game winner" when the Lakers had another basket after that and the other team had like 4 more possessions........  

Oh but I forgot.... LeBron James is somehow involved..   
Haven't read this thread for the past 50 pages, damn. 
But I'm assuming those orange joints are samples? or actual release?

heard the YOTDs got cancelled stateside. smh
Originally Posted by never wear them

heard the YOTDs got cancelled stateside. smh

I'm not even mad at that. Maybe just me, but I thought they were ugly. I like the orange joints though, but something tells me they won't release. Black/mint PDF's are fire too.
such an aesthetically pleasing shoe... but the feel just kills it for me, hoping you pull them speckles E!
Originally Posted by OnionSlice

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by OnionSlice

Lol. Cool story Kobe-tard. If that's the case, Chris Bosh has like 100+ career game winners. Lol
Anyhow.......   Are these bright orange joints actually releasing, of are they just some kinda PE?
I'm sorry dude but youre a complete moron. Kobe hit the Go-ahead basket with 40 seconds left. Boston didn't score another basket. What's so difficult to understand? I dont know how you could possibly argue against that my dude. 

And Kobe-tard? We're just stating the facts. You have too much pride in LeBron and your biased opinion is fogging up your ability to state the truth and give credit where credit is due. 
Who's talking about LeBron? Lol
Yeah, Kobe put them up by 1, and then Drew put them up by 3. After that Boston took 2 more shots. If it was only a 1 point game, they could have went for a drive. You can't foul them because you don't want to put them on the line. Since it was a 3 point game "thanks to Bynum" their only option is to shoot a 3. Very different situation.

It's just amazingly hilarious that you guys are trying to take away Bynum's moment and give Kobe all the credit. Does he not have enough game winners? Do you really need to take away Bynum's close out?

You don't understand the game at all if you think there's a "game winning shot" when there's more shots made after that. If you wanna say something like "Kobe got the lead, then Andrew closed the deal", then ok.... Fine. But to say Kobe hit the "game winner" when the Lakers had another basket after that and the other team had like 4 more possessions........  

Oh but I forgot.... LeBron James is somehow involved..   

The bottom line.  Kobe gets credit for the game winnig shot. If you can't understand that just buy shoes and don't watch basketball please.
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