***The OFFICIAL Nike Zoom LeBron V Post***


There's different ways, Apply or know the hiring manager and get in good. Its all about who you know here bro. Very Rare that someone hires someone freshoff the street unless you have serious cred where you are coming from and Nike has worked with that company AND you before.

There are color designers and there are Product Line Managers that do some of the same stuff, but very different stuff at the same time. In some Categories youhave Developers who also do some of the same stuff as the previous two mentioned but VERY different stuff as them.

It varies from Catergory to Category, but when it comes to Basketball they know who they want long before that job is posted son son.

BP.. I didn't even THINK about sendin your Folio to where PO mentioned. Holy Snap.. Email me and check yours. You are already getting attention from whatothers have seen.


Back to Dixon.

Funny enough.. staying at Footlocker may be your best bet cause Nike has a big relationship with Footlocker and you can be a Merchandiser. You need to contactsomeone at your Corporate Office however to let them know your interests.

MANY Nike folks came up thru the ranks of Nike as an EKIN or Merchandiser or something at a Local spot then on Campus and then up the Chain. Most NEVER startedoff where they end up.

Hope that helps.
Thanks Rock,I appreciate it. Gives me some hope. We had an EKIN come in right after I startedand never saw him again cuz my manager is a douche,never calledhim for the EKIN seminar.but man I sat and talked to him for about 45 min. in my store holding him up and asking questions.wish I knew his name becauuse heseemed really surprised and enthralled I knew so much and asked so many questions. But thank you for the info,I will call corporate monday morning.

appreciated Rock.
Nonetheless, all dissapointments will be stopped with the VI......They are definately stepping out the "safe" box with that one...
The different models/releases set to debut are so creative...
that's great to hear and all, but will the regular people get some love finally?
Originally Posted by tdog91184

Just curious, but what exactly is an EKIN?

The Gateway to a permanet postion my man.. Eventually.

They are basically the EYES and EARS of Nike out in the Field. They do alot of Consumer related stuff, getting feedback and doing projects for the Folks atHQ. They are responsible for assisting the Sales Reps in making sure Stores have their Nike Displays in proper Order as well. They know Product like you knowyour own body.

EKINs are meant to be utilized for alot of pre-production information, but mostly by the time they can give vital Consumer info back to HQ the Product isalready in Final Production. It's not a sexy position by any means as any of them will tell you BUT its an invaluable position to the company and givesthem ALOT of visibility later in their Nike career.

I actually wish I had known about them when I was younger. I might have chosen another path within the industry, but I was into ALL around Brand and ProductMarketing which can also lead to many different positions.

Instead of coming into a Training, Running, Basketball or Football Category and being specialized.. As an EKIN you have product knowledge of just aboutEVERYTHING within Nike and that my friends is VALUABLE....

Where being a Sneakerhead or Collector and you think you could do alot of the jobs at Nike or any other competitor, you are humbled QUICKLY just being here oneday. I learn EVERYDAY here. From folks younger than myself and of course those older than I. Its alot of EGOs but thats everywhere you go. Politics? Sure. You have to avoid them. Some folks are sensitive.. some are focused. You get all kinds here.

But being one willing to learn and listen and vice versa can only serve someone WHO REALLY wants to be here WELL. I attend meetings dealing with Products Idon't even work on JUST to learn about them and perhaps one day contribute. I ask questions ALL the time and ask those running those meetings if they mindif I sit in.

I am rambling on and probably boring the crap out of some, but I just wanted to provide some insight to those who were like me before I got here. Justdon't blow up my PM box!!! lolol

I get a gillion questions about everything everyday and if I dont answer you its not cause Im ignoring you its cause I can't get to all the PMs I get..Just dont ask about release dates and such. That gets old and product questions.

if you are serious about internships or gettin a job. Check out Nikebiz.com

If you ever visit, try and make your way thru different area's if you have an escort. The Designers, Developers and Color Specialist in Nike BB and Jordanare nice people and most of them are always willing to Chop it up and give you some insight. Most of them anyway.

Hope some of that helped answer your question Tdog and Dixon.
Thanks Rock.

I get a gillion questions about everything everyday

Originally Posted by tdog91184

Thanks Rock.

I get a gillion questions about everything everyday


Bruh.. You wouldnt equate to 1/10th of what I get!! lol That def. wasn't directed at you..lol

That was the masses who read what I put up..
BP you have a sick creative mind. Them OSu's ARE "THE" best jobsyouve done out of all the V's youve done and I really dont feel OSu but Id line up quikfast for those. I totally see you doing big things for NIKE and if you dont, then thats just a shame because you have a given talent in that.

PO Im glad the info you dropped about the VI's was GOOD NEWS but im hoping itsGREAT NEWS. The difference is that the Good news seems to be different or BETTER colorways or maybe even different or better material. Yes thats good news butGREAT NEWS would be if they made these kicks more attainable to get then just going to the HOH which would be impossible for people outside the NY and didntfeel like paying $600+ for the kicks.

ROCK I and I bet about 90% of people on here truely appreciate all the knowledge you share with us. We asshoe collectors probably just think it would be cool to work in a department of kicks we admire, but dont know the full system and requirements that go alongwith the territory. To some people as myself, it would be a nearly impossible dream at a time in our lifes. But you and others let it be known that workingfor NIKE somehow, really isnt impossible= sure may require some hard work and dedication but your insight helps out alot.. Thanks Bruhh, My kick game has beenbetter lately cause of the stuff info you, RU and PO drop at times so much appreciated but as you can see from my kick game, it needs better stuff I want inthere...

Now as for the kicks.... YES im sad to see you say you doubt them HWC will be GR's, we should have known better!!
but now the hard part comes into play... getting some connects with those badboys, DAMM where has DIDIT been lately???

As Tdog and Vidasman said,the info is definately appreciated Rock. It really put the fire under me to make this Nike thing happen for me, so I can say with allmy heart thanks abunch.it means alot.
ALOT of the sellers on ebay are OD'ing with the prices for the School edition lebron V's...

some people have them up for $1000, comon a G?
^That's what I'm sayin. At least just start it off low and see where it ends. Let the buyers fight it out.
Nobody is going to pay $1000, some sellers are just dumb to use that as the initial bid.

They will end in the 400's max.
the sellers are probably thinking that they are worth more than the yankees because they were produced in small numbers.
i would say around 500+ initially. theres a couple with opening bids of 450 and 500 so thats what i'm going by. probably as time goes on they'll dropinto the 400 - 500 range. i totally agree with mez that the 1000 opening bids is just dumb. hate to be wasting money on listing fees like that.
Originally Posted by Fresh iz back

ALOT of the sellers on ebay are OD'ing with the prices for the School edition lebron V's...

some people have them up for $1000, comon a G?

Lack of knowledge.... lol

the sellers are probably thinking that they are worth more than the yankees because they were produced in small numbers.

They weren't.....

Oh well... they might as well take those auctions down....or follow the leader...

The RU monopoly is on an pop'n for the Patent SVSM V's...

PO-... get at me....
Rock ino you get alot of questions but do you know if releasing the shoes in their city ex. a few pairs of the OSU in columbus was talked about ?
Its not that they think it is worth more it is that we are sick of flightclub setting the prices for the sneakers. I admit I put mine up for 1000 but I thenadded the CTK with them. I have a starting bid of 800. I was able to get 2 of each so I can make a buck off of them and put the others in my collection. On theline the whole night we were talking of setting a price for them. We were assuming that since theses will be rare and limited that we could get a g. If we cantoh well it will drop, but hey we got to try.

You might find that one person that will be lucky and get a g
Originally Posted by BP the owner

sorry guys, no Vs today....

but how about something for the playoffs?

..... You should change your NT name from BP the owner to BP thegenius. These are unbelievable
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