The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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We haven’t even got to New Years yet, and players dropping like flies due to Injury or just Covid. Either shorten the season or scrap it. Not worth the health of the players.
They need to go back to last season's rules. Too many guys out there hanging right now.

I've seen Melo & Russ at least 7 times this season already... Guaranteed one of them is next :lol:
yall what kind of animal do you think this is? Should I be scared? Could be hiding in my trash cans or in the huge piles of leaves around them or on the roof near it or the fence and jump out and bite me and give me rabies. My security cam caught this at 4:42am

That’s a cougar.

Not the good kind either.
They need to go back to last season's rules. Too many guys out there hanging right now.

I've seen Melo & Russ at least 7 times this season already... Guaranteed one of them is next :lol:

Not really their fault. We were told as a society things would go back to “normal” once we got vaccinated.
Also Steph just setting this record for Buddy Hield to crush it in a few years :lol:
Stats are super transparent these days and players are more cerebral so the chase will be real. Teams average 20 3’s a night. Another dead eye shooter will come along to bury Steph in the next 10-20.
I mean...

Harden closer than hield to the record.

This record ain't easy y'all. Buddy gonna need like 12-14 more yrs.
Something yall dont want to talk about.

Steph been volume shooting this season and is having one of his worst seasons in years. Sure they're winning, but its not winning basketball in the playoffs. Sorry not sorry
How corny!

“Hey Ray! Gotta a big favor to ask. Steph will more than likely break your three point record tonight in NY…I know, bummer, eh! You mind coming to the game and commentate alongside Reggie so we can add more fuel to the fire?”
I at least hope the Knicks are wearing their black kits tonite and not GS. Both fire, but NEW YORK of course hits harder than any other could.

Let them, and us, at least lose in style.
Just pause the season damn

I said this a month ago n y’all was like “nah, fa what!?” :smh:

It’s not even logical to continue for the simple fact that it’s not fair. Teams who worked hard in offseason, meshing then to get thrown all out of wack from missing hella games while teams who were struggling creep in at the expense of guys with false positives.
There's ZERO argument for Wardell having a comparable career to Bron. Hell it's disrespectful to KD as well. Y'all gotta chill with the propaganda. It's sad.

I mean y’all put Bron ahead of Mike and Kobe and they both have more Chips than Bron. Once Steph passes Bron, he jumps ahead. Y’all reward getting to the chip, we respect winning the chip 😎
when it comes top that top 4-5 mt. rushmore of ball tho
it more than just the chips, the body of work/catalog and accolades come into play lol
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