The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Didnt they try to Ban Spike, like a year or too ago? :lol:

They was wilding with security. Oakley and then Spike. Spike be walking around MSG, like he own the place.

And I ain’t mad at it!

No, he got mad because he couldn’t go thru the players tunnel or something.

That’s not the point tho. Point is, Spike Lee is a cooler. He’s embarrassing. I’ve wanted him gone for years.

Him on his knees last night should have sealed the deal for every Knicks fan.
I think stephs record will be out of reach.
I still see a good 5 yrs of high level productivity. He has avoided nagging injuries and has relly put in work on his body
Naw someone will break it, game will keep evolving. 3 point attempts keep going up every year.

Two bronsexuals talking providing each other hand jobs. SMH.

We ever hear what happened to Cris Carter, I liked dudes objectivity at least next to Nick.
a new covid strain started on 7th avenue after beating the Celtics in October but we can't celebrate an all time great player breaking a record?

Warriors fans and sexuals alike commence their victory parade upon completion of their dream season while crowning Steph Curry as the undisputed greatest player of all time. December 15th, 2021
NHL as well pretty damn bad
MLB... Whoops nevermind. LOL
We gotta go back inside
I hope so because that will mean jobs going to go back to remote. Trying to get me a nice chill evening spot to put my feet up and collect hours. LOL.
That’s not the point tho. Point is, Spike Lee is a cooler. He’s embarrassing. I’ve wanted him gone for years.
He's a cooler, like this guy?
COVID is a damn stubborn bastard that won't go away. Last week my office did its first in-person get-together for people since the Pandemic started. Just found out someone who was there (I did not attend) tested postive for COVID. Everyone who was in attendence has been asked to self-quarantine.
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