The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Hank Scorpio Hank Scorpio what do we think, acceptable workplace behavior?

guys being dudes?

its one thing to call him a dip****, it’s another thing to physically harm someone. Personally, I wouldn’t allow physical contact like this in the workplace.

I’m not going to walk behind one of my junior employees, slap him in the back of the head before calling him a baby ***** because he ****** up a cashflow analysis. Now, if he’s *****in Over something trivial, I’ll call him a baby ***** and tell him zip it.

Teasing someone and saying things in jest? Yeah, I’m cool with that. But some people too soft to even allow that.
dang, big nights from the big 3, just to beat a team without their best player by 3, in OT, with a miracle gw by a rookie

that's impressive I guess.

lakers byke?
Ellington and Piggly Wiggly Caruso had to save them from Porzingis and Finney-Smith
I'm sick. Had to run out and drown my sorrows in 2000 calories

@storm2006 a-friend a-friend Insomnia cookies of course, 11th and Hudson under the Midtown sign. Got a burger from Braums top but that's already past tense

Bruh, I could be full as a tick jist after a Thanksgiving dinner and you could put one of those Cookie Wich in front of me and I’d smash it.

Double Choc Mint with a scoop of Vanilla is the Crack
I owe you bulls fans an apology.

So far bulls > Celtics, Knicks, Hawks, pacers, hornets, heat. Even Philly is looking up at the bulls like they're in the front row at a movie theater.

At some point, we need to have a conversation about the Hawks. Are they one of the deepest teams in the league destined to take the next step? Or, did they beat a one off Knicks team in the first round and run into the perfect dysfunctional storm against Philly last year?
I owe you bulls fans an apology.

So far bulls > Celtics, Knicks, Hawks, pacers, hornets, heat. Even Philly is looking up at the bulls like they're in the front row at a movie theater.

At some point, we need to have a conversation about the Hawks. Are they one of the deepest teams in the league destined to take the next step? Or, did they beat a one off Knicks team in the first round and run into the perfect dysfunctional storm against Philly last year?
We forgive you

Hawks getting as far as they did had to do with the right things happening at the right time for them. As was the case for a couple teams last playoffs.
Hawks are still incredibly young. A lot of talent there
Agreed. It was widely assumed that they were ready for it to translate in wins and losses. So far, it hasn't.

Injuries? Yeah. But again, what's different from last year? Not much, so far...
Agreed. It was widely assumed that they were ready for it to translate in wins and losses. So far, it hasn't.

Injuries? Yeah. But again, what's different from last year? Not much, so far...

I wouldn’t disagree with anyone saying last year the team over achieved. Doesn’t mean they can’t actually be that good or it was just pure luck just that time for where the core of the roster is age wise they did better than they were supposed to.
Outside of Trae and Collins to an extent the other young dudes on this roster aren’t ready for that level of basketball consistently, some might just not be capable to. You bring up the thought that hawks where considered one of the deepest team in the league thing earlier and for me our depth is kind of an illusion. The bucks series in the ECF last season showed that. I don’t care how “deep” our team is when there’s only one true star on the team. That depth outside of trae is still a lot of guys that will put up donuts from 3 or single digit scoring games far too regularly to be real consistent impact Players rn. There’s no one else on this roster who can regularly crack 20 points unless they hot from 3, our second best player is a guy who would be the 3rd guy at best on a true contending roster. Honestly even guys like Bogdan if he went to the Bucks he would’ve been there 4th or 5th best player we asking him to be our second our third. that’s a problem if we expect to be a consistent top 4 seed and playoff runs with this current roster. I think alot of people myself included to an extent took the wrong lesson out of the hawks run last year. It wasn’t “wow this young hawks team is ready” the real lesson was trae young is ready and that’s about it. Now they still should be doing better than they have been but I do think expectations of what the roster is currently capable was read wrong.
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