The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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I wouldn’t disagree with anyone saying last year the team over achieved. Doesn’t mean they can’t actually be that good or it was just pure luck just that time for where the core of the roster is age wise they did better than they were supposed to.
Outside of Trae and Collins to an extent the other young dudes on this roster aren’t ready for that level of basketball consistently, some might just not be capable to. You bring up the thought that hawks where considered one of the deepest team in the league thing earlier and for me our depth is kind of an illusion. The bucks series in the ECF last season showed that. I don’t care how “deep” our team is when there’s only one true star on the team. That depth outside of trae is still a lot of guys that will put up donuts from 3 or single digit scoring games far too regularly to be real consistent impact Players rn. There’s no one else on this roster who can regularly crack 20 points unless they hot from 3, our second best player is a guy who would be the 3rd guy at best on a true contending roster. Honestly even guys like Bogdan if he went to the Bucks he would’ve been there 4th or 5th best player we asking him to be our second our third. that’s a problem if we expect to be a consistent top 4 seed and playoff runs with this current roster. I think alot of people myself included to an extent took the wrong lesson out of the hawks run last year. It wasn’t “wow this young hawks team is ready” the real lesson was trae young is ready and that’s about it. Now they still should be doing better than they have been but I do think expectations of what the roster is currently capable was read wrong.

I wasn't expressing my personal opinion as much as I was describing the popular narrative at the beginning of the season in the media etc.

The Hawks being 10 deep and a top 4 Western conference team was pretty much the consensus.

Season is still young... But 20+ games is a good sample size as well

I wasn't expressing my personal opinion as much as I was describing the popular narrative at the beginning of the season in the media etc.

The Hawks being 10 deep and a top 4 Western conference team was pretty much the consensus.

Season is still young... But 20+ games is a good sample size as well
I feel you. I don’t know about top 4 in the west but the idea we where ten deep was there. I’m not fully depth is overrated guy but being ten deep don’t matter to me when only one of those guys is a real star and the next best player is a very good 3rd guy. No other team we expect to be a top 3 or 4 seed and compete for a championship is built like that. We have a lot of guys that would be decent role players and like the 6th to 8th guy on better rosters
I agree season is young but that’s been enough games to see the roster on the whole is not as ready to be a top 4 team as expected. Still underperforming should at least be in the 6th spot rn.
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I still think they need a second perimeter guy, the whole shared responsibility between Conley/Clarkson/Jingles thing isn't ideal to me but Mitchell taking another leap has me more scared of the Jazz this year than last.

Don’t forget Bogey, but I feel as if the offense is in good shape with them currently being ranked so high in rating and efficiency. What has me worried is their defensive ability and how much depth they‘ll have come later in the season. Having Whiteside helps (not even trolling, he’s been great)

Quin Snyder isn’t exactly the poster boy for playing a deep rotation. Once Rudy gay was inserted, Eric Paschall has only played garbage time minutes, when at the beginning of the season he helped the jazz be able to play small. What does Trent Forest provide that Jared Butler can’t? But as much as I can criticize, the current lineups and rotation has worked because they’re 11-2 with Rudy gay healthy
I still think they need a second perimeter guy, the whole shared responsibility between Conley/Clarkson/Jingles thing isn't ideal to me but Mitchell taking another leap has me more scared of the Jazz this year than last.

Russ for Clarkson and Conley.
D StaXX D StaXX since you care about covering spreads all of sudden, maybe you should look into the Cavs. They have covered 13 games in a row (11-3 in that stretch) :nerd:

Can't believe how good they have been this year. Them and the Cavs are the biggest surprises in the East so far IMO. I think it's realistic that two, maybe eem three of Philly, ATL, Boston and NY end up in the play-in.

how you feeling?
Feel like **** man, I haven't felt right since Tuesday. Woke up in a pool of sweat this AM. It feels like the flu really, glad to be a part of Vaxx Boys cause it could really be worse than this.
Sorry to hear that bro. Hope you heal up and it isn't too detrimental to your holiday plans but most importantly be safe 🙏
I had Spiderman Tickets... Its quiet for that. But really I feel like I'm gonna be all right and that's most important
D StaXX D StaXX since you care about covering spreads all of sudden, maybe you should look into the Cavs. They have covered 13 games in a row (11-3 in that stretch) :nerd:

Can't believe how good they have been this year. Them and the Cavs are the biggest surprises in the East so far IMO. I think it's realistic that two, maybe eem three of Philly, ATL, Boston and NY end up in the play-in.


Bro I saw this last night on Sportscenter and was like :wow:
I'm been apart of a few of those, but I had no idea it was 13 games in a row.
I feel you. I don’t know about top 4 in the west but the idea we where ten deep was there. I’m not fully depth is overrated guy but being ten deep don’t matter to me when only one of those guys is a real star and the next best player is a very good 3rd guy. No other team we expect to be a top 3 or 4 seed and compete for a championship is built like that. We have a lot of guys that would be decent role players and like the 6th to 8th guy on better rosters
I agree season is young but that’s been enough games to see the roster on the whole is not as ready to be a top 4 team as expected. Still underperforming should at least be in the 6th spot rn.
Ben Simmons more popular now than when he was playing?

Must mention how annoying and contrived Jay Williams is as a commentator. Dude seems so phony.
Feel like **** man, I haven't felt right since Tuesday. Woke up in a pool of sweat this AM. It feels like the flu really, glad to be a part of Vaxx Boys cause it could really be worse than this.

I had Spiderman Tickets... Its quiet for that. But really I feel like I'm gonna be all right and that's most important

Wishing you a speedy recovery, my guy. I'm in NYC till the EoY. Please let me know if you need anything.
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